o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1360902200.0569322: @value"{I" class:EFI"ProcessedAsset;FI"logical_path;FI" teabag/qunit/models_test.js;FI" pathname;FI"V/Users/jejacks0n/Projects/teabag/test/javascripts/teabag/qunit/models_test.coffee;FI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2013-01-21T15:52:04-07:00;FI" length;Fiv I" digest;F"%0a87f150e840a74ab4eeacf2c5e2e2dcI" source;FI"v (function() { module("QUnit Teabag.Spec", { setup: function() { this.mockAssertions = [ { message: "_qunit_message1_", source: "_source1_" }, { message: "_qunit_message2_", source: "_source2_" } ]; return this.mockSpec = { module: "_full qunit name_", name: "_description_", failed: 1, passed: 2, total: 3, viewId: 420, assertions: this.mockAssertions }; } }); test("constructor", 7, function() { var spec; spec = new Teabag.Spec(this.mockSpec); ok(spec.fullDescription === "_full qunit name_ _description_", "sets fullDescription"); ok(spec.description === "_description_ (1, 2, 3)", "sets description"); ok(spec.link === "?grep=_full%20qunit%20name_%3A%20_description_", "sets link"); ok(spec.parent.description === "_full qunit name_", "builds a parent suite"); ok(spec.suiteName === "_full qunit name_", "sets suiteName"); ok(spec.viewId === 420, "sets viewId"); return ok(spec.pending === false, "sets pending to false"); }); test("#errors", 3, function() { var errors; errors = new Teabag.Spec(this.mockSpec).errors(); ok(errors.length === 2, "returns the correct length array"); equal(errors[0].message, "_qunit_message1_", "the first item in the returned array is correct"); return equal(errors[0].stack, "_source1_", "the first item in the returned array is correct"); }); test("#getParents", 3, function() { var spec; spec = new Teabag.Spec(this.mockSpec); ok(spec.getParents().length === 1, "returns the right number of parents"); ok(spec.getParents()[0].description === "_full qunit name_", "the parent has a description"); delete this.mockSpec.module; spec = new Teabag.Spec(this.mockSpec); return ok(spec.getParents().length === 0, "returns an empty array"); }); test("#result", 3, function() { var result; this.mockSpec.failed = 0; result = new Teabag.Spec(this.mockSpec).result(); ok(result.status === "passed", "sets the status to passed"); ok(result.skipped === false, "sets skipped to false"); this.mockSpec.failed = 1; result = new Teabag.Spec(this.mockSpec).result(); return ok(result.status === "failed", "sets the status to failed"); }); module("QUnit Teabag.Suite", { setup: function() { return this.mockSuite = { description: "_full qunit description_" }; } }); test("constructor", 4, function() { var suite; suite = new Teabag.Suite(this.mockSuite); ok(suite.fullDescription === "_full qunit description_", "sets fullDescription"); ok(suite.description === "_full qunit description_", "sets description"); ok(suite.link === "?grep=_full%20qunit%20description_", "sets link"); return ok(suite.parent === null, "sets parent to null"); }); }).call(this); ;TI"dependency_digest;F"%22fd84032867279f09137d1ea00834e8I"required_paths;F[I"V/Users/jejacks0n/Projects/teabag/test/javascripts/teabag/qunit/models_test.coffee;FI"dependency_paths;F[{I" path;FI"V/Users/jejacks0n/Projects/teabag/test/javascripts/teabag/qunit/models_test.coffee;FI" mtime;FI"2013-01-21T15:52:04-07:00;FI" digest;F"%1e6fcb940f7abc98c644c4bc0b2d87beI" _version;F"%6776f581a4329e299531e1d52aa59832