# Bootstrap Timepicker for Rails This is the gemified version of https://github.com/jdewit/bootstrap-timepicker bootstrap-timepicker-rails project integrates Timepicker with Rails 3 assets pipeline. ## Rails > 3.1 Include bootstrap-timepicker-rails in Gemfile; ``` ruby gem 'bootstrap-timepicker-rails' ``` or you can install from latest build; ``` ruby gem 'bootstrap-timepicker-rails', :require => 'bootstrap-timepicker-rails', :git => 'git://github.com/tispratik/bootstrap-timepicker-rails.git' ``` and run bundle install. ## Configuration Add this line to app/assets/stylesheets/application.css ``` css *= require bootstrap-timepicker ``` Add this line to app/assets/javascripts/application.js ``` javascript //= require bootstrap-timepicker ``` ## Using bootstrap-timepicker-rails Just call timepicker() with any selector. ```javascript $('.timepicker').timepicker() ```