require "tempfile" #This class parses and handels post-multipart requests. class Hayabusa::Http_session::Post_multipart #This hash contains all the data read from the post-request. attr_reader :return def initialize(args) @args = args crlf = args[:crlf] crlf_len = crlf.length boundary_regexp = /\A--#{Regexp.escape(@args[:boundary])}(--)?(\r\n|\n|$)\z/ @return = {} @data = nil @mode = nil @clength = 0 @headers = {} @counts = {} @files_arr = args[:files_arr] str_crlf = nil @args[:io].each do |line| begin boundary_match = line.match(boundary_regexp) rescue ArgumentError #Happens when "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" - the boundary-line will be UTF-8-valid and match the 'boundary_regexp'. boundary_match = false end if boundary_match #Finish the data we were writing. self.finish_data if @data @data_written = 0 @clength = nil @name = nil @mode = "headers" str_crlf = nil elsif @mode == "headers" if match = line.match(/^(.+?):\s+(.+)#{crlf}$/) key = match[1].to_s.downcase val = match[2] @headers[key] = val if key == "content-length" @clength = val.to_i elsif key == "content-disposition" #Figure out value-name in post-hash. match_name = val.match(/name=\"(.+?)\"/) raise "Could not match name." if !match_name @name = match_name[1] #Fix count with name if given as increamental []. if match = @name.match(/^(.+)\[\]$/) if !@counts.key?(match[1]) @counts[match[1]] = 0 else @counts[match[1]] += 1 end @name = "#{match[1]}[#{@counts[match[1]]}]" end #Figure out actual filename. if match_fname = val.match(/filename=\"(.+?)\"/) @fname = match_fname[1] @data ="hayabusa_http_session_post_multipart") else @data = "" end end elsif line == crlf @mode = "body" else raise "Could not match header from: '#{line}'." end elsif @mode == "body" if line[-crlf_len, crlf_len] == crlf str = "#{str_crlf}#{line[0, line.length - crlf_len]}" str_crlf = crlf else str = "#{str_crlf}#{line}" str_crlf = nil end @data_written += str.bytesize @data << str self.finish_data if @clength and @data_written >= @clength elsif !@mode and (line == crlf or line == "\n" or line == "\r\n") #ignore. else raise "Invalid mode: '#{@mode}' (#{}) for line: '#{line}' for total post-string:\n#{@args[:io].string}" end end self.finish_data if @data @data = nil @headers = nil @mode = nil @args = nil end #Add the current treated data to the return-hash. def finish_data if @headers.empty? and @data_written == 0 @data.close(true) if @data.is_a?(Tempfile) self.reset_data return nil end if @data.is_a?(Tempfile) @data.close(false) @files_arr << @data.path if @data.respond_to?(:path) end raise "No 'content-disposition' was given (#{@headers}) (#{@data})." if !@name if @fname obj = :fname => @fname, :headers => @headers, :data => @data ) @return[@name] = obj else @return[@name] = @data end self.reset_data end def reset_data @data = nil @name = nil @fname = nil @headers = {} @mode = nil @clength = 0 end end #This is the actual returned object for fileuploads. It is able to do various user-friendly things like save the content to a given path, return the filename, returns the content to a string and more. class Hayabusa::Http_session::Post_multipart::File_upload def initialize(args) @args = args end #Returns the size of the upload. def size return @args[:data].length end #Returns the size of the fileupload. def length return @args[:data].length end #Returns the filename given for the fileupload. def filename return @args[:fname] end #Returns the headers given for the fileupload. Type and more should be here. def headers return @args[:headers] end #Returns the content of the file-upload as a string. def to_s if @args[:data].is_a?(StringIO) return @args[:data].string else return[:data].path) end end #Returns an IO to read from the upload wherever it is a temporary file or a string. def io(&blk) if @args[:data].is_a?(StringIO) return @args[:data] else return[:data].path, "r", &blk) end end #Saves the content of the fileupload to a given path. def save_to(filepath), "w") do |fp| if @args[:data].is_a?(StringIO) fp.write(@args[:data].string) else #Stream output to avoid using too much memory. do |fp_read| fp_read.lines do |line| fp.write(line) end end end end end #This methods prevents the object from being converted to JSON. This can make some serious bugs. def to_json(*args) raise "File_upload-objects should not be converted to json." end def unset end end