defaults: &defaults daemonize: true port: 3000 user: rftpd group: rftpd # host: "myhost" # pidfile: "/tmp/" pools: default: 2 transfer: # notify_after_sec: 5 # wait at least X seconds between HTTP notifications # mkdir: true # build directory tree if missing # tempfile: true # transfer to temporary file, rename after sucessful transfer # overwrite: false # overwrite any target file with the same name # timeout: 1800 # jobs running for longer than X seconds will be killed retry: # on_errors: # - ftp_perm_error # - net_temp_error # - conn_reset_by_peer # - conn_timed_out # - conn_refused # - sftp_auth_failed # - conn_host_is_down # - conn_unreachable # - conn_failed # - conn_openssl_error # max_runs: 5 # max_age: 1800 # delay: 10 conchita: # timer: 60 # garbage_collector: true # clean_failed: 3600 # clean_finished: 3600 # clean_queued: 86400 newrelic: licence: "" # prefix: "rftpd" # app prefix platform: "bigbusiness" # app platform name # app_name: "rftpd-bigbusiness-dev" # nickname used for naming app debug: ftp: false sftp: false conchita: false reporter: fakse allow_reload: false logs: thin: "/var/log/rftpd-environment-thin.log" queue: "/var/log/rftpd-environment-core.log" api: "/var/log/rftpd-environment-core.log" workers: "/var/log/rftpd-environment-work.log" jobs: "/var/log/rftpd-environment-work.log" notify: "/var/log/rftpd-environment-work.log" newrelic:"/var/log/rftpd-environment-newrelic.log" development: <<: *defaults port: 3400 production: <<: *defaults port: 3200