# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (c) 2006-2022 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3 at gmail.com)
# ronin-support is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ronin-support is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ronin-support. If not, see .
require 'ronin/support/network/udp'
module Ronin
module Support
module Network
module UDP
# Provides helper methods for using the UDP protocol.
module Mixin
# Tests whether a remote UDP port is open.
# @param [String] host
# The host to connect to.
# @param [Integer] port
# The port to connect to.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {#udp_connect}.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :timeout (5)
# The maximum time to attempt connecting.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :bind_host
# The local host to bind to.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :bind_port
# The local port to bind to.
# @return [Boolean, nil]
# Specifies whether the remote UDP port is open.
# If no data or ICMP error were received, `nil` will be returned.
# @example
# udp_open?('',53)
# # => true
# @example Using a timeout:
# udp_open?('example.com',1111, timeout: 5)
# # => nil
# @api public
# @see UDP.open?
# @since 0.5.0
def udp_open?(host,port,**kwargs)
# Creates a new UDPSocket object connected to a given host and port.
# @param [String] host
# The host to connect to.
# @param [Integer] port
# The port to connect to.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :bind_host
# The local host to bind to.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :bind_port
# The local port to bind to.
# @yield [socket]
# If a block is given, it will be passed the newly created socket.
# Once the block returns the socket will be closed.
# @yieldparam [UDPsocket] socket
# The newly created UDP socket.
# @return [UDPSocket, nil]
# The newly created UDP socket object. If a block is given a `nil`
# will be returned.
# @example
# udp_connect('',53)
# # => #
# @example
# udp_connect('',53) do |socket|
# # ...
# end
# @see UDP.connect
# @see https://rubydoc.info/stdlib/socket/UDPSocket
# @api public
def udp_connect(host,port,**kwargs,&block)
# Creates a new UDPSocket object, connected to a given host and port.
# The given data will then be written to the newly created UDPSocket.
# @param [String] data
# The data to send through the connection.
# @param [String] host
# The host to connect to.
# @param [Integer] port
# The port to connect to.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {#udp_connect}.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :bind_host
# The local host to bind to.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :bind_port
# The local port to bind to.
# @yield [socket]
# If a block is given, it will be passed the newly created socket.
# @yieldparam [UDPsocket] socket
# The newly created UDPSocket object.
# @return [UDPSocket]
# The newly created UDPSocket object.
# @api public
# @see UDP.connect_and_send
def udp_connect_and_send(data,host,port,**kwargs,&block)
# Connects to a specified host and port, sends the given data and then
# closes the connection.
# @param [String] data
# The data to send through the connection.
# @param [String] host
# The host to connect to.
# @param [Integer] port
# The port to connect to.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {#udp_connect}.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :bind_host
# The local host to bind to.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :bind_port
# The local port to bind to.
# @return [true]
# The data was successfully sent.
# @example
# buffer = "GET /" + ('A' * 4096) + "\n\r"
# udp_send(buffer,'victim.com',80)
# # => true
# @api public
# @see UDP.send
# @since 0.4.0
def udp_send(data,host,port,**kwargs)
# Reads the banner from the service running on the given host and
# port.
# @param [String] host
# The host to connect to.
# @param [Integer] port
# The port to connect to.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {#udp_connect}.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :bind_host
# The local host to bind to.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :bind_port
# The local port to bind to.
# @yield [banner]
# If a block is given, it will be passed the grabbed banner.
# @yieldparam [String] banner
# The grabbed banner.
# @return [String]
# The grabbed banner.
# @api public
# @see UDP.banner
def udp_banner(host,port,**kwargs,&block)
# Creates a new UDPServer listening on a given host and port.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {UDP.server}.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :port (0)
# The local port to listen on.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :host
# The host to bind to.
# @return [UDPServer]
# The new UDP server.
# @example
# udp_server(port: 1337)
# @see https://rubydoc.info/stdlib/socket/UDPSocket
# @api public
# @see UDP.server
def udp_server(**kwargs,&block)
# Creates a new temporary UDPServer listening on a given host and
# port.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional arguments for {#udp_server}.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :port
# The local port to bind to.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :host
# The host to bind to.
# @yield [server]
# The block which will be called after the server has been created.
# After the block has finished, the server will be closed.
# @yieldparam [UDPServer] server
# The newly created UDP server.
# @return [nil]
# @example
# udp_server_session(port: 1337) do |server|
# data, sender = server.recvfrom(1024)
# end
# @api public
# @see UDP.server_session
def udp_server_session(**kwargs,&block)
# Creates a new UDPServer listening on a given host and port,
# accepting messages from clients in a loop.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional arguments for {#udp_server}.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :port
# The local port to bind to.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :host
# The host to bind to.
# @yield [server, (client_host, client_port), mesg]
# The given block will be passed the client host/port and the
# received message.
# @yieldparam [UDPServer] server
# The UDPServer.
# @yieldparam [String] client_host
# The source host of the message.
# @yieldparam [Integer] client_port
# The source port of the message.
# @yieldparam [String] mesg
# The received message.
# @return [nil]
# @example
# udp_server_loop(port: 1337) do |server,(host,port),mesg|
# server.send('hello',host,port)
# end
# @api public
# @see UDP.server_loop
# @since 0.5.0
def udp_server_loop(**kwargs,&block)
# Creates a new UDPServer listening on a given host and port,
# accepts only one message from a client.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional arguments for {#udp_server}.
# @option kwargs [Integer, nil] :port
# The local port to bind to.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :host
# The host to bind to.
# @yield [server, (client_host, client_port), mesg]
# The given block will be passed the client host/port and the
# received message.
# @yieldparam [UDPServer] server
# The UDPServer.
# @yieldparam [String] client_host
# The source host of the message.
# @yieldparam [Integer] client_port
# The source port of the message.
# @yieldparam [String] mesg
# The received message.
# @return [nil]
# @example
# udp_recv(port: 1337) do |server,(host,port),mesg|
# server.send('hello',host,port)
# end
# @api public
# @see UDP.recv
# @since 0.5.0
def udp_recv(**kwargs,&block)