--- de: a_copy_of_all_mail_will_be_sent_to_the_following_addresses: A copy of all mail be sent to the following addresses abbreviation: Abkürzung access_denied: "Zugriff verweigert" account: Konto account_updated: "Account updated!" action: Aktion actions: cancel: Abbrechen create: Erstellen destroy: Löschen list: Auflisten listing: Liste new: Neu update: Aktualisieren activerecord: attributes: address: address1: Adresse address2: "Adresse (weiter)" city: Stadt firstname: Vorname lastname: Nachname phone: Telefonnummer zipcode: PLZ country: iso: ISO iso3: ISO3 iso_name: "ISO Name" name: Name numcode: "ISO Nummer" creditcard: cc_type: Type month: Monat number: Nummer verification_value: Kartenprüfnummer year: Jahr inventory_unit: state: Bundesland line_item: price: Preis quantity: Menge order: checkout_complete: "Checkout Complete" ip_address: "IP-Adresse" item_total: "Artikel gesamt" number: Bestellnummer special_instructions: "Spezielle Anmerkungen" state: Bundesland total: Gesamt product: available_on: "Erhältlich ab" description: Beschreibung master_price: Grundpreis name: Name on_hand: verfügbar shipping_category: "Shipping Category" tax_category: "Tax Category" property: name: Name presentation: Darstellung prototype: name: Name role: name: Name state: abbr: Abkürzung name: Name tax_category: description: Description name: Name tax_rate: amount: Rate taxon: name: Name permalink: Permalink position: Posten taxonomy: name: Name user: email: E-Mail variant: depth: Tiefe height: Höhe price: Preis sku: Lagerhaltungsnummer weight: Gewicht width: Breite zone: description: Beschreibung name: Name models: address: one: Adresse other: Adressen country: one: Land other: Länder creditcard: one: Kreditkarte other: Kreditkarten creditcard_payment: one: Kreditkartenzahlung other: Kreditkartenzahlungen creditcard_txn: one: Kreditkarten-Transaktion other: Kreditkarten-Transaktionen inventory_unit: one: Inventarnummer other: Inventarnummern line_item: one: Einzelposten other: Einzelposten order: one: Bestellung other: Bestellungen payment: one: Bezahlung other: Bezahlungen product: one: Produkt other: Produkte property: one: Eigenschaft other: Eigenschaften prototype: one: Prototyp other: Prototypen role: one: Rolle other: Rollen shipping_category: one: "Shipping Category" other: "Shipping Categories" state: one: Bundesland other: Bundesländer tax_category: one: "Tax Category" other: "Tax Categories" tax_rate: one: "Tax Rate" other: "Tax Rates" taxon: one: Taxon other: Taxons taxonomy: one: Taxonomy other: Taxonomies user: one: Benutzer other: Benutzer variant: one: Variante other: Varianten zone: one: Zone other: Zonen add: Add add_category: "Kategorie hinzufügen" add_country: "Land hinzufügen" add_option_type: "Option hinzufügen" add_option_types: "Option Typ hinzufügen" add_option_value: "Option Wert hinzufügen" add_product_properties: "Produkteigenschaft hinzufügen" add_state: "Bundesland hinzufügen" add_to_cart: "In den Warenkorb" add_zone: "Zone hinzufügen" additional_item: Additional Item Cost address: Adresse address_information: "Adress-Information" adjustment: Anpassung administration: Verwaltung all: "All" allow_backorders: "Lieferrückstand erlauben" allow_ssl_to_be_used_when_in_developement_and_test_modes: Allow SSL to be used when in development and test modes allow_ssl_to_be_used_when_in_production_mode: Allow SSL to be used in production mode allowed_ssl_in_production_mode: "SSL will {{not}} be used in production" already_registered: Already Registered? alternative_phone: Alternative Phone amount: Summe are_you_sure: "Sind sie sicher" are_you_sure_category: "Sind sie sicher dass sie diese Kategorie löschen möchten?" are_you_sure_delete: "Sind sie sicher dass sie diesen Eintrag löschen möchten?" are_you_sure_delete_image: "Sind sie sicher dass sie dieses Bild löschen möchten?" are_you_sure_option_type: "Sind sie sicher dass sie diesen Optionstyp löschen möchten?" are_you_sure_you_want_to_capture: "Are you sure you want to capture?" assign_taxon: "Assign Taxon" assign_taxons: "Assign Taxons" authorization_failure: "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen" authorized: Angemeldet available_on: "" available_taxons: "Available Taxons" back: Zurück back_to_store: "Zurück zum shop" backordering_is_allowed: "Backordering {{not}} allowed" bill_address: Rechnungsadresse billing_address: Rechnungsadresse calculator: Calculator calculator_settings_warning: "If you are changing the calculator type, you must save first before you can edit the calculator settings" cancel: Verwerfen canceled: Verworfen capture: capture card_code: "Kartenprüfnummer" card_number: "Kartennummer" card_type_is: Card type is cart: Warenkorb categories: Kategorien category: Kategorie change: Ändern change_language: "Sprache ändern" charge_total: Charge Total charged: geändert checkout: "Zur Kasse" city: Stadt code: Code combine: Combine comp_order: "Bestellung abbrechen" comp_order_confirmation: "" complete: complete complete_list: "Complete List" configuration: Konfiguration configuration_options: "Konfigurations-Optionen" configurations: Konfigurationen confirm: Bestätigen confirm_delete: "Confirm Deletion" confirm_password: "Passwort Bestätigen" continue: Weitermachen continue_shopping: "Weiter Einkaufen" copy_all_mails_to: Copy All Mails To country: Land country_based: "Country Based" coupon: Coupon coupon_code: Coupon Code coupons: Coupons coupons_description: Manage coupons create: Erstellen create_a_new_account: "Neues Konto erstellen" create_user_account: Create User Account created_successfully: "Erfolgreich erstellt" credit_card: Kreditkarte credit_card_capture_complete: "Credit Card Was Captured" credit_card_payment: Kreditkartenzahlung credit_total: Credit Total creditcard: Creditcard current: Stand customer: Kunde date_range: "Datum (von/bis)" delete: Löschen depth: Tiefe description: Beschreibung destroy: Entfernen display: Anzeigen edit: Bearbeiten editing_category: "Kategorie bearbeiten" editing_coupon: Editing Coupon editing_option_type: "Optionstyp bearbeiten" editing_option_types: "Option bearbeiten" editing_product: "Produkt bearbeiten" editing_property: "Eigenschaft bearbeiten" editing_prototype: "Prototyp bearbeiten" editing_shipping_category: "Editing Shipping Category" editing_shipping_method: "Editing Shipping Method" editing_shipping_rate: Editing Shipping Rate editing_state: "Bundesland bearbeiten" editing_tax_category: "Steuer-Kategorie bearbeiten" editing_tax_rate: "Editing Tax Rate" editing_user: "Benutzer bearbeiten" editing_zone: "Zone bearbeiten" email: E-Mail email_address: "E-Mail Adresse" email_server_settings_description: "Mailserver-Einstellungen ändern" empty_cart: "Warenkorb leeren" enable_mail_delivery: Enable Mail Delivery enable_mail_queue: "Enable Mail Queue" enter_exactly_as_shown_on_card: Please enter exactly as shown on the card error: Fehler event: Ereignis existing_customer: "Vorhandener Kunde" expiration: "Expiration" expiration_month: "Gültig bis (Monat)" expiration_year: "Gültig bis (Jahr)" extension: Erweiterung extensions: Erweiterungen filename: Dateiname final_confirmation: "End Bestätigung" first_item: First Item Cost first_name: Vorname flat_percent: Flat Percent flat_rate_amount: Amount flat_rate_per_item: "Flat Rate (per item)" flat_rate_per_order: "Flat Rate (per order)" flexible_rate: "Flexible Rate" forgot_password: "Forgot Password" full_name: "Full Name" gateway: Gateway gateway_configuration: "Gateway configuration" gateway_error: "Gateway Fehler" gateway_setting_description: "Gateway-Einstellungen ändern" general: "General" general_settings: "Allgemeine Einstellungen" general_settings_description: "Allgemeine Einstellungen ändern" google_analytics: "Google Analytics" google_analytics_active: "Active" google_analytics_create: "Create New Google Analytics Account" google_analytics_id: "Analytics ID" google_analytics_new: "New Google Analytics Account" google_analytics_setting_description: "Manage Google Analytics ID" guest_user_account: Checkout as a Guest height: Höhe hello_user: "Hallo Benutzer" history: History home: "Home" icons_by: "Icons by" image: Bild images: Bilder images_for: "Images for" in_progress: "In Bearbeitung" invalid_search: "Ungültige Suche" inventory: Lager inventory_adjustment: "Lager Anpassung" inventory_setting_description: "Inventory Configuration, Backordering, Zero-Stock Display" inventory_settings: "Lager Einstellungen" issue_number: Issue Number item: Artikel item_description: Artikelbeschreibung item_total: "Artikel Gesamt" last_name: Nachname list: Liste listing_categories: Kategorien listing_option_types: Optionen listing_orders: Bestellungen listing_reports: Berichte listing_tax_categories: "Listing Tax Categories" listing_users: Benutzer loading: Loading locale_changed: "Sprache geändert" log_in: Anmelden logged_in_as: "Angemldet unter" logged_in_succesfully: "Logged in successfully" logged_out: "You have been logged out." login_as_existing: "Log In as Existing Customer" login_failed: "Login authentication failed." login_name: Benutzer logout: Abmelden maestro_or_solo_cards: Maestro/Solo cards mail_delivery_enabled: "Mailversand aktiviert" mail_delivery_not_enabled: "Mailversand deaktiviert" mail_queue_enabled: "Mail queue is enabled" mail_queue_not_enabled: "Mail queue is not enabled (emails are delivered immediately)" mail_server_preferences: Mail Server Preferences mail_server_settings: "Mailserver-Einstellungen" mark_shipped: "Mark Shipped" master_price: Grundpreis max_items: Max Items meta_description: "Meta Description" meta_keywords: "Meta Keywords" metadata: "Metadata" month: "Month" my_account: "Mein Konto" my_orders: "Meine Bestellungen" name: Name new: Neu new_category: "Neue Kategorie" new_coupon: New Coupon new_credit_card_payment: "Neue Kreditkartenzahlung" new_customer: "Neuer Kunde" new_image: "Neues Bild" new_option_type: "Neue Option" new_option_value: "Neuer Optionswert" new_product: "Neues Produkt" new_property: "Neue Eigenschaft" new_prototype: "Neuer Prototyp" new_shipment: "Neue Lieferung" new_shipping_category: "New Shipping Category" new_shipping_method: "New Shipping Method" new_shipping_rate: New Shipping Rate new_state: "Neues Bundesland" new_tax_category: "Neue Steuer-Kategorie" new_tax_rate: "Neuer Steuersatz" new_taxon: "New Taxon" new_taxonomy: "New Taxonomy" new_user: "Neuer Benutzer" new_variant: "Neue Variante" new_zone: "Neue Zone" next: weiter no: "No" no_items_in_cart: "Keine Artikel im Warenkorb" no_match_found: "Kein Treffer" no_user_found: "No user was found with that email address" none: kein none_available: "keine verfügbar" not: not on_hand: "Auf Lager" operation: Operation option_Values: "Options Werte" option_types: Optionen option_values: "Option Values" options: Optionen or: oder order: Bestellung order_confirmation_note: "Bestellbestätigungsnotiz" order_date: Bestelldatum order_details: "Details der Bestellung" order_email_resent: "Bestellbestätigung erneut versendet" order_not_in_system: That order number is not valid on this site. order_number: "Bestellnummer" order_operation_authorize: "" order_processed_successfully: "Ihre Bestellung wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet" order_summary: Order Summary order_total: Gesamtsumme order_total_message: "Die Gesamtsumme mit der Ihre Kreditkarte belastet wird" order_updated: "Bestellung aktualisiert" orders: Bestellungen out_of_stock: "Ausverkauft" overview: Übersicht page_only_viewable_when_logged_in: You attempted to visit a page which can only be viewed when you are logged in page_only_viewable_when_logged_out: You attempted to visit a page which can only be viewed when you are logged out paid: Bezahlt parent_category: "Unterkategorie von" password: Passwort password_reset_instructions: "Password Reset Instructions" password_reset_instructions_are_mailed: "Instructions to reset your password have been emailed to you. Please check your email." password_reset_token_not_found: "We're sorry, but we could not locate your account. If you are having issues try copying and pasting the URL from your email into your browser or restarting the reset password process." password_updated: "Password successfully updated" path: Pfad pay: zahlen payment: Zahlung payment_gateway: "Zahlungs Gateway" payment_information: Zahlungsinformationen payments: Zahlungen phone: Telefon place_order: Place Order please_create_user: "Please create a user account" powered_by: "Powered by" presentation: Anzeige previous: zurück price: Preis problem_authorizing_card: "Es gab ein Problem ihre Kreditkarte zu identifizieren" problem_capturing_card: "Es gab ein Problem beim belasten ihrer Kreditkarte" problems_processing_order: "Ihre Bestellung konnte nicht bearbetet werden" proceed_as_guest: "No Thanks, Proceed as Guest" process: Abschicken product: Produkt product_details: "Produkt Details" product_has_no_description: Product has not description product_properties: "Produkt-Eigenschaften" products: Produkte products_with_zero_inventory_display: "Products with a zero inventory will {{not}} be displayed" properties: "Eigenschaften" property: "Eigenschaft" prototype: Prototype prototypes: "Prototyp" qty: Anz rate: Rate register: Register as a New User register_or_guest: Checkout as Guest or Register registration: Registration remember_me: "Details auf diesem Computer speichern" remove: Entfernen reports: Berichte required_for_solo_and_maestro: Required for Solo and Maestro cards. resend: "Neu versenden" reset_password: "Reset my password" response_code: Rückgabewert resume: Fortsetzen resumed: Fortgesetzt return: return returned: Returned roles: Rollen sales_tax: "Sales Tax" sales_total: "Umsatz Gesamt" sales_total_for_all_orders: "Umsätze für alle Bestellungen" sales_totals: "Umsätze Gesamt" sales_totals_description: "" save_preferences: Save Preferences search: Suchen secure_connection_type: Secure Connection Type select: Auswählen select_from_prototype: "" select_preferred_shipping_option: "Select preferred shipping option" send_copy_of_all_mails_to: Send Copy of All Mails To send_copy_of_orders_mails_to: Send Copy of Order Mails To send_mails_as: Send Mails As send_order_mails_as: Send Order Mails As server_error: "The server returned an error" settings: Settings ship: ship ship_address: Lieferadresse shipment: Shipment shipment_number: "Shipment #" shipped: Ausgeliefert shipping: Lieferung shipping_address: Lieferadresse shipping_categories: "Shipping Categories" shipping_categories_description: "Manage shipping categories to identify which products can be shipped via which method" shipping_category: Shipping Category shipping_cost: Cost shipping_error: "Shipping Error" shipping_instructions: "Shipping Instructions" shipping_method: Method shipping_methods: "Shipping Methods" shipping_methods_description: "Manage shipping methods" shipping_rates: "Shipping Rates" shipping_rates_description: "Manage shipping rates" shipping_total: "Lieferkosten Gesamt" shop_by_taxonomy: "Shop by {{taxonomy}}" shopping_cart: Warenkorb show_deleted: "Zeige gelöschte" show_incomplete_orders: "Zeige unvollständige Bestellungen" show_only_complete_orders: "Only show complete orders" show_out_of_stock_products: "Zeige ausverkaufte Produkte" show_price_inc_vat: "Show price including VAT" sign_up: "Anmelden" site_name: "Site Name" site_url: "Site URL" sku: Lagerhaltungsnummer smtp: SMTP smtp_authentication_type: SMTP Authentication Type smtp_domain: SMTP Domain smtp_mail_host: SMTP Mail Host smtp_password: SMTP Password smtp_port: SMTP Port smtp_send_all_emails_as_from_following_address: "Send all mails as from the following address." smtp_send_copy_of_orders_to_this_addresses: "Sends a copy of all order's mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas." smtp_send_copy_to_this_addresses: "Sends a copy of all outgoing mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas." smtp_send_order_mails_as_from_following_address: "Send orders mails as from the following address." smtp_username: SMTP Username spree: date: Datum time: Zeit ssl_will_be_used_in_development_and_test_modes: "SSL will be used in development and test mode if necessary." ssl_will_be_used_in_production_mode: "SSL will be used in production mode" ssl_will_not_be_used_in_development_and_test_modes: "SSL will not be used in development and test mode if necessary." ssl_will_not_be_used_in_production_mode: "SSL will not be used in production mode" start: Von start_date: Valid from state: Bundesland state_based: "Basierend auf Bundesland" state_setting_description: "" states: Bundesländer status: Status stop: Bis store: Store street_address: Straße street_address_2: "Straße (Feld 2)" subtotal: Zwischensumme subtract: Subtrahieren system: System tax: MwSt. tax_categories: "" tax_categories_setting_description: "" tax_category: "" tax_rates: "Tax Rates" tax_rates_description: Tax rates setup and configuration. tax_settings: "Tax settings" tax_settings_description: Basic tax settings. tax_total: "MwSt. Gesamt" tax_type: "Tax Type" taxon: Taxon taxonomies: Taxonomies taxonomies_setting_description: "Create and manage taxonomies" taxonomy_edit: "Edit taxonomy" taxonomy_tree_error: "The requested change has not been accepted and the tree has been returned to its previous state, please try again." taxonomy_tree_instruction: "* Right click a child in the tree to access the menu for adding, deleting or sorting a child." taxons: Taxons thank_you_for_your_order: "Vielen Dank für ihre Bestellung" this_file_language: Deutsch thumbnail: "Thumbnail" to_add_variants_you_must_first_define: "To add variants, you must first define" total: Gesamt tracking: Tracking transaction: Transaktion tree: Baum try_again: "Erneut versuchen" type: Typ unable_ship_method: "Unable to generate shipping methods due to a server error." unable_to_authorize_credit_card: "Unable to Authorize Credit Card" unable_to_capture_credit_card: "Unable to Capture Credit Card" unable_to_save_order: "Unable to Save Order" unrecognized_card_type: Unrecognized card type update: Speichern update_password: "Update my password and log me in" updated_successfully: "Erfolgreich aktualisiert" updating: Updating usage_limit: Usage Limit use_as_shipping_address: Use as Shipping Address use_billing_address: Use Billing Address use_different_shipping_address: "Andere Lieferaddresse verwenden" user: Benutzer user_account: User Account user_details: "Benutzer Details" users: Benutzer value: "" variants: Varianten vat: "VAT" version: Version website: Webseite weight: Gewicht welcome_to_sample_store: "Willkommen im Beispiel Shop" what_is_a_cvv: "Was ist die (CVV) Kreditkartenprüfnummer?" what_is_this: "Was ist das?" whats_this: "What's this" width: Breite year: "Year" yes: "Yes" you_have_been_logged_out: "You have been logged out." your_cart_is_empty: "Ihr Warenkorb ist leer" zip: PLZ zone: Zone zone_based: "Zone Based" zone_setting_description: "" zones: Zones