require 'capybara' require 'capybara/poltergeist' require 'credentials_manager/password_manager' require 'phantomjs/poltergeist' # this will download and store phantomjs require 'fastlane_core/itunes_connect/itunes_connect_helper.rb' require 'fastlane_core/itunes_connect/itunes_connect_login.rb' require 'fastlane_core/itunes_connect/itunes_connect_apple_id.rb' module FastlaneCore # Everything that can't be achived using the {FastlaneCore::ItunesTransporter} # will be scripted using the iTunesConnect frontend. # # Every method you call here, might take a time class ItunesConnect # This error occurs only if there is something wrong with the given login data class ItunesConnectLoginError < StandardError end # This error can occur for many reaons. It is # usually raised when an UI element could not be found class ItunesConnectGeneralError < StandardError end include Capybara::DSL ITUNESCONNECT_URL = "" APP_DETAILS_URL = "[[app_id]]" BUTTON_STRING_NEW_VERSION = "New Version" BUTTON_STRING_SUBMIT_FOR_REVIEW = "Submit for Review" WAITING_FOR_REVIEW = "Waiting For Review" def initialize super return if Helper.is_test? Capybara.run_server = false Capybara.default_driver = :poltergeist Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist Capybara.current_driver = :poltergeist Capybara.app_host = ITUNESCONNECT_URL # Since Apple has some SSL errors, we have to configure the client properly: # Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |a| conf = ['--debug=no', '--ignore-ssl-errors=yes', '--ssl-protocol=TLSv1'], { phantomjs: Phantomjs.path, phantomjs_options: conf, phantomjs_logger:"/tmp/poltergeist_log.txt", "a"), js_errors: false, timeout: 90 }) end page.driver.headers = { "Accept-Language" => "en" } login end end end