describe("Expectation", function() { it(".addMatchers makes matchers available to any expectation", function() { var matchers = { toFoo: function() {}, toBar: function() {} }, expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({}); expect(expectation.toFoo).toBeDefined(); expect(expectation.toBar).toBeDefined(); }); it(".addCoreMatchers makes matchers available to any expectation", function() { var coreMatchers = { toQuux: function() {} }, expectation; j$.Expectation.addCoreMatchers(coreMatchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({}); expect(expectation.toQuux).toBeDefined(); }); it(".resetMatchers should keep only core matchers", function() { var matchers = { toFoo: function() {} }, coreMatchers = { toQuux: function() {} }, expectation; j$.Expectation.addCoreMatchers(coreMatchers); j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); j$.Expectation.resetMatchers(); expectation = new j$.Expectation({}); expect(expectation.toQuux).toBeDefined(); expect(expectation.toFoo).toBeUndefined(); }); it("Factory builds an expectaion/negative expectation", function() { var builtExpectation = j$.Expectation.Factory(); expect(builtExpectation instanceof j$.Expectation).toBe(true); expect(builtExpectation.not instanceof j$.Expectation).toBe(true); expect(builtExpectation.not.isNot).toBe(true); }); it("wraps matchers's compare functions, passing in matcher dependencies", function() { var fakeCompare = function() { return { pass: true }; }, matcherFactory = jasmine.createSpy("matcher").and.callReturn({ compare: fakeCompare }), matchers = { toFoo: matcherFactory }, util = {}, customEqualityTesters = ['a'], addExpectationResult = jasmine.createSpy("addExpectationResult"), expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({ util: util, customEqualityTesters: customEqualityTesters, actual: "an actual", addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult }); expectation.toFoo("hello"); expect(matcherFactory).toHaveBeenCalledWith(util, customEqualityTesters) }); it("wraps matchers's compare functions, passing the actual and expected", function() { var fakeCompare = jasmine.createSpy('fake-compare').and.callReturn({pass: true}), matchers = { toFoo: function() { return { compare: fakeCompare }; } }, util = { buildFailureMessage: jasmine.createSpy('buildFailureMessage') }, addExpectationResult = jasmine.createSpy("addExpectationResult"), expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({ util: util, actual: "an actual", addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult }); expectation.toFoo("hello"); expect(fakeCompare).toHaveBeenCalledWith("an actual", "hello"); }); it("reports a passing result to the spec when the comparison passes", function() { var matchers = { toFoo: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: true }; } }; } }, util = { buildFailureMessage: jasmine.createSpy('buildFailureMessage') }, addExpectationResult = jasmine.createSpy("addExpectationResult"), expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({ matchers: matchers, util: util, actual: "an actual", addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult }); expectation.toFoo("hello"); expect(addExpectationResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true, { matcherName: "toFoo", passed: true, message: "", expected: "hello", actual: "an actual" }); }); it("reports a failing result to the spec when the comparison fails", function() { var matchers = { toFoo: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: false }; } }; } }, util = { buildFailureMessage: function() { return ""; } }, addExpectationResult = jasmine.createSpy("addExpectationResult"), expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({ matchers: matchers, util: util, actual: "an actual", addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult }); expectation.toFoo("hello"); expect(addExpectationResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false, { matcherName: "toFoo", passed: false, expected: "hello", actual: "an actual", message: "" }); }); it("reports a failing result and a custom fail message to the spec when the comparison fails", function() { var matchers = { toFoo: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: false, message: "I am a custom message" }; } }; } }, addExpectationResult = jasmine.createSpy("addExpectationResult"), expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({ matchers: matchers, actual: "an actual", addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult }); expectation.toFoo("hello"); expect(addExpectationResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false, { matcherName: "toFoo", passed: false, expected: "hello", actual: "an actual", message: "I am a custom message" }); }); it("reports a passing result to the spec when the comparison fails for a negative expectation", function() { var matchers = { toFoo: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: false }; } }; } }, util = { buildFailureMessage: function() { return ""; } }, addExpectationResult = jasmine.createSpy("addExpectationResult"), actual = "an actual", expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({ matchers: matchers, actual: "an actual", addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult, isNot: true }); expectation.toFoo("hello"); expect(addExpectationResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true, { matcherName: "toFoo", passed: true, message: "", expected: "hello", actual: actual }); }); it("reports a failing result to the spec when the comparison passes for a negative expectation", function() { var matchers = { toFoo: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: true }; } }; } }, util = { buildFailureMessage: function() { return "default messge"; } }, addExpectationResult = jasmine.createSpy("addExpectationResult"), actual = "an actual", expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({ matchers: matchers, actual: "an actual", util: util, addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult, isNot: true }); expectation.toFoo("hello"); expect(addExpectationResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false, { matcherName: "toFoo", passed: false, expected: "hello", actual: actual, message: "default messge" }); }); it("reports a failing result and a custom fail message to the spec when the comparison passes for a negative expectation", function() { var matchers = { toFoo: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: true, message: "I am a custom message" }; } }; } }, addExpectationResult = jasmine.createSpy("addExpectationResult"), actual = "an actual", expectation; j$.Expectation.addMatchers(matchers); expectation = new j$.Expectation({ matchers: matchers, actual: "an actual", addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult, isNot: true }); expectation.toFoo("hello"); expect(addExpectationResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false, { matcherName: "toFoo", passed: false, expected: "hello", actual: actual, message: "I am a custom message" }); }); });