// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('views/table'); /** @class The views that make up the column header cells in a typical `SC.TableView`. In addition, this view is in charge of rendering the _entire_ table column (both header and body) when the table is in the "drag-reorder" state. This is the state that occurs when the user clicks and holds on a table header, then drags that header horizontally. @extends SC.View @since SproutCore 1.1 */ SC.TableHeaderView = SC.View.extend({ classNames: ['sc-table-header'], displayProperties: ['sortState', 'isInDragMode'], acceptsFirstResponder: YES, isInDragMode: NO, hasHorizontalScroller: NO, hasVerticalScroller: NO, childViews: ['dragModeView'], /** The view that is visible when the column is in drag mode. */ dragModeView: SC.ListView.extend({ isVisible: NO, layout: { left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, init: function() { sc_super(); var tableHeaderView = this.get('parentView'); if (tableHeaderView) { tableHeaderView.addObserver('isInDragMode', this, '_scthv_dragModeDidChange'); } }, _scthv_dragModeDidChange: function() { // var isInDragMode = this.get('tableHeaderView').get('isInDragMode'); // this.set('isVisible', isInDragMode); } }), /** The SC.TableColumn object this header cell is bound to. */ column: null, render: function(context, firstTime) { var column = this.get('column'), icon = column.get('icon'), html; var span = context.begin('span'); if (icon) { html = ''.fmt(icon); span.push(html); } else { span.push(this.get('label')); } span.end(); }, // ======================================================== // = For the column we look after, set up some observers. = // ======================================================== init: function() { sc_super(); var column = this.get('column'); column.addObserver('width', this, '_scthv_layoutDidChange'); column.addObserver('maxWidth', this, '_scthv_layoutDidChange'); column.addObserver('minWidth', this, '_scthv_layoutDidChange'); column.addObserver('sortState', this, '_scthv_sortStateDidChange'); column.addObserver('tableContent', this, '_scthv_tableContentDidChange'); // var tableContent = column.get('tableContent'); // var columnContent = this._scthv_columnContentFromTableContent(tableContent); // this.set('content', columnContent); }, /** The sortState of the header view's column. */ sortState: function() { return this.get('column').get('sortState'); }.property(), mouseDown: function(evt) { var tableView = this.get('tableView'); return tableView ? tableView.mouseDownInTableHeaderView(evt, this) : sc_super(); }, mouseUp: function(evt) { var tableView = this.get('tableView'); return tableView ? tableView.mouseUpInTableHeaderView(evt, this) : sc_super(); }, mouseDragged: function(evt) { var tableView = this.get('tableView'); return tableView ? tableView.mouseDraggedInTableHeaderView(evt, this) : sc_super(); }, _scthv_dragViewForHeader: function() { var dragLayer = this.get('layer').cloneNode(true); var view = SC.View.create({ layer: dragLayer, parentView: this }); // cleanup weird stuff that might make the drag look out of place SC.$(dragLayer).css('backgroundColor', 'transparent') .css('border', 'none') .css('top', 0).css('left', 0); return view; }, _scthv_enterDragMode: function() { this.set('isInDragMode', YES); }, _scthv_exitDragMode: function() { this.set('isInDragMode', NO); }, // _scthv_hideViewInDragMode: function() { // var shouldBeVisible = !this.get('isInDragMode'), layer = this.get('layer'); // console.log('should be visible: %@'.fmt(!this.get('isInDragMode'))); // SC.RunLoop.begin(); // SC.$(layer).css('display', shouldBeVisible ? 'block' : 'none'); // SC.RunLoop.end(); // }.observes('isInDragMode'), // _scthv_setupDragMode: function() { // var isInDragMode = this.get('isInDragMode'); // if (isInDragMode) { // }); // } else { // // // } // // // }.observes('isInDragMode'), _scthv_dragModeViewDidChange: function() { var dragModeView = this.get('dragModeView'); if (dragModeView && dragModeView.set) { dragModeView.set('tableHeadView', this); dragModeView.set('tableView', this.get('tableView')); } }.observes('dragModeView'), _scthv_layoutDidChange: function(sender, key, value, rev) { var pv = this.get('parentView'); pv.invokeOnce(pv.layoutChildViews); // Tell the container view how tall the header is so that it can adjust // itself accordingly. var layout = this.get('layout'); //this.get('dragModeView').adjust('top', layout.height); }, // When our column's tableContent property changes, we need to go back and get our column content _scthv_tableContentDidChange: function() { var tableContent = this.get('column').get('tableContent'); var columnContent = this.get('parentView')._scthv_columnContentFromTableContent(tableContent, this.get('columnIndex')); this.set('content', columnContent); }, _scthv_sortStateDidChange: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); var sortState = this.get('column').get('sortState'); var classNames = this.get('classNames'); classNames.removeObject('sc-table-header-sort-asc'); classNames.removeObject('sc-table-header-sort-desc'); classNames.removeObject('sc-table-header-sort-active'); if (sortState !== null) { classNames.push('sc-table-header-sort-active'); } if (sortState === SC.SORT_ASCENDING) { classNames.push('sc-table-header-sort-asc'); } if (sortState === SC.SORT_DESCENDING) { classNames.push('sc-table-header-sort-desc'); } // TODO: Figure out why it's not enough to simply call // `displayDidChange` here. this.displayDidChange(); this.invokeOnce('updateLayer'); SC.RunLoop.end(); } });