module Alf # # Implements an Iterator at the interface with the outside world. # # The contrat of a Reader is simply to be an Iterator. Unlike operators, # however, readers are not expected to take other iterators as input, but IO # objects, database tables, or something similar instead. This base class # provides a default behavior for readers that works with IO objects. It can # be safely extended, overriden, or even mimiced (provided that you include # and implement the Iterator contract). # # This class also provides a registration mechanism to help getting Reader # instances for specific file extensions. A typical scenario for using this # registration mechanism is as follows: # # # Registers a reader kind named :foo, associated with ".foo" file # # extensions and the FooFileDecoder class (typically a subclass of # # Reader) # Reader.register(:foo, [".foo"], FooFileDecoder) # # # Later on, you can request a reader instance for a .foo file, as # # illustrated below. # r = Reader.reader('/a/path/to/a/') # # # Also, a factory method is automatically installed on the Reader class # # itself. This factory method can be used with a String, or an IO object. # r =[a path or a IO object]) # class Reader include Iterator require 'alf/reader/class_methods' require 'alf/reader/instance_methods' require 'alf/reader/rash' require 'alf/reader/alf_file' end # class Reader end # module Alf