require: rubocop-performance AllCops: Exclude: - 'vendor/**/*' - 'gemfiles/vendor/**/*' Style/HashSyntax: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets SupportedStyles: - hash_rockets Style/SymbolArray: Enabled: false # %i[] syntax isn't 1.9.x compatible Metrics/LineLength: Max: 1000 Metrics/MethodLength: Max: 15 # Relax slightly from the default of 10 Style/DoubleNegation: Enabled: false Style/Lambda: Enabled: false Style/EachWithObject: Enabled: false Metrics/BlockLength: ExcludedMethods: ['describe', 'context'] # RSpec DSL is expected to have long blocks. Style/ExpandPathArguments: Enabled: false # syntax requires Ruby >= 2.0 Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion: Enabled: false # rubocop compares to gemspec, yet won't allow 1.9 as minimum version Style/Encoding: Enabled: false # Ruby 1.9.3 needs these magic comments, e.g. # encoding: UTF-8 Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: PreferredDelimiters: # rubocop switched from () to [] at some past version. # Make sure we are consistent across all bundles/builds. default: '[]' Style/Documentation: # We can enabled this if/when we want to start doing consistent class documentation. # As is, we currently add :nodoc: if anything at all. Enabled: false Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName: # It's possible to configure this cop to allow just about anything, but what's the point. # The default min length of a param name is 3, but the the default whitelist includes things # like `db` and `io`. So, short names really can be useful. Enabled: false Style/CaseEquality: # The code uses `===` a lot to compare a regex to a string, but it's not clear that # switching to `=~` is always safe, because in some cases the value could be a regex # or a string and `str1 =~ str2` isn't valid. Whoever enables this cop should carefully # review and test each of these. Enabled: false Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: # If we do this, it will be in its own PR. It requires adding these magic comments # throughout the project, in order to prepare for a future Ruby 3.x. Enabled: false # # Performance cops are opt in, and `Enabled: true` is always required. # Full list is here: # For travis builds, Codacy will see and use these directives. # Performance/Caller: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/CaseWhenSplat: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/Casecmp: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/ChainArrayAllocation: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/CompareWithBlock: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/Count: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/Detect: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/DoubleStartEndWith: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/EndWith: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/FixedSize: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/FlatMap: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/InefficientHashSearch: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/OpenStruct: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/RangeInclude: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/RedundantBlockCall: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/RedundantMatch: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/RedundantMerge: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/RegexpMatch: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/ReverseEach: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/Size: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/StartWith: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/StringReplacement: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/TimesMap: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/UnfreezeString: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/* Performance/UriDefaultParser: Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/**/*