require "imdb_party" require 'imdb_party/levenshtein' class MovieSearcher attr_accessor :options, :cleaners def initialize(args) args.keys.each { |name| instance_variable_set "@" + name.to_s, args[name] unless name == :options } @options = { :long => 15, :split => /\s+|\./, :imdb =>, :limit => 0.4 } @options.merge!(args[:options]) unless args[:options].nil? @cleaners = YAML.load("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/imdb_party/exclude.yaml"))["excluded"] end def self.find_by_release_name(search_value, options = {}) this = => search_value.to_s)) return if this.to_long? movie = this.find_the_movie! return if movie.nil? # If the user wants for information about the movie, the {options[:details]} option should be true this.options[:details] ? self.find_movie_by_id(movie.imdb_id) : movie end def to_long? @split = self.cleaner(@search_value).split(@options[:split]) @split.length > @options[:long] end def find_the_movie! current = @split.length until current <= 0 do title = @split.take(current).join(' ') movies = @options[:imdb].find_by_title(title) break if movies.any? and movies.reject{ |movie| self.shortest(movie, title).nil? }.any? current -= 1 end return if movies.nil? or not movies.any? movie = do |movie| [movie, self.shortest(movie, title)] end.reject do |value| value.last.nil? end.sort_by do |_,value| value end.first return if movie.nil? end def self.method_missing(method, *args, &block) result =, *args) result.class == Array ?{|r|} : result end def cleaner(string) @cleaners.each do |clean| string = string.gsub(/#{clean}/i, ' ') end [/(19|20\d{2})/, /\./, /\s*-\s*/, /\s{2,}/].each do |regex| string = string.gsub(regex, ' ') end string.strip end def shortest(a,b) # If the release contains a year, then the corresponding movie from IMDB should have the same year if year = @search_value.match(/(19|20\d{2})/) return nil unless year[1] == a[:year] end Levenshtein.distance(self.super_cleaner(a[:title]), self.super_cleaner(self.cleaner(b)), @options[:limit]) end def super_cleaner(string) string.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '') end end