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Compatible with: - Ruby 1.9.2 and greater - Rails 3.2 and greater - RSpec 2.99 and greater ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem "warp" And then execute: $ bundle ## Usage ### Assign Matchers #### assigns(key) Ensures that the specific assign is set: ```ruby specify { expect(controller).to assign(:posts) } ``` #### assigns(key).with(object) Ensures that the specific assign is set with the specified value: ```ruby specify { expect(controller).to assign(:posts).with(posts) } ``` #### assigns(key).with_a(klass) Ensures that the specific assign is set with an instance of the specified class: ```ruby specify { expect(controller).to assign(:post).with_a(Post) } ``` #### assigns(key).with_a_new(klass) Ensures that the specific assign is set with a instance of the specified class that is not persisted: ```ruby specify { expect(controller).to assign(:post).with_a_new(Post) } ``` ### Flash Matchers #### set_flash(key) Ensure that the specific flash key is set: ```ruby specify { expect(controller).to set_flash(:notice) } ``` #### set_flash(key).to(value) Ensure that the specific flash key is set: ```ruby specify { expect(controller).to set_flash(:notice).to("Your order has been processed.") } ``` ### Association Matchers #### belong_to(association) Ensures that a `belong_to` association is present: ```ruby specify { expect(comment).to belong_to(:post) } ``` Works with either model classes or model objects. #### have_many(association) Ensures that a `has_many` association is present: ```ruby specify { expect(post).to have_many(:comments) } ``` #### have_one(association) Ensures that a `has_one` association is present: ```ruby specify { expect(person).to have_one(:address) } ``` #### have_and_belong_to_many(association) Ensures that a `has_and_belongs_to_many` association is present: ```ruby specify { expect(group).to have_and_belong_to_many(:users) } ``` This matcher is not avaliable on Rails 4.1+, as these versions of Rails will create a `has_many :though` association instead of a 'has_and_belongs_to_many' association. ### Attribute Matchers #### have_attribute(attribute) Checks if a certain attribute is present on a model. Works against models or model instances. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to have_attribute(:name) } ``` ### Validation Matchers All validation matchers can be specified with, or without options to verify. #### validate_acceptance_of Ensures that a `validates_acceptance_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_acceptance_of(:terms) } ``` #### validate_absence_of Ensures that a `validates_absence_of` validator is present on the attribute. Only avaliable on Rails 4+. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_absence_of(:postcode, if: :non_us_address) } ``` #### validate_confirmation_of Ensures that a `validates_confirmation_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_confirmation_of(:password) } ``` #### validate_exclusion_of Ensures that a `validates_exclusion_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_exclusion_of(:age, in: 0..17) } ``` #### validate_format_of Ensures that a `validates_format_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_format_of(:postcode, with: /\d{5,8}/) } ``` #### validate_inclusion_of Ensures that a `validates_inclusion_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_inclusion_of(:role, in: ["develop", "design"]) } ``` #### validate_length_of Ensures that a `validates_length_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_length_of(:name, in: 5..25) } ``` #### validate_numericality_of Ensures that a `validates_numericality_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_numericality_of(:age) } ``` #### validate_presence_of Ensures that a `validates_presence_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_presence_of(:name) } ``` #### validate_association_of Ensures that a `validates_association_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_association_of(:profile) } ``` #### validate_uniqueness_of Ensures that a `validates_uniqueness_of` validator is present on the attribute. ```ruby specify { expect(user).to validate_uniqueness_of(:email, scope: :company) } ``` ### Creation Matchers #### creates Ensures that a record is created. ```ruby specify { expect{post :create, params}.to create(Post) } ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create a branch (`git checkout -b super-foo`) 3. Add your feature and specs. 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Extra-super foo-matic.'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin super-foo`) 6. Create new Pull Request