module Auth::Concerns::WorkflowConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Mongoid::Document include Auth::Concerns::OwnerConcern ## three keys are possible ## :duration -> time in seconds of this thing. ## :start_time_range -> the absolute time in epoch when this thing can start ([from,to]) ## :end_time_range -> the absolute time in epoch when this thing can end ([from,to]) ## :start_time_specification -> ## eg : [[year,month,day_of_month,weekday,range_beginning,range_ending]..] ## eg : [[*,2,*,*,seconds_since_12_am,seconds_since_start]] : star means all values are permitted for that unit. and 2.30 -> 4.30 is the allowed time for this thing. ## :minimum_time_after_previous_step -> number of seconds after previous step's end_time that this thing can start. These many seconds have to elapse. ## :maximum_time_after_previous_step -> the maximum number of seconds that can elapse after the previous step for this step to start. field :time_information, type: Hash, default: {} field :location_information, type: Hash, default: {} field :miscellaneous_information, type: Hash, default: {} ## @param[Hash] location_coordinates : expected of the format {:lat => float, :lng => float} ## @param[Array] within_radius : integer ## @param[Array] location_categories : def generate_location_query(location_coordinates,within_radius,location_categories=nil) point =[:lng],location_coordinates[:lat]) query_clause = { "$and" => [ { "location" => { "$nearSphere" => { "$geometry" => { "type" => "Point", "coordinates" => point }, "$maxDistance" => within_radius * 1609.34 } } } ] } query_clause["$and"] << { "location_categories" => { "$in" => location_categories } } if location_categories query_clause end def generate_time_query query_clause = {} if self.resolved_time query_clause = { "time" => self.resolved_time } elsif self.time_information[:start_time] && self.time_information[:end_time] query_clause = { "time" => { "$gte" => self.time_information[:start_time], "$lte" => self.time_information[:end_time] } } end return query_clause end ### @param[Hash] location_information : the location information of the present step. ## will copy over 'location_id','within_radius' and location_point_coordinates if these are not already specified. def resolve_location(location_information={}) self.location_information.deep_symbolize_keys! self.location_information[:location_id] ||= location_information[:location_id] self.location_information[:within_radius] ||= location_information[:within_radius] self.location_information[:location_point_coordinates] ||= location_information[:location_point_coordinates] self.location_information[:location_categories] ||= location_information[:location_categories] end def get_nearest_instant(spec,range) year = nil month = nil day_of_week = nil day_of_month = nil date_specs = {} regex_pattern = "" spec[0..3].map.each_with_index{|value,key| if value =~ /\*/ regex_pattern += "[0-9]{4}" if key == 0 regex_pattern += "[0-9]{2}" if key == 1 regex_pattern += "[0-9]{2}" if key == 2 regex_pattern += "[0-9]{1}" if key == 3 else regex_pattern += value end } #puts "this is the strftime format." #puts $time_hash_strftime_format.to_s #puts "the regex pattern is:" #puts regex_pattern.to_s from_index = $day_id_hash[$time_hash_strftime_format)] #puts "from index is: #{from_index}" nearest_instant = nil $date_hash.keys[from_index..-1].each do |dt| nearest_instant = $date_hash[dt] if (dt=~/#{regex_pattern}/ && (range[0] <= $date_hash[dt]) && ($date_hash[dt] <= range[1])) break if nearest_instant end nearest_instant end def resolve_start_time(previous_step_time_information) if self.time_information[:start_time_specification] raise("minimum time since previous step is absent") unless self.time_information[:minimum_time_since_previous_step] raise("maximum time since previous step is absent") unless self.time_information[:maximum_time_since_previous_step] if !previous_step_time_information.empty? #puts "previous step time information is:" #puts previous_step_time_information.to_s time_range_based_on_previous_step = previous_step_time_information[:end_time_range].map{|c| c = c + self.time_information[:minimum_time_since_previous_step]} time_range_based_on_previous_step_maximum = previous_step_time_information[:end_time_range].map{|c| c = c + self.time_information[:maximum_time_since_previous_step]} range_width = time_range_based_on_previous_step[1] - time_range_based_on_previous_step[0] start_time = get_nearest_instant(self.time_information[:start_time_specification],[time_range_based_on_previous_step[0],time_range_based_on_previous_step_maximum[0]]) ## now we want to know which of these start times, is falling in our start time range, take the earliest one of all. raise "does not satisfy the start time specification" unless start_time self.time_information[:start_time_range] = [start_time,start_time + range_width] else t = get_nearest_instant(self.time_information[:start_time_specification],[,( + 5.years).to_i]) raise "Could not find a satsifactory time instant" unless t self.time_information[:start_time_range] = [t.to_i,t.to_i + self.time_information[:start_time_specification][5].to_i] end else ## okay so imagine we are at the first step of a stage, and there is no previous step ? ## how do we know the previous step? ## well here that would mean the cart items already there. ## this should have come from the cart_item_latest_time. raise "previous step time information absent" unless (previous_step_time_information && previous_step_time_information[:start_time_range]) self.time_information[:start_time_range] = previous_step_time_information[:end_time_range].map{|c| c = c + self.time_information[:minimum_time_since_previous_step]} end end def resolve_end_time self.time_information[:end_time_range] = self.time_information[:start_time_range].map{|c| c = c + self.duration} end ## here we should have a calculate simultaneous requirement at the prescribed location, using the requirement ids. def calculate_duration return if self.duration ##to do this, you will need to tell the function how to process. this. eval(self.duration_calculation_function) end ## @param [Hash] permitted_param : the permitted params passed in to the #update_with_conditions def. ## @param[Array] locked_fields : an array of field names as strings, denoting which fields cannot be changed in case an order has already been added to the ## @return[Boolean] true/false : whether the permitted params contain any of the locked fields, and if yes, then the query has to be modified to include that there should be no orders in any sop. def self.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params) locked_fields = self::FIELDS_LOCKED_AFTER_ORDER_ADDED result = false permitted_params.keys.each do |attr| if locked_fields.include? attr.to_s result = true break end end result end end end