{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} import Control.Exception (Exception, throw, evaluate) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldThrow) import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith) import Prelude hiding ( (++) , concat , filter , foldr , length , map , reverse ) import ListOps ( (++) , concat , filter , foldl' , foldr , length , map , reverse ) data StrictException = StrictException deriving (Eq, Show, Exception) main :: IO () main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs specs :: Spec specs = describe "list-ops" $ do let big = 100000 :: Int it "length of empty list" $ length ([] :: [Int]) `shouldBe` 0 it "length of non-empty list" $ length [1 .. 4 :: Int] `shouldBe` 4 it "length of large list" $ length [1 .. big :: Int] `shouldBe` big it "reverse of empty list" $ reverse ([] :: [Int]) `shouldBe` [] it "reverse of non-empty list" $ reverse [1 .. 100 :: Int] `shouldBe` [100 , 99 .. 1] it "map of empty list" $ map (+1) ([] :: [Int]) `shouldBe` [] it "map of non-empty list" $ map (+1) [1, 3 .. 7 :: Int] `shouldBe` [2, 4 .. 8] it "filter of empty list" $ filter undefined ([] :: [Int]) `shouldBe` [] it "filter of normal list" $ filter odd [1 .. 4 :: Int] `shouldBe` [1, 3] it "foldl' of empty list" $ foldl' (+) (0 :: Int) [] `shouldBe` 0 it "foldl' of non-empty list" $ foldl' (+) (-3) [1 .. 4 :: Int] `shouldBe` 7 it "foldl' of huge list" $ foldl' (+) 0 [1 .. big] `shouldBe` big * (big + 1) `div` 2 it "foldl' with non-commutative function" $ foldl' (-) 10 [1 .. 4 :: Int] `shouldBe` 0 it "foldl' is not just foldr . flip" $ foldl' (flip (:)) [] "asdf" `shouldBe` "fdsa" it "foldl' is accumulator-strict (use seq or BangPatterns)" $ evaluate (foldl' (flip const) () [throw StrictException, ()]) `shouldThrow` (== StrictException) it "foldr as id" $ foldr (:) [] [1 .. big] `shouldBe` [1 .. big] it "foldr as append" $ foldr (:) [100 .. big] [1 .. 99] `shouldBe` [1 .. big] it "++ of empty lists" $ [] ++ ([] :: [Int]) `shouldBe` [] it "++ of empty and non-empty lists" $ [] ++ [1 .. 4 :: Int] `shouldBe` [1 .. 4] it "++ of non-empty and empty lists" $ [1 .. 4 :: Int] ++ [] `shouldBe` [1 .. 4] it "++ of non-empty lists" $ [1 .. 3] ++ [4, 5 :: Int] `shouldBe` [1 .. 5] it "++ of large lists" $ [1 .. big `div` 2] ++ [1 + big `div` 2 .. big] `shouldBe` [1 .. big] it "concat of no lists" $ concat ([] :: [[Int]]) `shouldBe` [] it "concat of list of lists" $ concat [[1, 2], [3], [], [4, 5, 6 :: Int]] `shouldBe` [1 .. 6] it "concat of large list of small lists" $ concat (map (:[]) [1 .. big]) `shouldBe` [1 .. big]