require "lockdown"

module Lockdown
  # Permissions are used to group access rights into logical components.
  # Each method defined in the Permissions module represents an array
  # of methods from a controller (or multiple controllers.)
  # Controller methods available are: 
  #   # Returns all methods from all controllers
  #   all_controllers
  #   # Returns all methods from all controllers listed
  #   all_methods :controller1, controller2, ...
  #   # For a single controller, returns only methods listed
  #   only_methods :controller1, :method1, :method2, ...
  #   # For a single controller, returns all methods except the methods listed
  #   all_except_methods :controller1, :method1, :method2, ...
  #   They all return an array of controller/action.  For example, if you had a
  #   standard REST controller called products this would be the result:
  #     all_methods :products  => [ "products/index , "products/show",
  #                                 "products/new", "products/edit",
  #                                 "products/create", "products/update",
  #                                 "products/destroy"]
  module Permissions
    class << self      
      def sessions_management
       # all_methods :sessions
    end # end class block
  end # end Permissions module
  # UserGroups are used to group Permissions together to define role type
  # functionality. Users may belong to multiple groups.
  module UserGroups
    class << self
      # This method defines which UserGroups cannot be managed
      # via the management screens. 
      # Users can still be assigned to these groups.
      def private_records
      # This method defines which UserGroups have limited access
      # via the management screens. Deletion is not allowed.
      # Users can still be assigned to these groups.
      def protected_records
        [:public_access, :registered_users]
      # ** The administrator method is "special", please don't rename.
      #     If you remove/rename, etc... YOU WILL BREAK STUFF
      # Standard administrator user group.
      # Please don't alter without careful consideration.
      def administrators
      # ** The public_access method is "special", please don't rename.
      #     If you remove/rename, etc... YOU WILL BREAK STUFF
      # Standard public_access user group.  
      # Feel free to add Permissions to the array without issue.
      # **Notice:  All permissions added to this public_access group will not be
      #             restricted to logged in users.
      #             So be careful what you add here!
      def public_access
      # ** The registered_users method is "special", please don't rename.
      #     Not as special as the others, but still...
      # All newly created users are assigned to this User Group by default
      def registered_users

      # Define your own user groups below
    end # end class block
  end # end UserGroups module
end # end Lockdown module