module Embulk def # default_bundle_path default_bundle_path = nil gemfile_path = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'].to_s gemfile_path = nil if gemfile_path.empty? default_bundle_path = File.dirname(gemfile_path) if gemfile_path # default GEM_HOME is ~/.embulk/jruby/1.9/. If -b option is set, # GEM_HOME is already set by embulk/command/embulk.rb gem_home = ENV['GEM_HOME'].to_s if gem_home.empty? ENV['GEM_HOME'] = default_gem_home Gem.clear_paths # force rubygems to reload GEM_HOME end # to make sure org.embulk.jruby.JRubyScriptingModule can require 'embulk/java/bootstrap' $LOAD_PATH << Embulk.home('lib') require 'embulk/version' i = argv.find_index {|arg| arg !~ /^\-/ } unless i if argv.include?('--version') puts "embulk #{Embulk::VERSION}" exit 0 end usage nil end subcmd = argv.slice!(i) require 'java' require 'optparse' op = op.version = Embulk::VERSION puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z")}: Embulk v#{Embulk::VERSION}" load_paths = [] classpaths = [] classpath_separator = options = {} op.on('-b', '--bundle BUNDLE_DIR', 'Path to a Gemfile directory') do |path| # only for help message. implemented at lib/embulk/command/embulk.rb end case subcmd.to_sym when :bundle op.remove # remove --bundle if default_bundle_path op.banner = "Usage: bundle [directory=#{default_bundle_path}]" args = 0..1 else op.banner = "Usage: bundle " args = 1..1 end when :run op.banner = "Usage: run " op.on('-l', '--log-level LEVEL', 'Log level (fatal, error, warn, info, or trace)') do |level| options[:logLevel] = level end op.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', 'Add ruby script directory path ($LOAD_PATH)') do |load_path| load_paths << load_path end op.on('-C', '--classpath PATH', "Add java classpath separated by #{classpath_separator} (CLASSPATH)") do |classpath| classpaths.concat classpath.split(classpath_separator) end op.on('-o', '--output PATH', 'Path to a file to write the next configuration') do |path| options[:nextConfigOutputPath] = path end op.on('-r', '--resume-state PATH', 'Path to a file to write or read resume state') do |path| options[:resumeStatePath] = path end args = 1..1 when :cleanup op.banner = "Usage: cleanup " op.on('-l', '--log-level LEVEL', 'Log level (fatal, error, warn, info, or trace)') do |level| options[:logLevel] = level end op.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', 'Add ruby script directory path ($LOAD_PATH)') do |load_path| load_paths << load_path end op.on('-C', '--classpath PATH', "Add java classpath separated by #{classpath_separator} (CLASSPATH)") do |classpath| classpaths.concat classpath.split(classpath_separator) end op.on('-r', '--resume-state PATH', 'Path to a file to write or read resume state') do |path| options[:resumeStatePath] = path end args = 1..1 when :preview op.banner = "Usage: preview " op.on('-l', '--log-level LEVEL', 'Log level (fatal, error, warn, info, or trace)') do |level| options[:logLevel] = level end op.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', 'Add ruby script directory path ($LOAD_PATH)') do |load_path| load_paths << load_path end op.on('-C', '--classpath PATH', "Add java classpath separated by #{classpath_separator} (CLASSPATH)") do |classpath| classpaths.concat classpath.split(classpath_separator) end op.on('-G', '--vertical', "Use vertical output format", TrueClass) do |b| options[:previewOutputFormat] = "vertical" end args = 1..1 when :guess op.banner = "Usage: guess " op.on('-l', '--log-level LEVEL', 'Log level (fatal, error, warn, info, or trace)') do |level| options[:logLevel] = level end op.on('-o', '--output PATH', 'Path to a file to write the guessed configuration') do |path| options[:nextConfigOutputPath] = path end op.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', 'Add ruby script directory path ($LOAD_PATH)') do |load_path| load_paths << load_path end op.on('-C', '--classpath PATH', "Add java classpath separated by #{classpath_separator} (CLASSPATH)") do |classpath| classpaths.concat classpath.split(classpath_separator) end op.on('-g', '--guess NAMES', "Comma-separated list of guess plugin names") do |names| (options[:guessPlugins] ||= []).concat names.split(",") end args = 1..1 when :new op.remove # remove --bundle op.banner = "Usage: new " + %[ categories: ruby-input Ruby record input plugin (like "mysql") ruby-output Ruby record output plugin (like "mysql") ruby-filter Ruby record filter plugin (like "add-hostname") #ruby-file-input Ruby file input plugin (like "ftp") # not implemented yet [#21] #ruby-file-output Ruby file output plugin (like "ftp") # not implemented yet [#22] ruby-parser Ruby file parser plugin (like "csv") # not implemented yet [#33] ruby-formatter Ruby file formatter plugin (like "csv") # not implemented yet [#34] #ruby-decoder Ruby file decoder plugin (like "gzip") # not implemented yet [#31] #ruby-encoder Ruby file encoder plugin (like "gzip") # not implemented yet [#32] java-input Java record input plugin (like "mysql") java-output Java record output plugin (like "mysql") java-filter Java record filter plugin (like "add-hostname") java-file-input Java file input plugin (like "ftp") java-file-output Java file output plugin (like "ftp") java-parser Java file parser plugin (like "csv") java-formatter Java file formatter plugin (like "csv") java-decoder Java file decoder plugin (like "gzip") java-encoder Java file encoder plugin (like "gzip") examples: new ruby-output hbase new ruby-filter int-to-string ] args = 2..2 when :gem require 'rubygems/gem_runner' argv exit 0 when :example args = 0..1 when :exec exec(*argv) exit 127 else usage "Unknown subcommand #{subcmd.dump}." end begin op.parse!(argv) unless args.include?(argv.length) usage_op op, nil end rescue => e usage_op op, e.to_s end case subcmd.to_sym when :bundle path = argv[0] || default_bundle_path require 'fileutils' require 'rubygems/gem_runner' setup_load_paths(load_paths) setup_classpaths(classpaths) unless File.exists?(path) puts "Initializing #{path}..." FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(path) begin success = false # copy embulk/data/bundle/ directory require 'embulk/data/package_data' pkg ="bundle", path) %w[.bundle/config embulk/input/example.rb embulk/output/example.rb embulk/filter/example.rb Gemfile].each do |file| pkg.cp(file, file) end ## TODO this is disabled for now. enable this if you want to use ## create bin/embulk #bin_embulk_path = File.join(path, 'bin', 'embulk') #FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(bin_embulk_path) #require 'embulk/command/embulk_generate_bin' # defines Embulk.generate_bin, 'wb', 0755) {|f| f.write Embulk.generate_bin(bundle_path: :here) } # install bundler setup_gem_paths(path) %w[install bundler] success = true rescue Gem::SystemExitException => e raise e if e.exit_code != 0 success = true ensure FileUtils.rm_rf path unless success end else setup_gem_paths(path) end ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = File.expand_path File.join(path, "Gemfile") Dir.chdir(path) do require 'bundler' require 'bundler/friendly_errors' require 'bundler/cli' Bundler.with_friendly_errors do # run > bundle install Bundler::CLI.start(%w[install], debug: true) end end when :example require_relative 'embulk_example' path = ARGV[0] || "embulk-example" puts "Creating #{path} directory..." Embulk.create_example(path) puts "" puts "Run following subcommands to try embulk:" puts "" puts " 1. guess #{File.join(path, 'example.yml')} -o config.yml" puts " 2. preview config.yml" puts " 3. run config.yml" puts "" when :new lang_cate = ARGV[0] name = ARGV[1] language, category = case lang_cate when "java-input" then [:java, :input] when "java-output" then [:java, :output] when "java-filter" then [:java, :filter] when "java-file-input" then [:java, :file_input] when "java-file-output" then [:java, :file_output] when "java-parser" then [:java, :parser] when "java-formatter" then [:java, :formatter] when "java-decoder" then [:java, :decoder] when "java-encoder" then [:java, :encoder] when "ruby-input" then [:ruby, :input] when "ruby-output" then [:ruby, :output] when "ruby-filter" then [:ruby, :filter] when "ruby-file-input" then raise "ruby-file-input is not implemented yet. See #21 on github." #[:ruby, :file_input] when "ruby-file-output" then raise "ruby-file-output is not implemented yet. See #22 on github." #[:ruby, :file_output] when "ruby-parser" then [:ruby, :parser] when "ruby-formatter" then [:ruby, :formatter] when "ruby-decoder" then raise "ruby-decoder is not implemented yet. See #31 on github." #[:ruby, :decoder] when "ruby-encoder" then raise "ruby-decoder is not implemented yet. See #32 on github." #[:ruby, :encoder] else usage_op op, "Unknown category '#{lang_cate}'" end require 'embulk/command/embulk_new_plugin' Embulk.new_plugin(name, language, category) else require 'json' begin java.lang.Class.forName('org.embulk.command.Runner') rescue java.lang.ClassNotFoundException # load classpath classpath_dir = Embulk.home('classpath') jars = Dir.entries(classpath_dir).select {|f| f =~ /\.jar$/ }.sort jars.each do |jar| require File.join(classpath_dir, jar) end end setup_load_paths(load_paths) setup_classpaths(classpaths) begin, argv.to_java(:string)) rescue => ex puts ex.to_s ex.backtrace.each do |bt| puts " #{bt}" end puts "" puts "Error: #{ex}" raise, ex.to_s) end end end def self.home(dir) home = File.expand_path('../../..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) File.join(home, dir) end def self.default_gem_home if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/i user_home =["user.home"] end user_home ||= ENV['HOME'] unless user_home raise "HOME environment variable is not set." end File.expand_path File.join(user_home, '.embulk', Gem.ruby_engine, RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version']) end private def self.setup_gem_paths(path) # install bundler gem here & use bundler installed here ENV['GEM_HOME'] = File.expand_path File.join(path, Gem.ruby_engine, RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version']) ENV['GEM_PATH'] = '' Gem.clear_paths # force rubygems to reload GEM_HOME end def self.setup_load_paths(load_paths) # first $LOAD_PATH has highet priority. later load_paths should have highest priority. load_paths.each do |load_path| # ruby script directory (use unshift to make it highest priority) $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path(load_path) end end def self.setup_classpaths(classpaths) classpaths.each {|classpath| $CLASSPATH << classpath # $CLASSPATH object doesn't have concat method } end def self.usage(message) STDERR.puts "Embulk v#{Embulk::VERSION}" STDERR.puts "usage: [--options]" STDERR.puts "commands:" STDERR.puts " bundle [directory] # create or update plugin environment." STDERR.puts " run # run a bulk load transaction." STDERR.puts " preview # dry-run the bulk load without output and show preview." STDERR.puts " guess -o # guess missing parameters to create a complete configuration file." STDERR.puts " gem # install a plugin or show installed plugins." STDERR.puts " # plugin path is #{ENV['GEM_HOME']}" STDERR.puts " new # generates new plugin template" STDERR.puts " example [path] # creates an example config file and csv file to try embulk." STDERR.puts "" if message STDERR.puts "error: #{message}" else STDERR.puts "Use \` --help\` to see description of the commands." end exit 1 end def self.usage_op(op, message) STDERR.puts STDERR.puts if message STDERR.puts message end exit 1 end end