class ActiveGraph::Generators::ModelGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase #:nodoc: include ::ActiveGraph::Generators::SourcePathHelper include ::ActiveGraph::Generators::MigrationHelper argument :attributes, type: :array, default: [], banner: 'field:type field:type' check_class_collision class_option :timestamps, type: :boolean class_option :parent, type: :string, desc: 'The parent class for the generated model' class_option :indices, type: :array, desc: 'The properties which should be indexed' class_option :has_one, type: :array, desc: 'A list of has_one relationships' class_option :has_many, type: :array, desc: 'A list of has_many relationships' def create_model_file template 'model.erb', File.join('app/models', class_path, "#{singular_name}.rb") migration_template 'migration.erb', 'create_' end protected def migration? false end def timestamps? options[:timestamps] end # rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName def has_many? options[:has_many] end def has_many_statements options[:has_many].each_with_object('') do |key, txt| txt << has_x('has_many', key) end end def has_one? options[:has_one] end def has_x(method, key) to, from = key.split(':') (from ? "\n #{method}(:#{to}).from(:#{from})\n" : "\n #{method} :#{to}") end def has_one_statements txt = '' options[:has_one].each do |key| txt << has_x('has_one', key) end txt end # rubocop:enable Naming/PredicateName def indices? options[:indices] end def index_fragment(property) return if !options[:indices] || !options[:indices].include?(property) "index :#{property}" end def parent? options[:parent] end def timestamp_statements ' property :created_at, type: DateTime # property :created_on, type: Date property :updated_at, type: DateTime # property :updated_on, type: Date ' end hook_for :test_framework end