# v0.30.0 * Compatibility with https://rubygems.org/gems/scrivito 0.30.0 * Restored fallbacks for uploading videos and images (when `filter_default.upload` config is empty) # v0.1.0 * Renamed from Scrivito Resource Browser to Scrivito Content Browser * API change: `Resourcebrowser` is now `scrivito.content_browser` * API change: `ResourcebrowserUploader.mimeTypeMapping` is now `scrivito.content_browser.filter_defaults.upload` * API change: option `.open(onSave)` is now a promise: `.open().done` * API change: option `.open(onClose)` is now a promise: `.open().fail` * API change: removed option `.open(onDelete)` * See your app's JS console for hints and deprecation warnings # v0.0.6 * Added list view mode * The _Selected_ filter appears at the top of the filter list * Changed the icon namespace to `scrivito-resourcebrowser-icon-*` `editing-icon-*` is still supported for the filter option `icon` * Dropped unused controller actions, leaving only `inspector` # v0.0.5 * Uploading a MIME type with no configured `obj_class` shows sensible error message. * Show the app configurable `description_for_editor` as subtitle. * Some visual improvements. # v0.0.4 * The filters are now a simple hash instead of a function that returns a hash. This allows to extend the filters multiple times. This is useful, when a gem wants to add filters to the ones already defined in the application. (Thanks @gertimon) # v0.0.3 * Change the icon to open the details view from a magnifying glass to a pen. * Added option "selectionMode", which can be set to `single` in order to allow only one selected item at a time. Any other value will allow to select an arbitrary number of items. * Added "selected" filter that displays all currently selected items. * Display "missing title" when a custom filter has no title configured. * Added installation and usage section in the README. # v0.0.2 * Bugfix: An error on assets:precompile was caused by a typo. (Thanks @dcsaszar) # v0.0.1 * rename to resource browser * initial version