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If REST API calls are failed they will wait this amount of time before retry | | **batch_size** | false | 300 | Token paging batch size. Some REST API support batch | | **max_return** | false | 200 | Max return for Endpoint that use offset paging | ### Bulk extract target configuration parameter (Lead and Activity) All bulk extract target use this configuration parameter | name | required | default value | description | |-----------------------------|----------|---------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **from_date** | true | | Import data since this date. Example: 2017-10-11T06:43:24+00:00 | | **fetch_days** | false | 1 | Ammount of days to fetch since from_date | | **polling_interval_second** | false | 60 | Amount of time to wait between pooling job status in second | | **bulk_job_timeout_second** | false | 3600 | Amount of time to wait for bulk job to complete in second | | **incremental** | false | true | If incremental is set to true, next run will have from_date set to the previous to_date(calculated by from_date + fetch_days) | | **incremental_column** | false | createdAt | Column use to filter from_date and to_date | ### Lead Lead target extract all Marketo leads, it use Marketo bulk extract feature. Configuration include bulk extract configuration. `target: lead` Configuration: | name | required | default value | description | |--------------------|----------|---------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **use_updated_at** | false | false | Lead data are not immutable so it better to do incremental ingesting with `updateAt` column, but not all Marketo Account have the feature to filter by updatedAt | Schema type: Dynamic via describe lead endpoint. Incremental support: yes Range ingestion: yes ### Activity Activity target extract all Marketo actvity log. Configuration include all bulk extract configuraiont `target: activity` Schema type: Static schema Incremental support: yes Range ingestion: yes ### Campaign Campaign extract all campaign data from Marketo `target: campaign` Schema type: Static schema Incremental support: no Range ingestion: no ### Lead by list Extract all Lead data including lead's list id `target: all_lead_with_list_id` Schema type: Dynamic via describe leads. Schema will have 1 addition column name listId that contain the id of the list the lead belong to Incremental support: no Range ingestion: no ### Laed by program Extract all Lead data including lead's program id `target: all_lead_with_program_id` Schema type: Dynamic via describe leads. Schema will have 1 addition column name listId that contain the id of the list the lead belong to Incremental support: no Range ingestion: no ## Example For lead, you have `partial-config.yml` like below: ```yaml in: type: marketo target: lead account_id: ACCOUNT_ID client_id: CLIENT_ID client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET from_date: 2017-09-01 fetch_days: 1 out: type: stdout ``` You can run `embulk guess partial-config.yml -o lead-config.yml` and got `lead-config.yml`. `lead-config.yml` includes a schema for Lead. Next, you can run `embulk preview lead-config.yml` for preview and `embulk run lead-config.yml` for run.