module RailsBase module Configuration class Base class InvalidConfiguration < StandardError; end; class InvalidCustomConfiguration < StandardError; end; class ConfigurationAlreadyEstablished < StandardError; end; def self._allow_write_block? true end def self._unset_allow_write! define_singleton_method('_allow_write_block?') do false end end ALLOWED_TYPES = { array: -> (val) { [Array].include?(val.class) }, array_nil: -> (val) { [Array, NilClass].include?(val.class) }, boolean: -> (val) { [TrueClass, FalseClass].include?(val.class) }, duration: -> (val) { [ActiveSupport::Duration].include?(val.class) }, hash: -> (val) { [Hash].include?(val.class) }, integer: -> (val) { [Integer].include?(val.class) }, integer_nil: -> (val) { [Integer, NilClass].include?(val.class) }, klass: -> (_val) { true }, path: -> (val) { [Pathname].include?(val.class) }, proc: -> (val) { [Proc].include?(val.class) }, string: -> (val) { [String].include?(val.class) }, string_nil: -> (val) { [String, NilClass].include?(val.class) }, string_proc: -> (val) { [String, Proc].include?(val.class) }, symbol: -> (val) { [Symbol].include?(val.class) }, symbol_class: -> (val) { [Symbol].include?(val.class) || val.superclass === ActiveJob::QueueAdapters }, values: -> (_val) { true }, } def initialize override_methods! assign_default_values! def_convenience_methods end # on any object you Base inherited object yoyu can call # `.dig(:chain1, :chain2, :chain3) def dig(*args, default: nil, &block) current = self.public_send(args[0]) args[1..-1].each do |key| return current || default if current.nil? current = current.public_send(key) end current rescue StandardError if block_given? yield block else default end end def assign_default_values! self.class::DEFAULT_VALUES.each do |key, object| val = object[:default_assign_on_boot] ? object[:default_assign_on_boot].call : object[:default] public_send(:"#{key}=", val) end true end def override_methods! self.class::DEFAULT_VALUES.each do |key, object| self.class.define_method(:"#{key}=") do |value| raise ConfigurationAlreadyEstablished, "Unable to assign [#{_name}.#{key}]. Assignment must happen on boot" unless self.class._allow_write_block? instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", value) end if object[:type] == :array self.class.define_method(:"#{key}<<") do |value| raise ConfigurationAlreadyEstablished, "Unable to assign [#{_name}.#{key}]. Assignment must happen on boot" unless self.class._allow_write_block? curr = instance_variable_get(:"@#{key}") curr << value instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", curr) end end if object[:type] == :hash self.class.define_method(:"#{key}.merge") do |value| raise ConfigurationAlreadyEstablished, "Unable to assign [#{_name}.#{key}]. Assignment must happen on boot" unless self.class._allow_write_block? curr = instance_variable_get(:"@#{key}") curr.merge(value) instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", curr) end end end end def validate! custom_validations self.class::DEFAULT_VALUES.each do |key, object| value = instance_variable_get("@#{key}".to_sym) validate_var!(key: key, var: value, type: object[:type]) validate_custom_rule!(var: value, custom: object[:custom], key: key, msg: object[:msg]) validate_klass_type!(key: key, var: value, type: object[:type], klass_type: object[:klass_type]) validate_values_included!(key: key, var: value, type: object[:type], expect_values: object[:expect_values]) if object[:on_assignment] if object[:on_assignment].is_a? Array object[:on_assignment].each do |elem|, self) end else object[:on_assignment].call(value, self) end end end true end private def custom_validations; end def def_convenience_methods self.class::DEFAULT_VALUES.each do |key, object| if object[:type] == :boolean self.class.define_method("#{key}?") do return false unless dependents_true?(key) public_send(key) end elsif object[:type] == :proc self.class.define_method("#{key}?") do |current_user| return false unless dependents_true?(key) public_send(key).call(current_user) end elsif object[:type] == :string_proc self.class.define_method("#{key}") do |*args| return false unless dependents_true?(key) if instance_variable_get("@#{key}".to_sym).is_a? Proc instance_variable_get("@#{key}".to_sym).call(args[0]) else instance_variable_get("@#{key}".to_sym) end end else self.class.define_method("#{key}") do return false unless dependents_true?(key) instance_variable_get("@#{key}".to_sym) end end end end def dependents_true?(key) dependents = self.class::DEFAULT_VALUES[key][:dependents] || [] dependents.all? { |s| } end def validate_var!(var:, type:, key:) proc = ALLOWED_TYPES.fetch(type) return if raise InvalidConfiguration, "#{_name}.#{key} expects a #{type}." end def validate_klass_type!(var:, type:, key:, klass_type:) return if klass_type.nil? boolean = if var.is_a? Array var.all? { |s| klass_type.include?(s.class) } else klass_type.include?(var.class) end return if boolean raise InvalidConfiguration, "#{_name}.#{key} expects all members to be a #{klass_type}. Received: [#{var.class}]" end def validate_values_included!(key:, var:, type:, expect_values:) return if expect_values.nil? values = if expect_values.is_a? Proc else expect_values end return if values.include?(var) raise InvalidConfiguration, "#{_name}.#{key} expects value to be included in [#{values}]. Received: [#{var}]" end def _name end def validate_custom_rule!(var:, custom:, key:, msg:) return if custom.nil? return if raise InvalidCustomConfiguration, msg end end end end