# Changelog for SalesKing API Schema A more detailed view of the changes can be found in the {commit messages}[https://github.com/salesking/sk_api_schema/commits/] 2013-01 * add external_ref for line item * email "send" parameter can be set to false or 0 to prevent sending * email "from_addr" is not required * add new item types: devider_item, sub_total_item * add items for documents containing all items by type * add filter\[tags] to products, mark price as required * add name-key to all objects containing the lowercased_underscored-name, PLEASE start using it instead of the title-field, which will be changed to its CamelCasedObjectName 2012-12 * add search filter to pdf_template, email_template * filter clients by ids - search for a list of comma separated uuids 2012-11 * add currency fields for documents, client, company and payment * add PDF template resource * drop 'method' from payment in favour of payment_method 2012-07 * maxLength for all string properties with limits * add "format":"text" to plain-text fields * search products by number 2012-06 * line item discount can be negative * tax and discount values with up to four decimal places * add payments link to invoice, credit_note * add due_date and due_days to order * Deprecate payment.method in favour of payment.payment_method bcs 'method' is a keyword in programming * test with travis-ci.org 2012-05 * fix date type definitions * add empty links sections for address, line_item * add payment_method to order * deprecate gross_total for payment reminder 2012-01 * add notes field for client 2012-05 * add missing payment method to order * fix date & date-time type definitions * add empty links section to address, line item 2011-10 * added created_at search filter to clients and documents * added creator(user) search filter to clients and documents 2011-9 * search documents by number * maxLength information for client and address properties * allow tags edit, destroy 2011-7 * allow new documents with status closed * auto-set number+date for new open/closed documents 2011-6 * added language field to document, client, email-template * added filter\[languages] for documents and clients, to search by one or more languages * added filter\[client_ids] to documents, to search by one or multiple clients * added filter\[ids] for documents, to find multiple specific documents * changed _delete property to _destroy for address, line_item * removed client_id requirement for documents 2011-05 * new hash_clean method for ruby schema reader class 2011-04 * added tags * added documents * reduced default objects in list to 10, max is 100 * added field parameter to limit returned fields in ruby to_hash_from_schema & SK * added created_at & number filtering to client * added _delete field to line_item & address, to be able to destroy them since both are transfered within their parent object 2011-03 * added subscriptions * added memoizing to ruby schema reader 2011-02 * added moneybookers, premium_sms to payment methods * added auth_permission * added external_ref to documents * added company * added recurring * added source param to copy documents 2010-11 - 2011-01 * initial version