<% if @taxonomy.is_a?(Organization) %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'katello/organizations/download_certificate' %> <%= text_f f, :label, :disabled => true, :class => 'input-xlarge' %> <%= selectable_f(f, :service_level, options_for_select(service_level_options, service_level_selected), {}, :label => _('Default System SLA')) %> <%= field(f, _('Debug Certificate'), :help_inline => _('This certificate allows a user to view the repositories in any environment from a browser.')) do button_tag _('Generate and Download'), :id => :download_debug_cert_key, :type => :button, :style => 'margin-top: 8px;', :class => 'btn btn-small', 'data-url' => "/katello/api/v2/organizations/#{@taxonomy.id}/download_debug_certificate" end %> <% if @can_toggle_sca %> <%= field(f, _('Simple Content Access'), :help_inline => _('Toggling Simple Content Access will refresh your manifest.')) do tag1 = hidden_field_tag 'simple_content_access', '0' tag2 = check_box_tag 'simple_content_access', '1', @taxonomy.simple_content_access? tag1 + tag2 end %> <% end %> <% end %>