# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `git` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem git`.
# The Git module provides the basic functions to open a git
# reference to work with. You can open a working directory,
# open a bare repository, initialize a new repo or clone an
# existing remote repository.
# @author Scott Chacon (mailto:schacon@gmail.com)
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#1
module Git
# g.config('user.name', 'Scott Chacon') # sets value
# g.config('user.email', 'email@email.com') # sets value
# g.config('user.name') # returns 'Scott Chacon'
# g.config # returns whole config hash
# source://git//lib/git.rb#46
def config(name = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git.rb#68
def global_config(name = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
# Open a bare repository
# Opens a bare repository located in the `git_dir` directory.
# Since there is no working copy, you can not checkout or commit
# but you can do most read operations.
# @example Open a bare repository and retrieve the first commit SHA
# repository = Git.bare('ruby-git.git')
# puts repository.log[0].sha #=> "64c6fa011d3287bab9158049c85f3e85718854a0"
# @option options
# @param git_dir [Pathname] The path to the bare repository directory
# containing an initialized Git repository. If a relative path is given, it
# is converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/File.expand_path).
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the bare repository.
# @see https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary#Documentation/gitglossary.txt-aiddefbarerepositoryabarerepository What is a bare repository?
# source://git//lib/git.rb#100
def bare(git_dir, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Clone a repository into an empty or newly created directory
# @example Clone into the default directory `ruby-git`
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git')
# @example Clone and then checkout the `development` branch
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git', branch: 'development')
# @example Clone into a different directory `my-ruby-git`
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git', 'my-ruby-git')
# # or:
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git', path: 'my-ruby-git')
# @example Create a bare repository in the directory `ruby-git.git`
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git', bare: true)
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param repository [URI, Pathname] The (possibly remote) repository to clone
# from. See [GIT URLS](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone#_git_urls_a_id_urls_a)
# for more information.
# @param name [Pathname] The directory to clone into.
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the cloned local working copy or cloned repository.
# @see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone git clone
# @see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone#_git_urls_a_id_urls_a GIT URLs
# source://git//lib/git.rb#160
def clone(repository, name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git.rb#64
def config; end
# @yield [Base.config]
# source://git//lib/git.rb#60
def configure; end
# Export the current HEAD (or a branch, if options[:branch]
# is specified) into the +name+ directory, then remove all traces of git from the
# directory.
# See +clone+ for options. Does not obey the :remote option,
# since the .git info will be deleted anyway; always uses the default
# remote, 'origin.'
# source://git//lib/git.rb#171
def export(repository, name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Same as g.config, but forces it to be at the global level
# g.config('user.name', 'Scott Chacon') # sets value
# g.config('user.email', 'email@email.com') # sets value
# g.config('user.name') # returns 'Scott Chacon'
# g.config # returns whole config hash
# source://git//lib/git.rb#184
def global_config(name = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing Git repository
# @example Initialize a repository in the current directory
# git = Git.init
# @example Initialize a repository in some other directory
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git'
# @example Initialize a bare repository
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git.git', bare: true
# @example Initialize a repository in a non-default location (outside of the working copy)
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git', repository: '~/code/ruby-git.git'
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param directory [Pathname] If the `:bare` option is NOT given or is not
# `true`, the repository will be created in `"#{directory}/.git"`.
# Otherwise, the repository is created in `"#{directory}"`.
# All directories along the path to `directory` are created if they do not exist.
# A relative path is referenced from the current working directory of the process
# and converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/File.expand_path).
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the newly initialized repository
# @see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-init git init
# source://git//lib/git.rb#248
def init(directory = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# returns a Hash containing information about the references
# of the target repository
# options
# :refs
# @param location [String|NilClass] the target repository location or nil for '.'
# @return [{String=>Hash}] the available references of the target repo.
# source://git//lib/git.rb#260
def ls_remote(location = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Open a an existing Git working directory
# Git.open will most likely be the most common way to create
# a git reference, referring to an existing working directory.
# If not provided in the options, the library will assume
# the repository and index are in the default places (`.git/`, `.git/index`).
# @example Open the Git working directory in the current directory
# git = Git.open
# @example Open a Git working directory in some other directory
# git = Git.open('~/Projects/ruby-git')
# @example Use a logger to see what is going on
# logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
# git = Git.open('~/Projects/ruby-git', log: logger)
# @example Open a working copy whose repository is in a non-standard directory
# git = Git.open('~/Projects/ruby-git', repository: '~/Project/ruby-git.git')
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param working_dir [Pathname] the path to the working directory to use
# for git commands.
# A relative path is referenced from the current working directory of the process
# and converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/File.expand_path).
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the opened working copy
# source://git//lib/git.rb#308
def open(working_dir, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#2
class Git::Author
# @return [Author] a new instance of Author
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#5
def initialize(author_string); end
# Returns the value of attribute date.
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#3
def date; end
# Sets the attribute date
# @param value the value to set the attribute date to.
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#3
def date=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute email.
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#3
def email; end
# Sets the attribute email
# @param value the value to set the attribute email to.
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#3
def email=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#3
def name; end
# Sets the attribute name
# @param value the value to set the attribute name to.
# source://git//lib/git/author.rb#3
def name=(_arg0); end
# Git::Base is the main public interface for interacting with Git commands.
# Instead of creating a Git::Base directly, obtain a Git::Base instance by
# calling one of the follow {Git} class methods: {Git.open}, {Git.init},
# {Git.clone}, or {Git.bare}.
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#3
class Git::Base
include ::Git::Base::Factory
# Create an object that executes Git commands in the context of a working
# copy or a bare repository.
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the opened working copy or bare repository
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#88
def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# updates the repository index using the working directory content
# options:
# :all => true
# @example
# git.add
# git.add('path/to/file')
# git.add(['path/to/file1','path/to/file2'])
# git.add(:all => true)
# @option options
# @param paths [String, Array] files paths to be added (optional, default='.')
# @param options [Hash]
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#247
def add(paths = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
# adds a new remote to this repository
# url can be a git url or a Git::Base object if it's a local reference
# @git.add_remote('scotts_git', 'git://repo.or.cz/rubygit.git')
# @git.fetch('scotts_git')
# @git.merge('scotts_git/master')
# Options:
# :fetch => true
# :track =>
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#392
def add_remote(name, url, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Creates a new git tag (Git::Tag)
# @example
# repo.add_tag('tag_name', object_reference)
# repo.add_tag('tag_name', object_reference, {:options => 'here'})
# repo.add_tag('tag_name', {:options => 'here'})
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param name [String] The name of the tag to add
# @param options [Hash] Opstions to pass to `git tag`.
# See [git-tag](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-tag) for more details.
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#439
def add_tag(name, *options); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#463
def apply(file); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#469
def apply_mail(file); end
# creates an archive file of the given tree-ish
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#450
def archive(treeish, file = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#568
def cat_file(objectish); end
# changes current working directory for a block
# to the git working directory
# example
# @git.chdir do
# # write files
# @git.add
# @git.commit('message')
# end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#114
def chdir; end
# checks out a branch as the new git working directory
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#328
def checkout(branch = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# checks out an old version of a file
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#333
def checkout_file(version, file); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#507
def checkout_index(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# cleans the working directory
# options:
# :force
# :d
# :ff
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#274
def clean(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# commits all pending changes in the index file to the git repository
# options:
# :all
# :allow_empty
# :amend
# :author
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#315
def commit(message, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# commits all pending changes in the index file to the git repository,
# but automatically adds all modified files without having to explicitly
# calling @git.add() on them.
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#322
def commit_all(message, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# g.config('user.name', 'Scott Chacon') # sets value
# g.config('user.email', 'email@email.com') # sets value
# g.config('user.email', 'email@email.com', file: 'path/to/custom/config) # sets value in file
# g.config('user.name') # returns 'Scott Chacon'
# g.config # returns whole config hash
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#125
def config(name = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# returns the name of the branch the working directory is currently on
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#573
def current_branch; end
# deletes a tag
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#445
def delete_tag(name); end
# returns the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
# options:
# :all
# :tags
# :contains
# :debug
# :exact_match
# :dirty
# :abbrev
# :candidates
# :long
# :always
# :match
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#293
def describe(committish = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# returns a reference to the working directory
# @git.dir.path
# @git.dir.writeable?
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#141
def dir; end
# iterates over the files which are unmerged
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#363
def each_conflict(&block); end
# fetches changes from a remote branch - this does not modify the working directory,
# it just gets the changes from the remote if there are any
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#339
def fetch(remote = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#459
def gc; end
# Run a grep for 'string' on the HEAD of the git repository
# @example Limit grep's scope by calling grep() from a specific object:
# git.object("v2.3").grep('TODO')
# @example Using grep results:
# git.grep("TODO").each do |sha, arr|
# puts "in blob #{sha}:"
# arr.each do |line_no, match_string|
# puts "\t line #{line_no}: '#{match_string}'"
# end
# end
# @return [Hash] a hash of arrays
# ```Ruby
# {
# 'tree-ish1' => [[line_no1, match_string1], ...],
# 'tree-ish2' => [[line_no1, match_string1], ...],
# ...
# }
# ```
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#224
def grep(string, path_limiter = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# returns reference to the git index file
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#146
def index; end
# returns +true+ if the branch exists
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#190
def is_branch?(branch); end
# returns +true+ if the branch exists locally
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#178
def is_local_branch?(branch); end
# returns +true+ if the branch exists remotely
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#184
def is_remote_branch?(branch); end
# this is a convenience method for accessing the class that wraps all the
# actual 'git' forked system calls. At some point I hope to replace the Git::Lib
# class with one that uses native methods or libgit C bindings
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#198
def lib; end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#529
def ls_files(location = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#564
def ls_tree(objectish); end
# merges one or more branches into the current working branch
# you can specify more than one branch to merge by passing an array of branches
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#358
def merge(branch, message = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# pulls the given branch from the given remote into the current branch
# @git.pull # pulls from origin/master
# @git.pull('upstream') # pulls from upstream/master
# @git.pull('upstream', 'develope') # pulls from upstream/develop
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#373
def pull(remote = T.unsafe(nil), branch = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# pushes changes to a remote repository - easiest if this is a cloned repository,
# otherwise you may have to run something like this first to setup the push parameters:
# @git.config('remote.remote-name.push', 'refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master')
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#348
def push(remote = T.unsafe(nil), branch = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#511
def read_tree(treeish, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# returns an array of Git:Remote objects
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#378
def remotes; end
# removes file(s) from the git repository
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#252
def remove(path = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# removes a remote from this repository
# @git.remove_remote('scott_git')
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#412
def remove_remote(name); end
# repacks the repository
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#455
def repack; end
# returns reference to the git repository directory
# @git.dir.path
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#152
def repo; end
# returns the repository size in bytes
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#157
def repo_size; end
# resets the working directory to the provided commitish
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#257
def reset(commitish = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# resets the working directory to the commitish with '--hard'
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#262
def reset_hard(commitish = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# reverts the working directory to the provided commitish.
# Accepts a range, such as comittish..HEAD
# options:
# :no_edit
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#303
def revert(commitish = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# runs git rev-parse to convert the objectish to a full sha
# @example
# git.revparse("HEAD^^")
# git.revparse('v2.4^{tree}')
# git.revparse('v2.4:/doc/index.html')
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#560
def revparse(objectish); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#167
def set_index(index_file, check = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# sets the url for a remote
# url can be a git url or a Git::Base object if it's a local reference
# @git.set_remote_url('scotts_git', 'git://repo.or.cz/rubygit.git')
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#403
def set_remote_url(name, url); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#172
def set_working(work_dir, check = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Shows objects
# @param objectish [String|NilClass] the target object reference (nil == HEAD)
# @param path [String|NilClass] the path of the file to be shown
# @return [String] the object information
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#478
def show(objectish = T.unsafe(nil), path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# returns an array of all Git::Tag objects for this repository
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#417
def tags; end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#524
def update_ref(branch, commit); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#484
def with_index(new_index); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#492
def with_temp_index(&blk); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#544
def with_temp_working(&blk); end
# :yields: the Git::WorkingDirectory
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#533
def with_working(work_dir); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#519
def write_and_commit_tree(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#515
def write_tree; end
class << self
# Open a bare repository
# Opens a bare repository located in the `git_dir` directory.
# Since there is no working copy, you can not checkout or commit
# but you can do most read operations.
# @example Open a bare repository and retrieve the first commit SHA
# repository = Git.bare('ruby-git.git')
# puts repository.log[0].sha #=> "64c6fa011d3287bab9158049c85f3e85718854a0"
# @option options
# @param git_dir [Pathname] The path to the bare repository directory
# containing an initialized Git repository. If a relative path is given, it
# is converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/File.expand_path).
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the bare repository.
# @see https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary#Documentation/gitglossary.txt-aiddefbarerepositoryabarerepository What is a bare repository?
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#14
def bare(git_dir, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Clone a repository into an empty or newly created directory
# @example Clone into the default directory `ruby-git`
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git')
# @example Clone and then checkout the `development` branch
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git', branch: 'development')
# @example Clone into a different directory `my-ruby-git`
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git', 'my-ruby-git')
# # or:
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git', path: 'my-ruby-git')
# @example Create a bare repository in the directory `ruby-git.git`
# git = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git.git', bare: true)
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param repository [URI, Pathname] The (possibly remote) repository to clone
# from. See [GIT URLS](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone#_git_urls_a_id_urls_a)
# for more information.
# @param name [Pathname] The directory to clone into.
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the cloned local working copy or cloned repository.
# @see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone git clone
# @see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone#_git_urls_a_id_urls_a GIT URLs
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#20
def clone(repository, name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns (and initialize if needed) a Git::Config instance
# @return [Git::Config] the current config instance.
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#29
def config; end
# Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing Git repository
# @example Initialize a repository in the current directory
# git = Git.init
# @example Initialize a repository in some other directory
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git'
# @example Initialize a bare repository
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git.git', bare: true
# @example Initialize a repository in a non-default location (outside of the working copy)
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git', repository: '~/code/ruby-git.git'
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param directory [Pathname] If the `:bare` option is NOT given or is not
# `true`, the repository will be created in `"#{directory}/.git"`.
# Otherwise, the repository is created in `"#{directory}"`.
# All directories along the path to `directory` are created if they do not exist.
# A relative path is referenced from the current working directory of the process
# and converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/File.expand_path).
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the newly initialized repository
# @see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-init git init
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#34
def init(directory = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Open a an existing Git working directory
# Git.open will most likely be the most common way to create
# a git reference, referring to an existing working directory.
# If not provided in the options, the library will assume
# the repository and index are in the default places (`.git/`, `.git/index`).
# @example Open the Git working directory in the current directory
# git = Git.open
# @example Open a Git working directory in some other directory
# git = Git.open('~/Projects/ruby-git')
# @example Use a logger to see what is going on
# logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
# git = Git.open('~/Projects/ruby-git', log: logger)
# @example Open a working copy whose repository is in a non-standard directory
# git = Git.open('~/Projects/ruby-git', repository: '~/Project/ruby-git.git')
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param working_dir [Pathname] the path to the working directory to use
# for git commands.
# A relative path is referenced from the current working directory of the process
# and converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/File.expand_path).
# @param options [Hash] The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the opened working copy
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#61
def open(working_dir, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Normalize options[:index]
# If options[:index] is a relative directory, convert it to an absolute
# directory relative to the repository directory
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#661
def normalize_index(options); end
# Normalize options before they are sent to Git::Base.new
# Updates the options parameter by setting appropriate values for the following keys:
# * options[:working_directory]
# * options[:repository]
# * options[:index]
# All three values will be set to absolute paths. An exception is that
# :working_directory will be set to nil if bare is true.
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#589
def normalize_paths(options, default_working_directory: T.unsafe(nil), default_repository: T.unsafe(nil), bare: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Normalize options[:repository]
# If working with a bare repository, set to the first non-nil value out of:
# 1. `options[:repository]`
# 2. the `default` parameter
# 3. the current working directory
# Otherwise, set to the first non-nil value of:
# 1. `options[:repository]`
# 2. `.git`
# Next, if options[:repository] refers to a *file* and not a *directory*, set
# options[:repository] to the contents of that file. This is the case when
# working with a submodule or a secondary working tree (created with git worktree
# add). In these cases the repository is actually contained/nested within the
# parent's repository directory.
# Finally, if options[:repository] is a relative path, convert it to an absolute
# path relative to:
# 1. the current directory if working with a bare repository or
# 2. the working directory if NOT working with a bare repository
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#641
def normalize_repository(options, default:, bare: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Normalize options[:working_directory]
# If working with a bare repository, set to `nil`.
# Otherwise, set to the first non-nil value of:
# 1. `options[:working_directory]`,
# 2. the `default` parameter, or
# 3. the current working directory
# Finally, if options[:working_directory] is a relative path, convert it to an absoluite
# path relative to the current directory.
# source://git//lib/git/base.rb#608
def normalize_working_directory(options, default:, bare: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#5
module Git::Base::Factory
# @return [Git::Branch] an object for branch_name
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#8
def branch(branch_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Git::Branches] a collection of all the branches in the repository.
# Each branch is represented as a {Git::Branch}.
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#14
def branches; end
# @return [Git::Object::Commit] a commit object
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#30
def commit_tree(tree = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Git::Diff] a Git::Diff object
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#35
def diff(objectish = T.unsafe(nil), obj2 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Git::Object] a Git object
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#40
def gblob(objectish); end
# @return [Git::Object] a Git object
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#45
def gcommit(objectish); end
# @return [Git::Object] a Git object
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#50
def gtree(objectish); end
# @return [Git::Log] a log with the specified number of commits
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#55
def log(count = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
# example: g.merge_base('master', 'some_branch', 'some_sha', octopus: true)
# @return [Array] a collection of common ancestors
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#92
def merge_base(*args); end
# returns a Git::Object of the appropriate type
# you can also call @git.gtree('tree'), but that's
# just for readability. If you call @git.gtree('HEAD') it will
# still return a Git::Object::Commit object.
# object calls a factory method that will run a rev-parse
# on the objectish and determine the type of the object and return
# an appropriate object for that type
# @return [Git::Object] an instance of the appropriate type of Git::Object
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#69
def object(objectish); end
# @return [Git::Remote] a remote of the specified name
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#74
def remote(remote_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Git::Status] a status object
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#79
def status; end
# @return [Git::Object::Tag] a tag object
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#84
def tag(tag_name); end
# returns a Git::Worktree object for dir, commitish
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#19
def worktree(dir, commitish = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# returns a Git::worktrees object of all the Git::Worktrees
# objects for this repo
# source://git//lib/git/base/factory.rb#25
def worktrees; end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#5
class Git::Branch < ::Git::Path
# @return [Branch] a new instance of Branch
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#9
def initialize(base, name); end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#31
def archive(file, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#26
def checkout; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#63
def contains?(commit); end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#51
def create; end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#59
def current; end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#55
def delete; end
# Returns the value of attribute full.
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#7
def full; end
# Sets the attribute full
# @param value the value to set the attribute full to.
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#7
def full=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#17
def gcommit; end
# g.branch('new_branch').in_branch do
# # create new file
# # do other stuff
# return true # auto commits and switches back
# end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#40
def in_branch(message = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#67
def merge(branch = T.unsafe(nil), message = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#7
def name; end
# Sets the attribute name
# @param value the value to set the attribute name to.
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#7
def name=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute remote.
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#7
def remote; end
# Sets the attribute remote
# @param value the value to set the attribute remote to.
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#7
def remote=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#22
def stashes; end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#84
def to_a; end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#88
def to_s; end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#80
def update_ref(commit); end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#94
def check_if_create; end
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#98
def determine_current; end
# Given a full branch name return an Array containing the remote and branch names.
# Removes 'remotes' from the beggining of the name (if present).
# Takes the second part (splittign by '/') as the remote name.
# Takes the rest as the repo name (can also hold one or more '/').
# Example:
# parse_name('master') #=> [nil, 'master']
# parse_name('origin/master') #=> ['origin', 'master']
# parse_name('remotes/origin/master') #=> ['origin', 'master']
# parse_name('origin/master/v2') #=> ['origin', 'master/v2']
# param [String] name branch full name.
# return [] an Array containing the remote and branch names.
# source://git//lib/git/branch.rb#116
def parse_name(name); end
# object that holds all the available branches
# source://git//lib/git/branches.rb#4
class Git::Branches
include ::Enumerable
# @return [Branches] a new instance of Branches
# source://git//lib/git/branches.rb#8
def initialize(base); end
# Returns the target branch
# Example:
# Given (git branch -a):
# master
# remotes/working/master
# g.branches['master'].full #=> 'master'
# g.branches['working/master'].full => 'remotes/working/master'
# g.branches['remotes/working/master'].full => 'remotes/working/master'
# @param branch_name [#to_s] the target branch name.
# @return [Git::Branch] the target branch.
# source://git//lib/git/branches.rb#49
def [](branch_name); end
# source://git//lib/git/branches.rb#32
def each(&block); end
# source://git//lib/git/branches.rb#18
def local; end
# source://git//lib/git/branches.rb#22
def remote; end
# array like methods
# source://git//lib/git/branches.rb#28
def size; end
# source://git//lib/git/branches.rb#61
def to_s; end
# source://git//lib/git/config.rb#3
class Git::Config
# @return [Config] a new instance of Config
# source://git//lib/git/config.rb#7
def initialize; end
# source://git//lib/git/config.rb#12
def binary_path; end
# Sets the attribute binary_path
# @param value the value to set the attribute binary_path to.
# source://git//lib/git/config.rb#5
def binary_path=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/config.rb#16
def git_ssh; end
# Sets the attribute git_ssh
# @param value the value to set the attribute git_ssh to.
# source://git//lib/git/config.rb#5
def git_ssh=(_arg0); end
# object that holds the last X commits on given branch
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#4
class Git::Diff
include ::Enumerable
# @return [Diff] a new instance of Diff
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#7
def initialize(base, from = T.unsafe(nil), to = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# enumerable methods
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#62
def [](key); end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#38
def deletions; end
# :yields: each Git::DiffFile in turn
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#67
def each(&block); end
# Returns the value of attribute from.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#17
def from; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#43
def insertions; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#33
def lines; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#19
def name_status; end
# if file is provided and is writable, it will write the patch into the file
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#54
def patch(file = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#23
def path(path); end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#28
def size; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#48
def stats; end
# Returns the value of attribute to.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#17
def to; end
# if file is provided and is writable, it will write the patch into the file
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#54
def to_s(file = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#103
def cache_full; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#117
def cache_name_status; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#113
def cache_stats; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#107
def process_full; end
# break up @diff_full
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#122
def process_full_diff; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#72
class Git::Diff::DiffFile
# @return [DiffFile] a new instance of DiffFile
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#77
def initialize(base, hash); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#88
def binary?; end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#92
def blob(type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute dst.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def dst; end
# Sets the attribute dst
# @param value the value to set the attribute dst to.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def dst=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute mode.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def mode; end
# Sets the attribute mode
# @param value the value to set the attribute mode to.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def mode=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute patch.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def patch; end
# Sets the attribute patch
# @param value the value to set the attribute patch to.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def patch=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute path.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def path; end
# Sets the attribute path
# @param value the value to set the attribute path to.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def path=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute src.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def src; end
# Sets the attribute src
# @param value the value to set the attribute src to.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def src=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute type.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def type; end
# Sets the attribute type
# @param value the value to set the attribute type to.
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#73
def type=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/diff.rb#75
Git::Diff::DiffFile::NIL_BLOB_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Method that can be used to detect and normalize string encoding
# source://git//lib/git/encoding_utils.rb#7
module Git::EncodingUtils
class << self
# source://git//lib/git/encoding_utils.rb#12
def best_guess_encoding; end
# source://git//lib/git/encoding_utils.rb#8
def default_encoding; end
# source://git//lib/git/encoding_utils.rb#17
def detected_encoding(str); end
# source://git//lib/git/encoding_utils.rb#21
def encoding_options; end
# source://git//lib/git/encoding_utils.rb#25
def normalize_encoding(str); end
# Represents an escaped Git path string
# Git commands that output paths (e.g. ls-files, diff), will escape usual
# characters in the path with backslashes in the same way C escapes control
# characters (e.g. \t for TAB, \n for LF, \\ for backslash) or bytes with values
# larger than 0x80 (e.g. octal \302\265 for "micro" in UTF-8).
# @example
# Git::GitPath.new('\302\265').unescape # => "ยต"
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#14
class Git::EscapedPath
# @return [EscapedPath] a new instance of EscapedPath
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#31
def initialize(path); end
# Returns the value of attribute path.
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#29
def path; end
# Convert an escaped path to an unescaped path
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#36
def unescape; end
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#66
def escaped_path_to_bytes(path); end
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#48
def extract_escape(path, index); end
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#44
def extract_octal(path, index); end
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#52
def extract_single_char(path, index); end
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#56
def next_byte(path, index); end
# source://git//lib/git/escaped_path.rb#15
Git::EscapedPath::UNESCAPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#6
class Git::GitExecuteError < ::StandardError; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#3
class Git::GitTagNameDoesNotExist < ::StandardError; end
# source://git//lib/git/index.rb#2
class Git::Index < ::Git::Path; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#9
class Git::Lib
# Create a new Git::Lib object
# @option base
# @option base
# @option base
# @param base [Git::Base, Hash] An object that passes in values for
# @git_work_dir, @git_dir, and @git_index_file
# @param logger [Logger]
# @return [Lib] a new instance of Lib
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#50
def initialize(base = T.unsafe(nil), logger = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# updates the repository index using the working directory content
# lib.add('path/to/file')
# lib.add(['path/to/file1','path/to/file2'])
# lib.add(:all => true)
# options:
# :all => true
# :force => true
# @param paths [String, Array] files paths to be added to the repository
# @param options [Hash]
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#611
def add(paths = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#704
def apply(patch_file); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#710
def apply_mail(patch_file); end
# creates an archive file
# options
# :format (zip, tar)
# :prefix
# :remote
# :path
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#976
def archive(sha, file = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#402
def branch_contains(commit, branch_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#398
def branch_current; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#755
def branch_delete(branch); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#751
def branch_new(branch); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#349
def branches_all; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#345
def change_head_branch(branch_name); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#759
def checkout(branch, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#768
def checkout_file(version, file); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#959
def checkout_index(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#683
def clean(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# tries to clone the given repo
# accepts options:
# :bare:: no working directory
# :branch:: name of branch to track (rather than 'master')
# :depth:: the number of commits back to pull
# :origin:: name of remote (same as remote)
# :path:: directory where the repo will be cloned
# :remote:: name of remote (rather than 'origin')
# :recursive:: after the clone is created, initialize all submodules within, using their default settings.
# TODO - make this work with SSH password or auth_key
# @return [Hash] the options to pass to {Git::Base.new}
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#98
def clone(repository, name, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Takes the commit message with the options and executes the commit command
# accepts options:
# :amend
# :all
# :allow_empty
# :author
# :date
# :no_verify
# :allow_empty_message
# :gpg_sign
# @param message [String] the commit message to be used
# @param opts [Hash] the commit options to be used
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#654
def commit(message, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# returns useful array of raw commit object data
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#221
def commit_data(sha); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#942
def commit_tree(tree, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#527
def config_get(name); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#543
def config_list; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#517
def config_remote(name); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#587
def config_set(name, value, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# :yields: file, your, their
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#807
def conflicts; end
# returns the current version of git, as an Array of Fixnums.
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1009
def current_command_version; end
# Returns most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
# accepts options:
# :all
# :tags
# :contains
# :debug
# :exact_match
# :dirty
# :abbrev
# :candidates
# :long
# :always
# :math
# @param [String|NilClass] committish target commit sha or object name
# @param [{Symbol=>Object}] opts the given options
# @return [String] the tag name
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#151
def describe(committish = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# compares the index and the working directory
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#474
def diff_files; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#430
def diff_full(obj1 = T.unsafe(nil), obj2 = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# compares the index and the repository
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#479
def diff_index(treeish); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#459
def diff_name_status(reference1 = T.unsafe(nil), reference2 = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#439
def diff_stats(obj1 = T.unsafe(nil), obj2 = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#878
def fetch(remote, opts); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#184
def full_log_commits(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#337
def full_tree(sha); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#926
def gc; end
# The path to the Git repository directory. The default is
# `"#{git_work_dir}/.git"`.
# @return [Pathname] the Git repository directory.
# @see [Git repository](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary#Documentation/gitglossary.txt-aiddefrepositoryarepository)
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#28
def git_dir; end
# The Git index file used to stage changes (using `git add`) before they
# are committed.
# @return [Pathname] the Git index file
# @see [Git index file](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary#Documentation/gitglossary.txt-aiddefindexaindex)
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#37
def git_index_file; end
# The path to the Git working copy. The default is '"./.git"'.
# @return [Pathname] the path to the Git working copy.
# @see [Git working tree](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary#Documentation/gitglossary.txt-aiddefworkingtreeaworkingtree)
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#19
def git_work_dir; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#539
def global_config_get(name); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#555
def global_config_list; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#595
def global_config_set(name, value); end
# returns hash
# [tree-ish] = [[line_no, match], [line_no, match2]]
# [tree-ish] = [[line_no, match], [line_no, match2]]
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#409
def grep(string, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#512
def ignored_files; end
# creates or reinitializes the repository
# options:
# :bare
# :working_directory
# :initial_branch
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#75
def init(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#391
def list_files(ref_dir); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#174
def log_commits(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#483
def ls_files(location = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#495
def ls_remote(location = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#321
def ls_tree(sha); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1019
def meets_required_version?; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#775
def merge(branch, message = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#784
def merge_base(*args); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#333
def mv(file1, file2); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#208
def namerev(string); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#317
def object_contents(sha, &block); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#216
def object_size(sha); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#212
def object_type(sha); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#568
def parse_config(file); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#559
def parse_config_list(lines); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#227
def process_commit_data(data, sha = T.unsafe(nil), indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#276
def process_commit_log_data(data); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#257
def process_tag_data(data, name, indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#911
def pull(remote = T.unsafe(nil), branch = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#893
def push(remote, branch = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# reads a tree into the current index file
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#931
def read_tree(treeish, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#822
def remote_add(name, url, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#841
def remote_remove(name); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#833
def remote_set_url(name, url); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#845
def remotes; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#626
def remove(path = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#922
def repack; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1015
def required_command_version; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#676
def reset(commit, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#121
def return_base_opts_from_clone(clone_dir, opts); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#693
def revert(commitish, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#197
def revparse(string); end
# Shows objects
# @param objectish [String|NilClass] the target object reference (nil == HEAD)
# @param path [String|NilClass] the path of the file to be shown
# @return [String] the object information
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#577
def show(objectish = T.unsafe(nil), path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#735
def stash_apply(id = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#743
def stash_clear; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#747
def stash_list; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#730
def stash_save(message); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#716
def stashes_all; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#853
def tag(name, *opts); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#251
def tag_data(name); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#915
def tag_sha(tag_name); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#849
def tags; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#341
def tree_depth(sha); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#799
def unmerged; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#955
def update_ref(branch, commit); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#378
def worktree_add(dir, commitish = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#387
def worktree_prune; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#383
def worktree_remove(dir); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#358
def worktrees_all; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#938
def write_tree; end
# @raise [Git::GitExecuteError]
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1078
def command(cmd, *opts, &block); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1031
def command_lines(cmd, *opts); end
# Takes the diff command line output (as Array) and parse it into a Hash
# @param diff_command [String] the diff commadn to be used
# @param opts [Array] the diff options to be used
# @return [Hash] the diff as Hash
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1131
def diff_as_hash(diff_command, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1188
def escape(s); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1192
def escape_for_sh(s); end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1196
def escape_for_windows(s); end
# Returns an array holding the common options for the log commands
# @param opts [Hash] the given options
# @return [Array] the set of common options that the log command will use
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1155
def log_common_options(opts); end
# Retrurns an array holding path options for the log commands
# @param opts [Hash] the given options
# @return [Array] the set of path options that the log command will use
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1174
def log_path_options(opts); end
# Takes the previously stored git's ENV variables and set them again on ENV.
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1050
def restore_git_system_env_variables; end
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1182
def run_command(git_cmd, &block); end
# Sets git's ENV variables to the custom values for the current instance.
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1057
def set_custom_git_env_variables; end
# Takes the current git's system ENV variables and store them.
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1042
def store_git_system_env_variables; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1202
def windows_platform?; end
# Runs a block inside an environment with customized ENV variables.
# It restores the ENV after execution.
# @param block [Proc] block to be executed within the customized environment
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1068
def with_custom_env_variables(&block); end
# Systen ENV variables involved in the git commands.
# @return [] the names of the EVN variables involved in the git commands
# source://git//lib/git/lib.rb#1029
Git::Lib::ENV_VARIABLE_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# object that holds the last X commits on given branch
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#4
class Git::Log
include ::Enumerable
# @return [Log] a new instance of Log
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#7
def initialize(base, count = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#105
def [](index); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#30
def author(regex); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#66
def between(sha1, sha2 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#72
def cherry; end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#90
def each(&block); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#95
def first; end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#36
def grep(regex); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#100
def last; end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#24
def object(objectish); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#42
def path(path); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#54
def since(date); end
# forces git log to run
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#85
def size; end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#48
def skip(num); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#78
def to_s; end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#60
def until(date); end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#117
def check_log; end
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#113
def dirty_log; end
# actually run the 'git log' command
# source://git//lib/git/log.rb#125
def run_log; end
# represents a git object
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#7
class Git::Object
class << self
# if we're calling this, we don't know what type it is yet
# so this is our little factory method
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#292
def new(base, objectish, type = T.unsafe(nil), is_tag = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#9
class Git::Object::AbstractObject
# @return [AbstractObject] a new instance of AbstractObject
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#14
def initialize(base, objectish); end
# creates an archive of this object (tree)
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#67
def archive(file = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#73
def blob?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#75
def commit?; end
# Get the object's contents.
# If no block is given, the contents are cached in memory and returned as a string.
# If a block is given, it yields an IO object (via IO::popen) which could be used to
# read a large file in chunks.
# Use this for large files so that they are not held in memory.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#37
def contents(&block); end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#45
def contents_array; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#58
def diff(objectish); end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#53
def grep(string, path_limiter = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#62
def log(count = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute mode.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#10
def mode; end
# Sets the attribute mode
# @param value the value to set the attribute mode to.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#10
def mode=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute objectish.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#10
def objectish; end
# Sets the attribute objectish
# @param value the value to set the attribute objectish to.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#10
def objectish=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#23
def sha; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#27
def size; end
# Sets the attribute size
# @param value the value to set the attribute size to.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#12
def size=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#77
def tag?; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#49
def to_s; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#71
def tree?; end
# Returns the value of attribute type.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#10
def type; end
# Sets the attribute type
# @param value the value to set the attribute type to.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#10
def type=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#82
class Git::Object::Blob < ::Git::Object::AbstractObject
# @return [Blob] a new instance of Blob
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#84
def initialize(base, sha, mode = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#89
def blob?; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#156
class Git::Object::Commit < ::Git::Object::AbstractObject
# @return [Commit] a new instance of Commit
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#158
def initialize(base, sha, init = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# git author
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#195
def author; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#200
def author_date; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#228
def commit?; end
# git author
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#205
def committer; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#210
def committer_date; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#210
def date; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#215
def diff_parent; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#179
def gtree; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#170
def message; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#175
def name; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#184
def parent; end
# array of all parent commits
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#189
def parents; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#219
def set_commit(data); end
# see if this object has been initialized and do so if not
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#235
def check_commit; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#244
class Git::Object::Tag < ::Git::Object::AbstractObject
# @return [Tag] a new instance of Tag
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#247
def initialize(base, sha, name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#254
def annotated?; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#258
def message; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#245
def name; end
# Sets the attribute name
# @param value the value to set the attribute name to.
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#245
def name=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#263
def tag?; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#267
def tagger; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#274
def check_tag; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#95
class Git::Object::Tree < ::Git::Object::AbstractObject
# @return [Tree] a new instance of Tree
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#97
def initialize(base, sha, mode = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#108
def blobs; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#104
def children; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#123
def depth; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#108
def files; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#119
def full_tree; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#113
def subdirectories; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#113
def subtrees; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#127
def tree?; end
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#113
def trees; end
# actually run the git command
# source://git//lib/git/object.rb#134
def check_tree; end
# source://git//lib/git/path.rb#3
class Git::Path
# @return [Path] a new instance of Path
# source://git//lib/git/path.rb#7
def initialize(path, check_path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute path.
# source://git//lib/git/path.rb#5
def path; end
# Sets the attribute path
# @param value the value to set the attribute path to.
# source://git//lib/git/path.rb#5
def path=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/path.rb#17
def readable?; end
# source://git//lib/git/path.rb#25
def to_s; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/path.rb#21
def writable?; end
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#2
class Git::Remote < ::Git::Path
# @return [Remote] a new instance of Remote
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#6
def initialize(base, name); end
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#23
def branch(branch = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#14
def fetch(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute fetch_opts.
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#4
def fetch_opts; end
# Sets the attribute fetch_opts
# @param value the value to set the attribute fetch_opts to.
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#4
def fetch_opts=(_arg0); end
# merge this remote locally
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#19
def merge(branch = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#4
def name; end
# Sets the attribute name
# @param value the value to set the attribute name to.
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#4
def name=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#27
def remove; end
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#31
def to_s; end
# Returns the value of attribute url.
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#4
def url; end
# Sets the attribute url
# @param value the value to set the attribute url to.
# source://git//lib/git/remote.rb#4
def url=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/repository.rb#3
class Git::Repository < ::Git::Path; end
# source://git//lib/git/stash.rb#2
class Git::Stash
# @return [Stash] a new instance of Stash
# source://git//lib/git/stash.rb#4
def initialize(base, message, existing = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/stash.rb#18
def message; end
# source://git//lib/git/stash.rb#10
def save; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/stash.rb#14
def saved?; end
# source://git//lib/git/stash.rb#22
def to_s; end
# object that holds all the available stashes
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#4
class Git::Stashes
include ::Enumerable
# @return [Stashes] a new instance of Stashes
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#7
def initialize(base); end
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#50
def [](index); end
# Returns an multi-dimensional Array of elements that have been stash saved.
# Array is based on position and name. See Example
# @example Returns Array of items that have been stashed
# .all - [0, "testing-stash-all"]]
# @return [Array]
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#24
def all; end
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#33
def apply(index = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#37
def clear; end
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#46
def each(&block); end
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#28
def save(message); end
# source://git//lib/git/stashes.rb#42
def size; end
# A class for git status
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#5
class Git::Status
include ::Enumerable
# @return [Status] a new instance of Status
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#8
def initialize(base); end
# enumerable method
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#119
def [](file); end
# Returns an Enumerable containing files that have been added.
# File path starts at git base directory
# @return [Enumerable]
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#39
def added; end
# Determines whether the given file has been added to the repository
# File path starts at git base directory
# @example Check if lib/git.rb is added.
# added?('lib/git.rb')
# @param file [String] The name of the file.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#51
def added?(file); end
# Returns an Enumerable containing files that have changed from the
# git base directory
# @return [Enumerable]
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#18
def changed; end
# Determines whether the given file has been changed.
# File path starts at git base directory
# @example Check if lib/git.rb has changed.
# changed?('lib/git.rb')
# @param file [String] The name of the file.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#30
def changed?(file); end
# Returns an Enumerable containing files that have been deleted.
# File path starts at git base directory
# @return [Enumerable]
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#60
def deleted; end
# Determines whether the given file has been deleted from the repository
# File path starts at git base directory
# @example Check if lib/git.rb is deleted.
# deleted?('lib/git.rb')
# @param file [String] The name of the file.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#72
def deleted?(file); end
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#123
def each(&block); end
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#97
def pretty; end
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#106
def pretty_file(file); end
# Returns an Enumerable containing files that are not tracked in git.
# File path starts at git base directory
# @return [Enumerable]
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#81
def untracked; end
# Determines whether the given file has is tracked by git.
# File path starts at git base directory
# @example Check if lib/git.rb is an untracked file.
# untracked?('lib/git.rb')
# @param file [String] The name of the file.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#93
def untracked?(file); end
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#160
def construct_status; end
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#192
def fetch_added; end
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#185
def fetch_modified; end
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#172
def fetch_untracked; end
# subclass that does heavy lifting
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#128
class Git::Status::StatusFile
# @return [StatusFile] a new instance of StatusFile
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#133
def initialize(base, hash); end
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#145
def blob(type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute mode_index.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#130
def mode_index; end
# Sets the attribute mode_index
# @param value the value to set the attribute mode_index to.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#130
def mode_index=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute mode_repo.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#130
def mode_repo; end
# Sets the attribute mode_repo
# @param value the value to set the attribute mode_repo to.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#130
def mode_repo=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute path.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#129
def path; end
# Sets the attribute path
# @param value the value to set the attribute path to.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#129
def path=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute sha_index.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#131
def sha_index; end
# Sets the attribute sha_index
# @param value the value to set the attribute sha_index to.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#131
def sha_index=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute sha_repo.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#131
def sha_repo; end
# Sets the attribute sha_repo
# @param value the value to set the attribute sha_repo to.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#131
def sha_repo=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute stage.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#129
def stage; end
# Sets the attribute stage
# @param value the value to set the attribute stage to.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#129
def stage=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute type.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#129
def type; end
# Sets the attribute type
# @param value the value to set the attribute type to.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#129
def type=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute untracked.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#129
def untracked; end
# Sets the attribute untracked
# @param value the value to set the attribute untracked to.
# source://git//lib/git/status.rb#129
def untracked=(_arg0); end
# The current gem version
# @return [String] the current gem version.
# source://git//lib/git/version.rb#4
Git::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://git//lib/git/working_directory.rb#2
class Git::WorkingDirectory < ::Git::Path; end
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#5
class Git::Worktree < ::Git::Path
# @return [Worktree] a new instance of Worktree
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#9
def initialize(base, dir, gcommit = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#22
def add; end
# Returns the value of attribute dir.
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#7
def dir; end
# Sets the attribute dir
# @param value the value to set the attribute dir to.
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#7
def dir=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute full.
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#7
def full; end
# Sets the attribute full
# @param value the value to set the attribute full to.
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#7
def full=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute gcommit.
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#17
def gcommit; end
# Sets the attribute gcommit
# @param value the value to set the attribute gcommit to.
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#7
def gcommit=(_arg0); end
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#26
def remove; end
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#30
def to_a; end
# source://git//lib/git/worktree.rb#34
def to_s; end
# object that holds all the available worktrees
# source://git//lib/git/worktrees.rb#3
class Git::Worktrees
include ::Enumerable
# @return [Worktrees] a new instance of Worktrees
# source://git//lib/git/worktrees.rb#7
def initialize(base); end
# source://git//lib/git/worktrees.rb#28
def [](worktree_name); end
# source://git//lib/git/worktrees.rb#24
def each(&block); end
# source://git//lib/git/worktrees.rb#43
def prune; end
# array like methods
# source://git//lib/git/worktrees.rb#20
def size; end
# source://git//lib/git/worktrees.rb#35
def to_s; end