// ========================================================================== // SC.SourceListView // ========================================================================== require('views/collection/collection') ; require('views/button/disclosure'); require('views/source_list_group'); SC.BENCHMARK_SOURCE_LIST_VIEW = NO ; /** @class Displays a source list like the source list in iTunes. @extends SC.CollectionView @author Charles Jolley @version 1.0 */ SC.SourceListView = SC.CollectionView.extend( /** @scope SC.SourceListView.prototype */ { emptyElement: '
', /** name of property on the content object to use for the source list text. */ contentValueKey: null, /** Set to YES if you want the content value to be editable. */ contentValueIsEditable: NO, /** Allows reordering without modifiying the selection */ selectOnMouseDown: false, /** Set to YES if you want source list items to display an icon. If this property is set, list items will leave space for a display icon to the left of the text label. To actually display an icon in that space, you will also need to set the contenIconUrlProperty or the contentIconClassNameProperty or both. */ hasContentIcon: NO, /** Set if YES if you want the source list to display a branch arrow. If this property is set, list items will leave space on the right edge to display a branch arrow, indicating the user can click on the item to reveal a menu or another level of content. To actually display a branch arrow, you must also set the contentIsBranchKey. */ hasContentBranch: NO, /** Name of the content object property that contains the icon . This is the *name* of the property you want the list items to inspect on content objects to retrieve an icon image URL. For example, if you set this property to 'icon', then the icon displayed for each item will be the URL returned by content.get('icon'). The value of this property must be either a URL or a CSS class name. If you use a CSS class name, then the image src will be set to a blank image and the class name will be applied automatically so you can use spriting. If a URL is returned it will be set as the src property on the image tag. */ contentIconKey: null, /** Name of content object property that contains the unread count. The unread count is used to indicate to a user when an item in the source list contains items that need their attention. If the unread count on a content object is a non-zero number, it will be displayed on the right side of the list item. This is the *name* of the property you want the list item to inspect on content objects to receive the unread count for the item. For example, if you set this property to "unread", then the unread count will be the value returned by content.get('unread'). If you do not want to use unread counts, leave this property to null. */ contentUnreadCountKey: null, /** Name of the content object property that contains the branch state. If an item is a branch, then a branch arrow will be displayed at the right edge indicating that clicking on the item will reveal another level or content or possibly a popup menu. To display the branch, you must also set hasContentBranch to YES. This is the *name* of the property you want the list item to inspect on the content objects to retrieve the branch state. For example, if you set this property to "isBranch", then the branch state will be the value returned by content.get('isBranch'). */ contentIsBranchKey: null, /** Key that contains the group name. If set, the title shown in the group label will be the value returned by this property on the group object. */ groupTitleKey: null, /** Key that contains group visibility. If set, the group label will display a disclosure triangle matching the value of this property. */ groupVisibleKey: null, /** The common row height for list view items. The value should be an integer expressed in pixels. */ rowHeight: 32, /** Source list view items are usually list item views. You can override this if you wish. */ exampleView: SC.ListItemView, /** The standard group view provided by source list view generally provides all the functionality you need. */ exampleGroupView: SC.SourceListGroupView, // ....................................... // LAYOUT METHODS // // whenever updateChildren is called with a deep method, flush the // cached group rows to make sure we get an accurate count. updateChildren: function(deep) { if (deep) this._groupRows = null ; return arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments) ; }, // determines if the group at the specified content index is visible or // not. This will look either at a property on the group or on the // SourceListGroupView. groupAtContentIndexIsVisible: function(contentIndex) { if (!this.get('groupBy')) return YES; // no grouping // get the group value and try to find a matching view, which may // or may not exist yet. var groupValue = this.groupValueAtContentIndex(contentIndex) ; var groupView = this.groupViewForGroupValue(groupValue) ; // if the groupView exists, use that. The visible state is stored here // in case the group does not actually support storing its own visibility. // ignore groupView if it does not support isGroupVisible var ret = YES ; if (groupView) ret = groupView.get('isGroupVisible') ; // otherwise try to get from the group itself. if (((ret === undefined) || (ret === null) || !groupView) && groupValue && groupValue.get) { var key = this.get('groupVisibleKey') ; if (key) ret = !!groupValue.get(key) ; } // if the above methods failed for some reason, just leave the group visible if ((ret === undefined) || (ret === null)) ret = YES ; return ret ; }, // calculates the number of rows consumed by each group. stores a hash of // contentIndexes and rows. computedGroupRows: function() { if (this._groupRows) return this._groupRows; var loc = 0 ; var content = Array.from(this.get('content')) ; var max = content.get('length') ; var ret = {} ; while(loc < max) { var range = this.groupRangeForContentIndex(loc) ; var isVisible = this.groupAtContentIndexIsVisible(range.start) ; ret[range.start] = (isVisible) ? range.length : 0 ; // add a header row space if neede var groupValue = this.groupValueAtContentIndex(range.start) ; if (groupValue != null) ret[range.start]++ ; loc = (range.length <= 0) ? max : SC.maxRange(range) ; } return this._groupRows = ret ; }, // Returns the number of rows in the specified range. countRowsInRange: function(range) { var groupRows = this.computedGroupRows() ; var max = SC.maxRange(range) ; var loc = SC.minRange(range) ; var ret = 0 ; while(loc < max) { var range = this.groupRangeForContentIndex(loc) ; loc = (range.length <= 0) ? max : SC.maxRange(range) ; ret += groupRows[range.start] || (range+1); } return ret ; }, computeFrame: function() { var content = this.get('content') ; var rowHeight = this.get('rowHeight') || 20 ; // find number of groups. var rows = this.countRowsInRange({ start: 0, length: content.get('length') }); if (rows <= 0) rows = 0 ; // get parent width var parent = this.get('parentNode') ; var f = (parent) ? parent.get('innerFrame') : { width: 100, height: 100 }; f.x = f.y = 0; f.height = Math.max(f.height, rows * rowHeight) ; return f ; }, // disable incremental rendering for now contentRangeInFrame: function(frame) { var content =this.get('content') ; var len = (content) ? content.get('length') : 0 ; var ret = { start: 0, length: len } ; return ret ; }, /** @private */ layoutItemView: function(itemView, contentIndex, firstLayout) { if (SC.BENCHMARK_SOURCE_LIST_VIEW) { SC.Benchmark.start('SC.SourceListView.layoutItemViewsFor') ; } // if itemView's group is not visible, then just set to invisible. if (!this.groupAtContentIndexIsVisible(contentIndex)) { itemView.set('isVisible', false) ; } else { // if item was not visible, make it visible. Also force layout. if (!itemView.get('isVisible')) { firstLayout = YES ; itemView.set('isVisible', true) ; } var rowHeight = this.get('rowHeight') || 0 ; // layout relative to top of group. Leave open row for title if(this.get("groupBy")) { var range = this.groupRangeForContentIndex(contentIndex) ; contentIndex = (contentIndex - range.start) ; var groupValue = this.groupValueAtContentIndex(range.start) ; if (groupValue != null) contentIndex++ ; } var f = { x: 0, y: contentIndex*rowHeight, height: rowHeight, width: this.get('innerFrame').width } ; if (firstLayout || !SC.rectsEqual(itemView.get('frame'), f)) { itemView.set('frame', f) ; } } if (SC.BENCHMARK_SOURCE_LIST_VIEW) { SC.Benchmark.end('SC.SourceListView.layoutItemViewsFor') ; } }, layoutGroupView: function(groupView, groupValue, contentIndexHint, firstLayout) { if (SC.BENCHMARK_SOURCE_LIST_VIEW) { SC.Benchmark.start('SC.SourceListView.layoutGroupView') ; } //console.log('layoutGroupView', groupValue) ; // find the range this group will belong to var range = this.groupRangeForContentIndex(contentIndexHint) ; var isVisible = this.groupAtContentIndexIsVisible(range.start) ; var priorRows = this.countRowsInRange({ start: 0, length: range.start }) ; var rowHeight = this.get('rowHeight') || 0 ; var parentView = groupView.get('parentView') || this ; var rows = (isVisible) ? range.length : 0 ; if (groupValue != null) rows++ ; var f = { x: 0, y: priorRows*rowHeight, height: rowHeight * rows, width: (parentView || this).get('innerFrame').width } ; if (firstLayout || !SC.rectsEqual(groupView.get('frame'), f)) { groupView.set('frame', f) ; } if (SC.BENCHMARK_SOURCE_LIST_VIEW) { SC.Benchmark.end('SC.SourceListView.layoutGroupView') ; } }, // ....................................... // INSERTION POINT METHODS // insertionOrientation: SC.VERTICAL_ORIENTATION, insertionPointClass: SC.View.extend({ emptyElement: '
' }), showInsertionPoint: function(itemView, dropOperation) { if (!itemView) return ; // if drop on, then just add a class... if (dropOperation === SC.DROP_ON) { if (itemView !== this._dropOnInsertionPoint) { this.hideInsertionPoint() ; itemView.addClassName('drop-target') ; this._dropOnInsertionPoint = itemView ; } } else { if (this._dropOnInsertionPoint) { this._dropOnInsertionPoint.removeClassName('drop-target') ; this._dropOnInsertionPoint = null ; } if (!this._insertionPointView) { this._insertionPointView = this.insertionPointClass.create() ; } ; var insertionPoint = this._insertionPointView ; f = { height: 0, x: 8, y: itemView.get('frame').y, width: itemView.owner.get('frame').width }; insertionPoint.set('frame', f) ; if (insertionPoint.parentNode != itemView.parentNode) { itemView.parentNode.appendChild(insertionPoint) ; } } }, hideInsertionPoint: function() { var insertionPoint = this._insertionPointView ; if (insertionPoint) insertionPoint.removeFromParent() ; if (this._dropOnInsertionPoint) { this._dropOnInsertionPoint.removeClassName('drop-target') ; this._dropOnInsertionPoint = null ; } }, // We can do this much faster programatically using the rowHeight insertionIndexForLocation: function(loc, dropOperation) { var f = this.get('innerFrame') ; var sf = this.get('scrollFrame') ; var rowHeight = this.get('rowHeight') || 0 ; var headerRowCount = (this.get("groupBy")) ? 1 : 0; // find the offset to work with. var offset = loc.y - f.y - sf.y ; var ret = -1; // the return value var retOp = SC.DROP_BEFORE ; // search groups until we find one that matches var top = 0; var idx = 0 ; while((ret<0) && (range = this.groupRangeForContentIndex(idx)).length>0){ var max = top + ((range.length+headerRowCount) * rowHeight) ; // the offset is within the group, find the row in the group. Remember // that the top row is actually the label, so we should return -1 if // we hit there. if (max >= offset) { offset -= top ; ret = Math.floor(offset / rowHeight) ; // find the percent through the row... var percentage = (offset / rowHeight) - ret ; // if the dropOperation is SC.DROP_ON and we are in the center 60% // then return the current item. if (dropOperation === SC.DROP_ON) { if (percentage > 0.80) ret++ ; if ((percentage >= 0.20) && (percentage <= 0.80)) { retOp = SC.DROP_ON; } } else { if (percentage > 0.45) ret++ ; } // handle dropping on top row... if (ret < headerRowCount) return [-1, SC.DROP_BEFORE] ; // top row! // convert to index ret = (ret - headerRowCount) + idx ; // we are not yet within the group, go on to the next group. } else { idx += range.length ; top = max ; } } return [ret, retOp] ; } }) ;