# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # Copyright 2014 PagerDuty, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'lita-github/r' require 'lita-github/config' require 'lita-github/octo' require 'lita-github/org' require 'lita-github/repo' require 'lita-github/filters' module Lita # Lita handler module Handlers # Handler class for GitHub PR management class GithubPR < Handler include LitaGithub::R # Github handler common-use regex constants include LitaGithub::Config # Github handler Lita configuration methods include LitaGithub::Octo # Github handler common-use Octokit methods include LitaGithub::Org # Github handler common-use Organization methods include LitaGithub::Repo # Github handler common-use Repository methods include LitaGithub::Filters # Github handler common-use method filters on :loaded, :setup_octo # from LitaGithub::Octo route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}pr\s+?info\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}\s+?#(?\d+?)$/, :pr_info, command: true, help: { 'gh pr info PagerDuty/lita-github #42' => 'show some information about the pull request' } ) route( /(?:#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}(?:pr merge|shipit)|shipit)\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}\s+?#(?\d+?)$/, :pr_merge, command: true, confirmation: true, help: { 'gh shipit PagerDuty/lita-github #42' => 'ship it!', 'gh pr merge PagerDuty/lita-github #42' => 'ship it!', 'shipit PagerDuty/lita-github #42' => 'ship it!' } ) route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}pr\s+?list\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}/, :pr_list, command: true, help: { 'gh pr list PagerDuty/lita-github' => 'list the 10 oldest and newest PRs' } ) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def pr_info(response) org, repo, pr = pr_match(response.match_data) full_name = rpo(org, repo) pr_h = pull_request(full_name, pr) return response.reply(t('not_found', pr: pr, org: org, repo: repo)) if pr_h[:fail] && pr_h[:not_found] info = build_pr_info(pr_h[:pr], full_name) comparison_url = "https://github.com/#{full_name}/compare/#{info[:base_sha]}...#{info[:pr_sha]}" info.merge!(repo: full_name, compare: comparison_url) reply = t('pr_info.header', info) << t('pr_info.status', info) reply << (info[:state] == :merged ? t('pr_info.merged', info) : t('pr_info.mergeable', info)) reply << t('pr_info.commit_info', info) << t('pr_info.comments', info) response.reply(reply) end def pr_merge(response) return response.reply(t('method_disabled')) if func_disabled?(__method__) org, repo, pr = pr_match(response.match_data) fullname = rpo(org, repo) pr_h = pull_request(fullname, pr) return response.reply(t('not_found', pr: pr, org: org, repo: repo)) if pr_h[:fail] && pr_h[:not_found] branch = pr_h[:pr][:head][:ref] title = pr_h[:pr][:title] commit = "Merge pull request ##{pr} from #{org}/#{branch}\n\n#{title}" status = merge_pr(org, repo, pr, commit) if !defined?(status) || status.nil? response.reply(t('exception')) elsif status[:merged] response.reply(t('pr_merge.pass', pr: pr, org: org, branch: branch, title: title)) else url = "https://github.com/#{org}/#{repo}/pull/#{pr}" response.reply(t('pr_merge.fail', pr: pr, title: title, url: url, msg: status[:message])) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def pr_list(response) org, repo = repo_match(response.match_data) full_name = rpo(org, repo) reply = '' prs = octo.pull_requests(full_name) if prs.length > LitaGithub::Repo::PR_LIST_MAX_COUNT reply = t('pr_list.large_list', max: LitaGithub::Repo::PR_LIST_MAX_COUNT) prs.slice(0, 10).each { |pr| reply << list_line(pr, full_name) } reply << "----\n" prs.slice(-10, 10).each { |pr| reply << list_line(pr, full_name) } elsif prs.length > 0 prs.each { |pr| reply << list_line(pr, full_name) } else reply = t('pr_list.no_prs') end response.reply(reply) end private def pr_match(md) [organization(md['org']), md['repo'], md['pr']] end def pull_request(full_name, pr_num) ret = { fail: false, not_found: false } begin ret[:pr] = octo.pull_request(full_name, pr_num) rescue Octokit::NotFound ret[:fail] = true ret[:not_found] = true end ret end def build_pr_info(pr_obj, full_name) info = {} build_pr_header!(info, pr_obj) build_pr_commitinfo!(info, pr_obj) build_pr_status!(info, pr_obj, full_name) build_pr_merge!(info, pr_obj) build_pr_comments!(info, pr_obj) info end def merge_pr(org, repo, pr, commit) status = nil # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions begin status = octo.merge_pull_request(rpo(org, repo), pr, commit) rescue StandardError # no-op end # rubocop:enable Lint/HandleExceptions status end def build_pr_header!(info, pr_obj) info[:title] = pr_obj[:title] info[:number] = pr_obj[:number] info[:url] = pr_obj[:html_url] info end def build_pr_commitinfo!(info, pr_obj) info[:commits] = pr_obj[:commits] info[:plus] = pr_obj[:additions] info[:minus] = pr_obj[:deletions] info[:changed_files] = pr_obj[:changed_files] info[:pr_sha] = pr_obj[:head][:sha] info[:base_sha] = pr_obj[:base][:sha] info[:pr_sha_short] = info[:pr_sha].slice(0, 7) info end def build_pr_status!(info, pr_obj, full_name) user = octo.user(pr_obj[:user][:login]) info[:user] = pr_obj[:user][:login] info[:user] << " (#{user[:name]})" if user.key?(:name) info[:state] = pr_obj[:merged] ? :merged : pr_obj[:state].to_sym info[:state_str] = pr_obj[:merged] ? 'Merged' : pr_obj[:state].capitalize info[:build_status] = octo.combined_status(full_name, info[:pr_sha])[:state] info end def build_pr_merge!(info, pr_obj) info[:mergeable] = pr_obj[:mergeable] if info[:state] == :merged merger = octo.user(pr_obj[:merged_by][:login]) info[:merged_by] = pr_obj[:merged_by][:login] info[:merged_by] << " (#{merger[:name]})" if merger.key?(:name) end info end def build_pr_comments!(info, pr_obj) info[:review_comments] = pr_obj[:review_comments] info[:comments] = pr_obj[:comments] info end def list_line(pr, full_name) t('pr_info.header_long', build_pr_header!({}, pr).merge(repo: full_name, u: pr[:user][:login])) end end Lita.register_handler(GithubPR) end end