en: sail: page_title: Sail dashboard save: SAVE activate: ACTIVATE delete: DELETE search_placeholder: Setting name, group, cast type, stale or recent x search_tooltip: "When searching for recently updated settings, x is the number of hours since the update (e.g.: recent 2)" main_app: Main app no_settings: No settings found refresh_tooltip: Reset setting value next_page: Next page previous_page: Previous page stale: stale stale_tooltip: This setting has not been updated in %{days} days. Consider removing it and refactoring the code. order_button_tooltip: Sort settings in descending order by the selected field. relevancy_tooltip: The relevancy score is a relative indicator of how critical for the application each setting is. profiles_tooltip: Edit application profiles profile_created: Created profile_updated: Saved profile_switching: Switching.. profile_deleted: Deleted profiles: Profiles new_profile_tooltip: "New profile: save a current snapshot of your settings" clean_profile_tooltip: Active profile. All changes saved. dirty_profile_tooltip: Active profile. Recent setting changes have not been saved. guide: Guide searching: Searching by_setting_name_html: By the setting name: will look for partial matches by_group_html: "By group: will find all settings in the same group (must be exact match)" by_cast_type_html: "By cast type: will find all settings with the same type (must be exact match)" by_stale_html: "By stale: will find settings that are stale (haven't been updated recently)" by_recent_html: "By recent: will find settings updated in the last X hours (e.g.: recent 50)" click_title: Click a setting's title to view its description. profiles_can_be_used: Profiles can be used to configure many states of settings. They save the values of all settings in a given moment. profile_configuring: Configure settings as desired and create a new profile. Activate profiles to change the value of all settings at once. relevancy_score: Relevancy Score relevancy_score_explanation: Settings have a number on the top right portion indicating their relevancy score. This metric is calculated based on the relative number of times the setting is used while the application is running. The higher the value the more the setting is used. available_groups_and_types: Available groups and types groups_are: "The groups currently used are:" types_are: "The cast types currently used are:" how_to_find_settings: How to find settings you are looking for how_to_profiles: How to organize your settings in profiles how_to_relevancy_score: What is the relevancy score and how to use it how_to_groups_and_types: List of available groups and types profile_errors: one: 1 error other: "%{count} errors" profile_error_tooltip: This is the number of unexpected errors raised for all settings while this profile was active