# (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. :default: :maestro_url: https://github.com/forj-oss/maestro.git # Default Infra repository to use. If missing, it will be proposed to be created. :infra_repo: ~/.forj/infra # You can set proto2b in your ~/.forj/config.yaml if you built it from maestro/build. Read the maestro/README.md to create it. :image_name: Ubuntu Precise 12.04.4 LTS Server 64-bit 20140414 (Rescue Image) # Flavor to use for Maestro :flavor: medium # Default flavor to use for all Blueprint nodes. :bp_flavor: small # Ports to open for Maestro, added to the security group :security_group: forj :ports: [22, 80, 443, 3000, 3131-3135, 4505-4506, 5000, 5666, 8000, 8080-8081, 8083, 8125, 8139-8140, 8773-8776, 9292, 29418, 35357] # Network: If network doesn't exist, forj cli will try to create it, and attach it a router. :network: forj # Users: Default user for ssh connection, if user doesn't exits, forj cli will try to get the user from the server image on it's name attribute :users: ['ubuntu', 'fedora', 'cloud-user', 'cirros', 'centos', 'cloud', 'root'] # build.sh internal variables. :build_config: box :branch: master :box_name: maestro :provider_name: hpcloud :maestro_bootstrap_dir: build/maestro/bootstrap :description: # Description of build.sh environment variable defined by forj cli for build.sh. (~/.forj/infra/build/.build.env) :FORJ_HPC: "HPCloud cli Account used to build your Maestro box" :FORJ_HPC_COMPUTE: "HPCloud Compute service (like region-b.geo-1) used to run your Maestro Box" :FORJ_TENANT_NAME: "HPCloud Tenant name used build your nodes" :FORJ_HPC_NET: "HPCloud Network name to use, while booting all boxes." :FORJ_KEYPAIR: "Keypair used to access boxes." :FORJ_SECURITY_GROUP: "Security group associated to each box" :FORJ_HPC_NOVA_KEYPUB: "Public key used by build.sh to ensure his existence on HPCloud" :FORJ_BASE_IMG: "Base image used to build all boxes" :FORJ_FLAVOR: "Flavor used to build Maestro" # DNS specific data :FORJ_DNS_TENANTID: "HPCloud Project ID to use to create DNS entries for each boxes." :FORJ_DNS_ZONE: "HPCloud Domain name service to use for each boxes DNS entries. (Ex: region-a.geo-1)" :FORJ_DNS_DOMAIN: "Domain used for DNS. Each server will be attached to a public IP. An 'A' record in the DNS service will need to be added to your HPCloud DOMAIN."