require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/enumerable_object' class Redis # # Class representing a set. # class Set < EnumerableObject # Works like add. Can chain together: list << 'a' << 'b' def <<(value) add(value) self # for << 'a' << 'b' end # Add the specified value to the set only if it does not exist already. # Redis: SADD def add(value) allow_expiration do redis.sadd(key, marshal(value)) if value.nil? || !Array(value).empty? end end # Remove and return a random member. Redis: SPOP def pop(count = nil) unmarshal redis.spop(key, count) end # return a random member. Redis: SRANDMEMBER def randmember(count = nil) unmarshal redis.srandmember(key, count) end # Adds the specified values to the set. Only works on redis > 2.4 # Redis: SADD def merge(*values) allow_expiration do redis.sadd(key,{|v| marshal(v)}) end end # Return all members in the set. Redis: SMEMBERS def members vals = redis.smembers(key) vals.nil? ? [] :{|v| unmarshal(v) } end alias_method :get, :members alias_method :value, :members # Returns true if the specified value is in the set. Redis: SISMEMBER def member?(value) redis.sismember(key, marshal(value)) end alias_method :include?, :member? # Delete the value from the set. Redis: SREM def delete(value) redis.srem(key, marshal(value)) end # Delete if matches block def delete_if(&block) res = false redis.smembers(key).each do |m| if res = redis.srem(key, m) end end res end # Return the intersection with another set. Can pass it either another set # object or set name. Also available as & which is a bit cleaner: # # members_in_both = set1 & set2 # # If you want to specify multiple sets, you must use +intersection+: # # members_in_all = set1.intersection(set2, set3, set4) # members_in_all = set1.inter(set2, set3, set4) # alias # # Redis: SINTER def intersection(*sets) redis.sinter(key, *keys_from_objects(sets)).map{|v| unmarshal(v)} end alias_method :intersect, :intersection alias_method :inter, :intersection alias_method :&, :intersection # Calculate the intersection and store it in Redis as +name+. Returns the number # of elements in the stored intersection. Redis: SUNIONSTORE def interstore(name, *sets) redis.sinterstore(name, key, *keys_from_objects(sets)) end # Return the union with another set. Can pass it either another set # object or set name. Also available as | and + which are a bit cleaner: # # members_in_either = set1 | set2 # members_in_either = set1 + set2 # # If you want to specify multiple sets, you must use +union+: # # members_in_all = set1.union(set2, set3, set4) # # Redis: SUNION def union(*sets) redis.sunion(key, *keys_from_objects(sets)).map{|v| unmarshal(v)} end alias_method :|, :union alias_method :+, :union # Calculate the union and store it in Redis as +name+. Returns the number # of elements in the stored union. Redis: SUNIONSTORE def unionstore(name, *sets) redis.sunionstore(name, key, *keys_from_objects(sets)) end # Return the difference vs another set. Can pass it either another set # object or set name. Also available as ^ or - which is a bit cleaner: # # members_difference = set1 ^ set2 # members_difference = set1 - set2 # # If you want to specify multiple sets, you must use +difference+: # # members_difference = set1.difference(set2, set3, set4) # members_difference = set1.diff(set2, set3, set4) # # Redis: SDIFF def difference(*sets) redis.sdiff(key, *keys_from_objects(sets)).map{|v| unmarshal(v)} end alias_method :diff, :difference alias_method :^, :difference alias_method :-, :difference # Calculate the diff and store it in Redis as +name+. Returns the number # of elements in the stored union. Redis: SDIFFSTORE def diffstore(name, *sets) redis.sdiffstore(name, key, *keys_from_objects(sets)) end # Moves value from one set to another. Destination can be a String # or Redis::Set. # # set.move(value, "name_of_key_in_redis") # set.move(value, set2) # # Returns true if moved successfully. # # Redis: SMOVE def move(value, destination) redis.smove(key, destination.is_a?(Redis::Set) ? destination.key : destination.to_s, value) end # The number of members in the set. Aliased as size or count. Redis: SCARD def length redis.scard(key) end alias_method :size, :length alias_method :count, :length # Returns true if the set has no members. Redis: SCARD == 0 def empty? length == 0 end def ==(x) members == x end def to_s members.join(', ') end private def keys_from_objects(sets) raise ArgumentError, "Must pass in one or more set names" if sets.empty? sets.collect{|set| set.is_a?(Redis::Set) ? set.key : set} end end end