require "guard/config" fail "Deprecations disabled (strict mode)" if require "guard/guardfile/generator" module Guard module Deprecated module Guardfile def self.add_deprecated(dsl_klass) dsl_klass.send(:extend, ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods MORE_INFO_ON_UPGRADING_TO_GUARD_2 = <<-EOS.gsub(/^\s*/, "") For more information on how to upgrade for Guard 2.0, please head over to: EOS # @deprecated Use {Guardfile::Generator#create_guardfile} instead. # # @see How to # upgrade for Guard 2.0 # CREATE_GUARDFILE = <<-EOS.gsub(/^\s*/, "") Starting with Guard 2.0 'Guard::Guardfile.create_guardfile(options)' is deprecated. Please use '' instead. #{MORE_INFO_ON_UPGRADING_TO_GUARD_2 % '#deprecated-methods-2'} EOS def create_guardfile(options = {}) UI.deprecation(CREATE_GUARDFILE) end # @deprecated Use {Guardfile::Generator#initialize_template} instead. # # @see How to # upgrade for Guard 2.0 # # Deprecator message for the `Guardfile.initialize_template` method INITIALIZE_TEMPLATE = <<-EOS.gsub(/^\s*/, "") Starting with Guard 2.0 'Guard::Guardfile.initialize_template(plugin_name)' is deprecated. Please use '' instead. #{MORE_INFO_ON_UPGRADING_TO_GUARD_2 % '#deprecated-methods-2'} EOS def initialize_template(plugin_name) UI.deprecation(INITIALIZE_TEMPLATE) end # @deprecated Use {Guardfile::Generator#initialize_all_templates} # instead. # # @see How to # upgrade for Guard 2.0 # # Deprecator message for the `Guardfile.initialize_all_templates` method INITIALIZE_ALL_TEMPLATES = <<-EOS.gsub(/^\s*/, "") Starting with Guard 2.0 'Guard::Guardfile.initialize_all_templates' is deprecated. Please use '' instead. #{MORE_INFO_ON_UPGRADING_TO_GUARD_2 % '#deprecated-methods-2'} EOS def initialize_all_templates UI.deprecation(INITIALIZE_ALL_TEMPLATES) end end end end end