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Put @var{args} in a horizontal line. The property @code{word-space} determines the space between markups in @var{args}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \line { one two three } } @end lilypond(dest) @cindex drawing line, within text A simple line. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \draw-line #'(4 . 4) \override #'(thickness . 5) \draw-line #'(-3 . 0) } @end lilypond(dest) @cindex drawing dashed line, within text A dashed line. If @code{full-length} is set to #t (default) the dashed-line extends to the whole length given by @var{dest}, without white space at beginning or end. @code{off} will then be altered to fit. To insist on the given (or default) values of @code{on}, @code{off} use @code{\override #'(full-length . #f)} Manual settings for @code{on},@code{off} and @code{phase} are possible. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \draw-dashed-line #'(5.1 . 2.3) \override #'((on . 0.3) (off . 0.5)) \draw-dashed-line #'(5.1 . 2.3) } @end lilypond(dest) @cindex drawing dotted line, within text A dotted line. The dotted-line always extends to the whole length given by @var{dest}, without white space at beginning or end. Manual settings for @code{off} are possible to get larger or smaller space between the dots. The given (or default) value of @code{off} will be altered to fit the line-length. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \draw-dotted-line #'(5.1 . 2.3) \override #'((thickness . 2) (off . 0.2)) \draw-dotted-line #'(5.1 . 2.3) } @end lilypond(sq-length dest eq-end?) @cindex drawing squiggled line, within text A squiggled line. If @code{eq-end?} is set to @code{#t}, it is ensured the squiggled line ends with a bow in same direction as the starting one. @code{sq-length} is the length of the first bow. @code{dest} is the end point of the squiggled line. To match @code{dest} the squiggled line is scaled accordingly. Its appearance may be customized by overrides for @code{thickness}, @code{angularity}, @code{height} and @code{orientation}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \column { \draw-squiggle-line #0.5 #'(6 . 0) ##t \override #'(orientation . -1) \draw-squiggle-line #0.5 #'(6 . 0) ##t \draw-squiggle-line #0.5 #'(6 . 0) ##f \override #'(height . 1) \draw-squiggle-line #0.5 #'(6 . 0) ##t \override #'(thickness . 5) \draw-squiggle-line #0.5 #'(6 . 0) ##t \override #'(angularity . 2) \draw-squiggle-line #0.5 #'(6 . 0) ##t } @end lilypond() @cindex drawing line, across a page Draws a line across a page, where the property @code{span-factor} controls what fraction of the page is taken up. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \markup { \column { \draw-hline \override #'(span-factor . 1/3) \draw-hline } } @end lilypond(radius thickness filled) @cindex drawing circle, within text A circle of radius @var{radius} and thickness @var{thickness}, optionally filled. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \draw-circle #2 #0.5 ##f \hspace #2 \draw-circle #2 #0 ##t } @end lilypond(points) @cindex drawing polygon A polygon delimited by the list of @var{points}. @var{extroversion} defines how the shape of the polygon is adapted to its thickness. If it is@tie{}0, the polygon is traced as-is. If@tie{}-1, the outer side of the line is just on the given points. If@tie{}1, the line has its inner side on the points. The @var{thickness} property controls the thickness of the line; for filled polygons, this means the diameter of the blot. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] regularPentagon = #'((1 . 0) (0.31 . 0.95) (-0.81 . 0.59) (-0.81 . -0.59) (0.31 . -0.95)) \markup { \polygon #'((-1 . -1) (0 . -3) (2 . 2) (1 . 2)) \override #'(filled . #f) \override #'(thickness . 2) \combine \with-color #(universal-color 'blue) \polygon #regularPentagon \with-color #(universal-color 'vermillion) \override #'(extroversion . 1) \polygon #regularPentagon } @end lilypond(filled) @cindex drawing triangle, within text A triangle, either filled or empty. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \triangle ##t \hspace #2 \triangle ##f } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex circling text Draw a circle around @var{arg}. Use @code{thickness}, @code{circle-padding} and @code{font-size} properties to determine line thickness and padding around the markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \circle { Hi } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex drawing ellipse, around text Draw an ellipse around @var{arg}. Use @code{thickness}, @code{x-padding}, @code{y-padding} and @code{font-size} properties to determine line thickness and padding around the markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \ellipse { Hi } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex drawing oval, around text Draw an oval around @var{arg}. Use @code{thickness}, @code{x-padding}, @code{y-padding} and @code{font-size} properties to determine line thickness and padding around the markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \oval { Hi } } @end lilypond(url arg) @cindex inserting URL link, into text Add a link to URL @var{url} around @var{arg}. This only works in the PDF backend. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \with-url #"https://lilypond.org/" { LilyPond ... \italic { music notation for everyone } } } @end lilypond(page-number arg) @cindex referencing page number, in text Add a link to the page @var{page-number} around @var{arg}. This only works in the PDF backend. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \page-link #2 { \italic { This links to page 2... } } } @end lilypondReturn the @code{'first-page-number} of the entire book.(label arg) @cindex referencing page label, in text Add a link to the page holding label @var{label} around @var{arg}. This only works in the PDF backend. @verbatim \markup { \with-link #'label { \italic { This links to the page containing the label... } } } @end verbatim(width slope thickness) @cindex drawing beam, within text Create a beam with the specified parameters. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \beam #5 #1 #2 } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex underlining text Underline @var{arg}. Looks at @code{thickness} to determine line thickness, @code{offset} to determine line y-offset from @var{arg} and @code{underline-skip} to determine the distance of additional lines from the others. @code{underline-shift} is used to get subsequent calls correct. Overriding it makes little sense, it would end up adding the provided value to the one of @code{offset}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \markup \justify-line { \underline "underlined" \override #'(offset . 5) \override #'(thickness . 1) \underline "underlined" \override #'(offset . 1) \override #'(thickness . 5) \underline "underlined" \override #'(offset . 5) \override #'(underline-skip . 4) \underline \underline \underline "multiple underlined" } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex tie-ing text Adds a horizontal bow created with @code{make-tie-stencil} at bottom or top of @var{arg}. Looks at @code{thickness} to determine line thickness, and @code{offset} to determine y-offset. The added bow fits the extent of @var{arg}, @code{shorten-pair} may be used to modify this. @var{direction} may be set using an @code{override} or direction-modifiers or @code{voiceOne}, etc. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \override #'(direction . 1) \tie "above" \override #'(direction . -1) \tie "below" } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex undertie-ing text @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \line { \undertie "undertied" \override #'((offset . 5) (thickness . 1)) \undertie "undertied" \override #'((offset . 1) (thickness . 5)) \undertie "undertied" } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex overtie-ing text Overtie @var{arg}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \line { \overtie "overtied" \override #'((offset . 5) (thickness . 1)) \overtie "overtied" \override #'((offset . 1) (thickness . 5)) \overtie "overtied" } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex enclosing text within a box Draw a box round @var{arg}. Looks at @code{thickness}, @code{box-padding} and @code{font-size} properties to determine line thickness and padding around the markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 0.5) \box \line { V. S. } } @end lilypond(xext yext blot) @cindex drawing solid box, within text @cindex drawing box, with rounded corners Draw a box with rounded corners of dimensions @var{xext} and @var{yext}. For example, @verbatim \filled-box #'(-.3 . 1.8) #'(-.3 . 1.8) #0 @end verbatim creates a box extending horizontally from -0.3 to 1.8 and vertically from -0.3 up to 1.8, with corners formed from a circle of diameter@tie{}0 (i.e., sharp corners). @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \filled-box #'(0 . 4) #'(0 . 4) #0 \filled-box #'(0 . 2) #'(-4 . 2) #0.4 \combine \filled-box #'(1 . 8) #'(0 . 7) #0.2 \with-color #white \filled-box #'(3.6 . 5.6) #'(3.5 . 5.5) #0.7 } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex enclosing text in box, with rounded corners @cindex drawing box, with rounded corners, around text Draw a box with rounded corners around @var{arg}. Looks at @code{thickness}, @code{box-padding} and @code{font-size} properties to determine line thickness and padding around the markup; the @code{corner-radius} property makes it possible to define another shape for the corners (default is 1). @lilypond[verbatim,quote,relative=2] c4^\markup { \rounded-box { Overtura } } c,8. c16 c4 r @end lilypond(ang arg) @cindex rotating text Rotate object with @var{ang} degrees around its center. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \rotate #45 \line { rotated 45° } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex adding white background, to text Provide a white background for @var{arg}. The shape of the white background is determined by @code{style}. The default is @code{box} which produces a rectangle. @code{rounded-box} produces a rounded rectangle. @code{outline} approximates the outline of the markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \combine \filled-box #'(-1 . 15) #'(-3 . 4) #1 \override #'(thickness . 1.5) \whiteout whiteout-box } \markup { \combine \filled-box #'(-1 . 24) #'(-3 . 4) #1 \override #'((style . rounded-box) (thickness . 3)) \whiteout whiteout-rounded-box } \markup { \combine \filled-box #'(-1 . 18) #'(-3 . 4) #1 \override #'((style . outline) (thickness . 3)) \whiteout whiteout-outline } @end lilypond(amount arg) @cindex padding text @cindex putting space around text Add space around a markup object. Identical to @code{pad-around}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \box { default } \hspace #2 \box { \pad-markup #1 { padded } } } @end lilypond() @cindex creating vertical space, in text Create a box of the same height as the space in the current font.(amount) @cindex creating horizontal space, in text Create an invisible object taking up horizontal space @var{amount}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { one \hspace #2 two \hspace #8 three } @end lilypond(amount) @cindex creating vertical space, in text Create an invisible object taking up vertical space of @var{amount} multiplied by 3. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \center-column { one \vspace #2 two \vspace #5 three } } @end lilypond(stil) @cindex importing stencil, into text Use a stencil as markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \stencil #(make-circle-stencil 2 0 #t) } @end lilypondExtract the bounding box from @var{string}, or return @code{#f} if not present.(axis size file-name) @cindex inlining an Encapsulated PostScript image Inline an EPS image. The image is scaled along @var{axis} to @var{size}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \general-align #Y #DOWN { \epsfile #X #20 #"context-example.eps" \epsfile #Y #20 #"context-example.eps" } } @end lilypond(str) @cindex inserting PostScript directly, into text Insert @var{str} directly into the output as a PostScript command string. This command is meant as a @emph{last resort}. Almost all needs are better fulfilled by other markup commands (see, for example, @code{\path} and @code{\draw-line}). If you do use this command, keep the following points in mind: @itemize @item @code{\postscript} does not work in SVG output. @item There are no stability guarantees on the details of how LilyPond produces its own output (i.e., the context into which the PostScript code is inserted). They may change substantially across versions. @item LilyPond cannot understand the shape of the drawing, leading to suboptimal spacing. @item Depending on how you install LilyPond, the version of the PostScript interpreter (GhostScript) can vary, and some of its features may be disabled. @end itemize @lilypond[verbatim,quote] ringsps = #" 0.15 setlinewidth 0.9 0.6 moveto 0.4 0.6 0.5 0 361 arc stroke 1.0 0.6 0.5 0 361 arc stroke " rings = \markup { \with-dimensions #'(-0.2 . 1.6) #'(0 . 1.2) \postscript #ringsps } \relative c'' { c2^\rings a2_\rings } @end lilypond(thickness commands) @cindex path, drawing @cindex drawing path Draws a path with line @var{thickness} according to the directions given in @var{commands}. @var{commands} is a list of lists where the @code{car} of each sublist is a drawing command and the @code{cdr} comprises the associated arguments for each command. There are seven commands available to use in the list @code{commands}: @code{moveto}, @code{rmoveto}, @code{lineto}, @code{rlineto}, @code{curveto}, @code{rcurveto}, and @code{closepath}. Note that the commands that begin with @emph{r} are the relative variants of the other three commands. You may also use the standard SVG single-letter equivalents: @code{moveto} = @code{M}, @code{lineto} = @code{L}, @code{curveto} = @code{C}, @code{closepath} = @code{Z}. The relative commands are written lowercase: @code{rmoveto} = @code{r}, @code{rlineto} = @code{l}, @code{rcurveto} = @code{c}. The commands @code{moveto}, @code{rmoveto}, @code{lineto}, and @code{rlineto} take 2 arguments; they are the X and Y coordinates for the destination point. The commands @code{curveto} and @code{rcurveto} create cubic Bézier curves, and take 6 arguments; the first two are the X and Y coordinates for the first control point, the second two are the X and Y coordinates for the second control point, and the last two are the X and Y coordinates for the destination point. The @code{closepath} command takes zero arguments and closes the current subpath in the active path. Line-cap styles and line-join styles may be customized by overriding the @code{line-cap-style} and @code{line-join-style} properties, respectively. Available line-cap styles are @code{'butt}, @code{'round}, and @code{'square}. Available line-join styles are @code{'miter}, @code{'round}, and @code{'bevel}. The property @code{filled} specifies whether or not the path is filled with color. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] samplePath = #'((lineto -1 1) (lineto 1 1) (lineto 1 -1) (curveto -5 -5 -5 5 -1 0) (closepath)) \markup { \path #0.25 #samplePath \override #'(line-join-style . miter) \path #0.25 #samplePath \override #'(filled . #t) \path #0.25 #samplePath } @end lilypond(score) This is the same as the @code{\score} markup but delivers its systems as a list of lines. Its @var{score} argument is entered in braces like it would be for @code{\score}.(score) @cindex inserting music, into text Inline an image of music. The reference point (usually the middle staff line) of the lowest staff in the top system is placed on the baseline. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm,staffsize=16] \markup { \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \relative c' { \key f \major \time 3/4 \mark \markup { Allegro } f2\p( a4) c2( a4) bes2( g'4) f8( e) e4 r } \new Staff \relative c { \clef bass \key f \major \time 3/4 f8( a c a c a f c' es c es c) f,( bes d bes d bes) f( g bes g bes g) } >> \layout { indent = 0.0\cm \context { \Score \override RehearsalMark.break-align-symbols = #'(time-signature key-signature) \override RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT } \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature .break-align-anchor-alignment = #LEFT } } } } @end lilypond(music) @cindex rhythm, in text @cindex markup, rhythm @cindex swing @cindex tempo, with rhythm An embedded rhythmic pattern. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \relative { \tempo \markup { Swing \hspace #0.4 \rhythm { 8[ 8] } = \rhythm { \tuplet 3/2 { 4 8 } } } b8 g' c, d ees d16 ees d c r8 } @end lilypond Within @code{\rhythm}, there is no time signature and no division in measures (as with @code{\cadenzaOn}, @pxref{Unmetered music}). Beaming must be added explicitly with the syntax explained in @ref{Manual beams}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { The rhythmic pattern \rhythm { 16[ 8 16] } is a type of syncopation. } @end lilypond @code{\stemDown} can be used to flip the stems. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \rhythm { \stemDown 8 16 8 } @end lilypond @code{\rhythm} works by creating a @code{StandaloneRhythmVoice} context. The parents of this context are @code{StandaloneRhythmStaff} and @code{StandaloneRhythmScore}. It is possible to apply global tweaks to the output by using a @code{\layout} block. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \layout { \context { \StandaloneRhythmVoice \xNotesOn } } \markup \rhythm { 8 16 8 } @end lilypond @warning{@code{\rhythm} does not work when its argument is a single duration, e.g., @code{\rhythm @{ 8 @}}. Use extra braces: @code{\rhythm @{ @{ 8 @} @}}.} () @cindex creating empty text object An empty markup with extents of a single point. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \null } @end lilypond(str) @code{\markup \simple "x"} is equivalent to @code{\markup "x"}. This command was previously used internally, but no longer is, and is being kept for backwards compatibility only. (args) Use the first markup in @var{args} that yields a non-empty stencil and ignore the rest. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \first-visible { \fromproperty #'header:composer \italic Unknown } } @end lilypondCalculate the necessary paddings between adjacent texts in a single justified line. The lengths of all texts are stored in @var{text-widths}. When @var{constant-space?} is @code{#t}, the formula for the padding between texts is: padding = (line-width - total-text-width)/(word-count - 1) When @var{constant-space?} is @code{#f}, the formula for the padding between interior texts a and b is: padding = line-width/(word-count - 1) - (length(a) + length(b))/2 In this case, the first and last padding have to be calculated specially using the whole length of the first or last text. All paddings are checked to be at least word-space, to ensure that no texts collide. Return a list of paddings.Return a stencil which spreads @var{args} along a line of width @var{line-width}. If @var{constant-space?} is set to @code{#t}, the space between words is constant. If @code{#f}, the distance between words varies according to their relative lengths.(args) Put @var{markups} in a horizontal line of width @var{line-width}. The markups are spaced or flushed to fill the entire line. If there are no arguments, return an empty stencil. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \markup { \column { \fill-line { Words evenly spaced across the page } \null \fill-line { \line { Text markups } \line { \italic { evenly spaced } } \line { across the page } } \null \override #'(line-width . 50) \fill-line { Width explicitly specified } } } @end lilypond(args) Put @var{markups} in a horizontal line of width @var{line-width}. The markups are spread to fill the entire line and separated by equal space. If there are no arguments, return an empty stencil. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \markup { \justify-line { Constant space between neighboring words } } @end lilypond(args) @cindex concatenating text @cindex ligature, in text Concatenate @var{args} in a horizontal line, without spaces in between. Strings are concatenated on the input level, allowing ligatures. For example, @code{\concat @{ "f" "i" @}} is equivalent to @code{"fi"}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \concat { one two three } } @end lilypondPerform simple wordwrap, return stencil of each line.(justify args) Internal markup list command used to define @code{\justify} and @code{\wordwrap}.(args) @cindex justifying text Like @code{\wordwrap}, but with lines stretched to justify the margins. Use @code{\override #'(line-width . @var{X})} to set the line width; @var{X}@tie{}is the number of staff spaces. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \markup { \justify { Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. } } @end lilypond(args) Simple wordwrap. Use @code{\override #'(line-width . @var{X})} to set the line width, where @var{X} is the number of staff spaces. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \markup { \wordwrap { Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. } } @end lilypond(justify arg) Internal markup list command that is used to define @code{\justify-string} and @code{\wordwrap-string}.(arg) Wordwrap a string. Paragraphs may be separated with double newlines. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \override #'(line-width . 40) \wordwrap-string #"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum" } @end lilypond(arg) Justify a string. Paragraphs may be separated with double newlines @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \override #'(line-width . 40) \justify-string #"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum" } @end lilypond(symbol) Wordwrap the data which has been assigned to @var{symbol}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \header { title = "My title" myText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat." } \paper { bookTitleMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:title } \null \wordwrap-field #'header:myText } } } \markup { \null } @end lilypond(symbol) Justify the data which has been assigned to @var{symbol}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \header { title = "My title" myText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat." } \paper { bookTitleMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:title } \null \justify-field #'header:myText } } } \markup { \null } @end lilypond(arg1 arg2) @cindex merging text Print two markups on top of each other. Note: @code{\combine} cannot take a list of markups enclosed in curly braces as an argument; for this purpose use @code{\overlay} instead. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \fontsize #5 \override #'(thickness . 2) \combine \draw-line #'(0 . 4) \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f } @end lilypond(args) @cindex merging text Takes a list of markups combining them. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \fontsize #5 \override #'(thickness . 2) \overlay { \draw-line #'(0 . 4) \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \translate #'(0 . 4)\arrow-head #Y #UP ##f } } @end lilypond(args) @cindex stacking text in a column Stack the markups in @var{args} vertically. The property @code{baseline-skip} determines the space between markups in @var{args}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \column { one two three } } @end lilypond(args) @cindex changing direction of text column Make a column of @var{args}, going up or down, depending on the setting of the @code{direction} layout property. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \override #`(direction . ,UP) \dir-column { going up } \hspace #1 \dir-column { going down } \hspace #1 \override #'(direction . 1) \dir-column { going up } } @end lilypondStack @var{mols} vertically, aligned to @var{align-dir} horizontally.(args) @cindex centering column of text Put @code{args} in a centered column. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \center-column { one two three } } @end lilypond(args) @cindex text column, left-aligned Put @code{args} in a left-aligned column. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \left-column { one two three } } @end lilypond(args) @cindex text column, right-aligned Put @code{args} in a right-aligned column. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \right-column { one two three } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex vertically centering text Align @code{arg} to its Y@tie{}center. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { one \vcenter two three } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex horizontally centering text Align @code{arg} to its X@tie{}center. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \column { one \center-align two three } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex right-aligning text Align @var{arg} on its right edge. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \column { one \right-align two three } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex left-aligning text Align @var{arg} on its left edge. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \column { one \left-align two three } } @end lilypond(axis dir arg) @cindex controlling general text alignment Align @var{arg} in @var{axis} direction to the @var{dir} side. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \column { one \general-align #X #LEFT two three \null one \general-align #X #CENTER two three \null \line { one \general-align #Y #UP two three } \null \line { one \general-align #Y #3.2 two three } } } @end lilypond(dir arg) @cindex setting horizontal text alignment Set horizontal alignment. If @var{dir} is @w{@code{-1}}, then it is left-aligned, while @code{+1} is right. Values in between interpolate alignment accordingly. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \column { one \halign #LEFT two three \null one \halign #CENTER two three \null one \halign #RIGHT two three \null one \halign #-5 two three } } @end lilypond(axis other-dir other self-dir self) Align markup @var{self} on markup @var{other} along axis @var{axis}, using @var{self-@/dir} and @var{other-@/dir} for mutual alignment of @var{self} and @var{other}, respectively. This command translates @var{self} as requested relative to its surroundings; @var{other} is not printed. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \column { 1 12 \align-on-other #X #RIGHT 12 #LEFT 12345 123 } @end lilypond(x y arg) @cindex setting extent of text object Set the horizontal and vertical dimensions of @var{arg} to @var{x} and@tie{}@var{y}.(axis val arg) @cindex setting extent of text object Set the horizontal dimension of @var{arg} to @var{val} if @var{axis} is equal to@tie{}@code{X}. If @var{axis} is equal to@tie{}@code{Y}, set the vertical dimension of @var{arg} to @var{val} instead.(outline arg) @cindex setting extent of text object Print @var{arg} with the outline and dimensions of @var{outline}. The outline is used by skylines to resolve collisions (not for whiteout).(arg1 arg2) @cindex setting extent of text object Print @var{arg2} with the horizontal and vertical dimensions of @var{arg1}.(axis arg1 arg2) @cindex setting extent of text object Print @var{arg2} but replace the horizontal dimension with the one from @var{arg1} if @var{axis} is set to@tie{}@code{X}. If @var{axis} is set to@tie{}@code{Y}, replace the vertical dimension with the one from @var{arg1} instead.(axis arg) @cindex bounding box, of glyph @cindex glyph, bounding box @cindex dimensions, of bounding box @cindex extent, of bounding box @cindex extent, of actual inking Give @var{arg} its actual dimension (extent) on @var{axis}. Sometimes, the extents of a markup's printed ink differs from the default extents. The main case is if glyphs are involved. By default, the extents of a glyph are based on the glyph's @dfn{metrics} (i.e., a default vertical and horizontal size for the glyph), which, for various reasons, are often not identical to its @dfn{bounding box} (i.e., the smallest rectangle that completely encompasses the glyph's outline) -- in most cases, the outline protrudes the box spanned up by the metrics. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \fontsize #10 \override #'((box-padding . 0) (thickness . 0.2)) \box \musicglyph "scripts.trill" @end lilypond For purposes other than setting text, this behavior may not be wanted. You can use @code{\with-true-dimension} in order to give the markup its actual printed extent. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \fontsize #10 \override #'((box-padding . 0) (thickness . 0.2)) \box \with-true-dimension #X \musicglyph "scripts.trill" @end lilypond (arg) @code{\markup \with-@/true-@/dimensions @var{arg}} is short for @code{\markup \with-@/true-@/dimension #X \with-@/true-@/dimension #Y @var{arg}}, i.e., @code{\with-@/true-@/dimensions} has the effect of @code{\with-@/true-@/dimension} on both axes.(amount arg) Add padding @var{amount} all around @var{arg}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \box { default } \hspace #2 \box { \pad-around #0.5 { padded } } } @end lilypond(amount arg) @cindex padding text horizontally Add padding @var{amount} around @var{arg} in the X@tie{}direction. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \box { default } \hspace #4 \box { \pad-x #2 { padded } } } @end lilypond(axis dir arg1 arg2) Put @var{arg2} next to @var{arg1}, without moving @var{arg1}.(arg) Make @var{arg} transparent. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \transparent { invisible text } } @end lilypond(x-ext y-ext arg) Make @var{arg} take at least @var{x-ext}, @var{y-ext} space. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \box { default } \hspace #4 \box { \pad-to-box #'(0 . 10) #'(0 . 3) { padded } } } @end lilypond(length arg) Center @var{arg} horizontally within a box of extending @var{length}/2 to the left and right. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \hcenter-in #12 Oboe } c''1 } \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \hcenter-in #12 Bassoon } \clef tenor c'1 } >> @end lilypond(symbol) Print out a warning when a header field markup contains some recursive markup definition.(symbol) Read the @var{symbol} from property settings, and produce a stencil from the markup contained within. If @var{symbol} is not defined, it returns an empty markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \header { myTitle = "myTitle" title = \markup { from \italic \fromproperty #'header:myTitle } } \markup { \null } @end lilypond(procedure arg) Apply the @var{procedure} markup command to @var{arg}. @var{procedure} takes the same arguments as @code{interpret-markup} and returns a stencil.(mkup note) Have footnote @var{note} act as an annotation to the markup @var{mkup}. @c we don't want to display \book @example \markup @{ \footnote a b \override #'(padding . 0.2) \footnote c d @} @end example @lilypond[quote,ragged-right,papersize=a8] \book { \header { tagline = ##f } \markup { \footnote a b \override #'(padding . 0.2) \footnote c d } } @end lilypond The footnote will not be annotated automatically.(mkup note) Have footnote @var{note} act as an annotation to the markup @var{mkup}. @c we don't want to display \book @example \markup @{ \auto-footnote a b \override #'(padding . 0.2) \auto-footnote c d @} @end example @lilypond[quote,ragged-right,papersize=a8] \book { \header { tagline = ##f } \markup { \auto-footnote a b \override #'(padding . 0.2) \auto-footnote c d } } @end lilypond The footnote will be annotated automatically.(new-prop arg) @cindex overriding property within text markup Add the argument @var{new-prop} to the property list. Properties may be any property supported by @rinternals{font-interface}, @rinternals{text-interface} and @rinternals{instrument-specific-markup-interface}. @var{new-prop} may be either a single alist pair, or non-empty alist of its own. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \undertie "undertied" \override #'(offset . 15) \undertie "offset undertied" \override #'((offset . 15)(thickness . 3)) \undertie "offset thick undertied" } @end lilypond(name) Read the contents of file @var{name}, and include it verbatim. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \verbatim-file #"en/included/simple.ly" } @end lilypond(arg) Decrease the font size relative to the current setting. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \fontsize #3.5 { large text \hspace #2 \smaller { smaller text } \hspace #2 large text } } @end lilypond(arg) Increase the font size relative to the current setting. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \larger larger } @end lilypond(arg) Set @var{arg} as small numbers for figured bass. Specially slashed digits can be achieved with a trailing backslashes (for numbers 6, 7, and@tie{}9) or a trailing plus (for numbers 2, 4, and@tie{}5).@footnote{Internally, this works by activating the @q{dlig} OpenType feature of the Emmentaler font.} The use of a backslash is in analogy to @code{\figuremode} (@pxref{Entering figured bass}). Note that to get a backslash character in markup it must be escaped by doubling it. Additionally, it must be put into double quotes. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \figured-bass { 2 3 4+ 7 "9\\" } } @end lilypond(arg) Set @var{arg} as small numbers for fingering instructions. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \finger { 1 2 3 4 5 } } @end lilypond(size arg) Use @var{size} as the absolute font size (in points) to display @var{arg}. Adjusts @code{baseline-skip} and @code{word-space} accordingly. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default text font size \hspace #2 \abs-fontsize #16 { text font size 16 } \hspace #2 \abs-fontsize #12 { text font size 12 } } @end lilypond(increment arg) Add @var{increment} to the font-size. Adjusts @code{baseline-skip} accordingly. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \fontsize #-1.5 smaller } @end lilypond(sz arg) @cindex magnifying text Set the font magnification for its argument. In the following example, the middle@tie{}A is 10% larger: @example A \magnify #1.1 @{ A @} A @end example Note: Magnification only works if a font name is explicitly selected. Use @code{\fontsize} otherwise. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \magnify #1.5 { 50% larger } } @end lilypond(arg) Switch to bold font-series. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \bold bold } @end lilypond(arg) Switch to the sans serif font family. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \sans { sans serif } } @end lilypond(arg) Set font family to @code{number}, which yields the font used for digits. This font also contains some punctuation; it has no letters. @cindex feature, OpenType font @cindex font feature, OpenType @cindex OpenType, font feature The appearance of digits in the Emmentaler font can be controlled with four OpenType features: @q{tnum}, @q{cv47}, @q{ss01}, and @q{kern}, which can be arbitrarily combined. @indentedBlock @table @asis @item tnum If off (which is the default), glyphs @q{zero} to @q{nine} have no left and right side bearings. If on, the glyphs all have the same advance width by making the bearings non-zero. @item cv47 If on, glyphs @q{four} and @q{seven} have shorter vertical strokes. Default is off. @item ss01 If on, glyphs @q{zero} to @q{nine} have a fatter design, making them more readable at small sizes. Default is off. @item kern If on (which is the default), provide pairwise kerning between (most) glyphs. @end table @endIndentedBlock @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markuplist \number \fontsize #5 \override #'((padding . 2) (baseline-skip . 4) (box-padding . 0) (thickness . 0.1)) \table #'(-1 -1 -1 -1) { 0123456789 \box 147 \concat { \box 1 \box 4 \box 7 } \normal-text \normalsize "(time signatures)" \override #'(font-features .("cv47")) { 0123456789 \box 147 \concat { \box 1 \box 4 \box 7 } } \normal-text \normalsize "(alternatives)" \override #'(font-features .("tnum" "cv47" "-kern")) { 0123456789 \box 147 \concat { \box 1 \box 4 \box 7 } } \normal-text \normalsize "(fixed-width)" \override #'(font-features . ("tnum" "cv47" "ss01")) { 0123456789 \box 147 \concat { \box 1 \box 4 \box 7 } } \normal-text \normalsize "(figured bass)" \override #'(font-features . ("cv47" "ss01")) { 0123456789 \box 147 \concat { \box 1 \box 4 \box 7 } } \normal-text \normalsize "(fingering)" } @end lilypond See also the markup commands @code{\figured-bass} and @code{\finger}, which set the font features accordingly.(arg) Set font family to @code{roman}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \sans \bold { sans serif, bold \hspace #2 \roman { text in roman font family } \hspace #2 return to sans } } @end lilypond(arg) Set font size to +2. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \huge huge } @end lilypond(arg) Set font size to +1. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \large large } @end lilypond(arg) Set font size to default. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \teeny { this is very small \hspace #2 \normalsize { normal size } \hspace #2 teeny again } } @end lilypond(arg) Set font size to -1. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \small small } @end lilypond(arg) Set font size to -2. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \tiny tiny } @end lilypond(arg) Set font size to -3. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \teeny teeny } @end lilypond(arg) Set @code{font-shape} to @code{caps} Note: @code{\fontCaps} requires the installation and selection of fonts which support the @code{caps} font shape.(transformer arg) Interpret the markup @var{arg} with a string transformer installed. Whenever a string is interpreted inside @var{arg}, the transformer is first called, and it is the result that is interpreted. The arguments passed to the transformer are the output definition, the property alist chain, and the string. See @rextend{New markup command definition} about the two first arguments. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \with-string-transformer #(lambda (layout props str) (string-upcase str)) "abc" @end lilypond (arg) Emit @var{arg} as small caps. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \smallCaps { Text in small caps } } @end lilypond(arg) Copy of the @code{\smallCaps} command. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \caps { Text in small caps } } @end lilypond(arg) Use the dynamic font. This font only contains @b{s}, @b{f}, @b{m}, @b{z}, @b{p}, and @b{r}. When producing phrases, like @q{pi@`{u}@tie{}@b{f}}, the normal words (like @q{pi@`{u}}) should be done in a different font. The recommended font for this is bold and italic. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \dynamic { sfzp } } @end lilypond(arg) Use a text font instead of music symbol or music alphabet font. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \number { 1, 2, \text { three, four, } 5 } } @end lilypond(arg) Use italic @code{font-shape} for @var{arg}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \italic italic } @end lilypond(arg) Use @code{font-family} typewriter for @var{arg}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \hspace #2 \typewriter typewriter } @end lilypond(arg) Set @code{font-shape} to @code{upright}. This is the opposite of @code{italic}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \italic { italic text \hspace #2 \upright { upright text } \hspace #2 italic again } } @end lilypond(arg) Switch to medium font-series (in contrast to bold). @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \bold { some bold text \hspace #2 \medium { medium font series } \hspace #2 bold again } } @end lilypond(arg) Set all font related properties (except the size) to get the default normal text font, no matter what font was used earlier. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \huge \bold \sans \caps { huge bold sans caps \hspace #2 \normal-text { huge normal } \hspace #2 as before } } @end lilypond(glyph-name) @var{glyph-name} is converted to a musical symbol; for example, @code{\musicglyph #"accidentals.natural"} selects the natural sign from the music font. See @ruser{The Emmentaler font} for a complete listing of the possible glyphs. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \musicglyph #"f" \musicglyph #"rests.2" \musicglyph #"clefs.G_change" } @end lilypond() Draw a coda sign. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \coda } @end lilypond() Draw a varcoda sign. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \varcoda } @end lilypond() Draw a segno symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \segno } @end lilypond(alteration) Select an accidental glyph from an alteration, given as rational number. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \accidental #1/2 @end lilypond() Draw a double sharp symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \doublesharp } @end lilypond() Draw a 3/2 sharp symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \sesquisharp } @end lilypond() Draw a sharp symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \sharp } @end lilypond() Draw a semisharp symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \semisharp } @end lilypond() Draw a natural symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \natural } @end lilypond() Draw a semiflat symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \semiflat } @end lilypond() Draw a flat symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \flat } @end lilypond() Draw a 3/2 flat symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \sesquiflat } @end lilypond() Draw a double flat symbol. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \doubleflat } @end lilypond(color arg) @cindex coloring text Draw @var{arg} in color specified by @var{color}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \with-color #red red \hspace #2 \with-color #green green \hspace #2 \with-color "#0000ff" blue } @end lilypond(str) @cindex simple text string, with tie characters Replace @q{~} tilde symbols with tie characters in the argument. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \column { \tied-lyric #"Siam navi~all'onde~algenti Lasciate~in abbandono" \tied-lyric #"Impetuosi venti I nostri~affetti sono" \tied-lyric #"Ogni diletto~e scoglio Tutta la vita~e~un mar." } @end lilypond(axis dir filled) Produce an arrow head in specified direction and axis. Use the filled head if @var{filled} is specified. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \fontsize #5 { \general-align #Y #DOWN { \arrow-head #Y #UP ##t \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \hspace #2 \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##f \arrow-head #X #LEFT ##f } } } @end lilypond(glyph-name) Lookup a glyph by name. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces) { \lookup #"brace200" \hspace #2 \rotate #180 \lookup #"brace180" } } @end lilypond(num) Produce a single character. Characters encoded in hexadecimal format require the prefix @code{#x}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \char #65 \char ##x00a9 } @end lilypond(num) Make a markup letter for @var{num}. The letters start with A to@tie{}Z (skipping letter@tie{}I), and continue with double letters. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \markletter #8 \hspace #2 \markletter #26 } @end lilypond(num) Make a markup letter for @var{num}. The letters start with A to@tie{}Z and continue with double letters. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \markalphabet #8 \hspace #2 \markalphabet #26 } @end lilypond(num) @cindex slashed digit A feta number, with slash. This is for use in the context of figured bass notation. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \slashed-digit #5 \hspace #2 \override #'(thickness . 3) \slashed-digit #7 } @end lilypond(num) @cindex backslashed digit A feta number, with backslash. This is for use in the context of figured bass notation. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \backslashed-digit #5 \hspace #2 \override #'(thickness . 3) \backslashed-digit #7 } @end lilypond() Prints out eyeglasses, indicating strongly to look at the conductor. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \eyeglasses } @end lilypond(size) A feta brace in point size @var{size}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \left-brace #35 \hspace #2 \left-brace #45 } @end lilypond(size) A feta brace in point size @var{size}, rotated 180 degrees. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \right-brace #45 \hspace #2 \right-brace #35 } @end lilypond(log dot-count dir) @cindex note, within text, by @code{log} and @code{dot-count} Construct a note symbol, with stem and flag. By using fractional values for @var{dir}, longer or shorter stems can be obtained. Supports all note-head-styles. Ancient note-head-styles will get mensural-style-flags. @code{flag-style} may be overridden independently. Supported flag-styles are @code{default}, @code{old-straight-flag}, @code{modern-straight-flag}, @code{flat-flag}, @code{mensural} and @code{neomensural}. The latter two flag-styles will both result in mensural-flags. Both are supplied for convenience. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \note-by-number #3 #0 #DOWN \hspace #2 \note-by-number #1 #2 #0.8 } @end lilypond(duration dir) @cindex note, within text, by duration This produces a note with a stem pointing in @var{dir} direction, with the @var{duration} for the note head type and augmentation dots. For example, @code{\note @{4.@} #-0.75} creates a dotted quarter note, with a shortened down stem. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \override #'(style . cross) \note {4..} #UP \hspace #2 \note {\breve} #0 } @end lilypond(log dot-count) @cindex rest, within text, by @code{log} and @code{dot-count} A rest symbol. For duration logs specified with property @code{ledgers}, rest symbols with ledger lines are selected. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \rest-by-number #3 #2 \hspace #2 \rest-by-number #0 #1 } @end lilypond(duration-scale) @cindex multi-measure rest, within text, by @code{duration-scale} Returns a multi-measure rest symbol. If the number of measures is greater than the number given by @code{expand-limit} a horizontal line is printed. For every multi-measure rest lasting more than one measure a number is printed on top. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { Multi-measure rests may look like \multi-measure-rest-by-number #12 or \multi-measure-rest-by-number #7 (church rests) } @end lilypondA multi-measure rest may contain glyphs representing durations of 8, 4, 2 and 1 measure. Calculates a list containing the amounts of each glyph needed for a multi-measure rest of the length given with @var{nmbr}. Example: A multi-measure rest of 15 measures contains one glyphs for 8@tie{}bars, one glyph for 4@tie{}bars, one glyph for 2@tie{}bars and one glyph for 1@tie{}bar, i.e. @code{(mmr-numbers 15)} returns @code{'(1 1 1 1)}.Returns a string with the name of a rest glyph corresponding to @var{dur-log}. @var{style} specifies the suffix of the glyph: If @var{style} is a symbol but not @code{'default}, choose this @var{style}. @code{'petrucci} is special-cased to return @code{'mensural}. If @var{style} is @code{'()} or @code{'default} no suffix is used. The found glyph may not exist in the current font. In this case it gets replaced by a glyph with @var{style] set to @code{'default} in a different procedure later on.(duration) @cindex rest, within text, by duration @cindex multi-measure rest, within text, by duration Returns a rest symbol. If @code{multi-measure-rest} is set to true, a multi-measure rest symbol my be returned. In this case the duration needs to be entered as @code{@{ 1*2 @}}to get a multi-measure rest for two bars. Actually, it's only the scaling factor that determines the length, the basic duration is disregarded. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { Rests: \hspace #2 \rest { 4.. } \hspace #2 \rest { \breve } \hspace #2 Multi-measure rests: \override #'(multi-measure-rest . #t) { \hspace #2 \override #'(multi-measure-rest-number . #f) \rest { 1*7 } \hspace #2 \rest { 1*12 } } } @end lilypond() Create a fermata glyph. When @var{direction} is @code{DOWN}, use an inverted glyph. Note that within music, one would usually use the @code{\fermata} articulation instead of a markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] { c''1^\markup \fermata d''1_\markup \fermata } \markup { \fermata \override #`(direction . ,DOWN) \fermata } @end lilypond (amount arg) @cindex lowering text Lower @var{arg} by the distance @var{amount}. A negative @var{amount} indicates raising; see also @code{\raise}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { one \lower #3 two three } @end lilypond(offset arg) @cindex translating text @cindex scaling text Translate @var{arg} by @var{offset}, scaling the offset by the @code{font-size}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \fontsize #5 { * \translate #'(2 . 3) translate \hspace #2 * \translate-scaled #'(2 . 3) translate-scaled } } @end lilypond(amount arg) @cindex raising text Raise @var{arg} by the distance @var{amount}. A negative @var{amount} indicates lowering, see also @code{\lower}. The argument to @code{\raise} is the vertical displacement amount, measured in (global) staff spaces. @code{\raise} and @code{\super} raise objects in relation to their surrounding markups. If the text object itself is positioned above or below the staff, then @code{\raise} cannot be used to move it, since the mechanism that positions it next to the staff cancels any shift made with @code{\raise}. For vertical positioning, use the @code{padding} and/or @code{extra-offset} properties. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { C \small \bold \raise #1.0 9/7+ } @end lilypond(arg1 arg2) @cindex creating text fraction Make a fraction of two markups. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { π ≈ \fraction 355 113 } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex setting superscript, in standard font size Set @var{arg} in superscript with a normal font size. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \normal-size-super { superscript in standard size } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex superscript text Set @var{arg} in superscript. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { E = \concat { mc \super 2 } } @end lilypond(offset arg) @cindex translating text Translate @var{arg} relative to its surroundings. @var{offset} is a pair of numbers representing the displacement in the X and Y axis. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { * \translate #'(2 . 3) \line { translated two spaces right, three up } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex subscript text Set @var{arg} in subscript. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \concat { H \sub { 2 } O } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex setting subscript, in standard font size Set @var{arg} in subscript with a normal font size. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { default \normal-size-sub { subscript in standard size } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex placing horizontal brackets, around text Draw horizontal brackets around @var{arg}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \hbracket { \line { one two three } } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex placing vertical brackets, around text Draw vertical brackets around @var{arg}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \bracket { \note {2.} #UP } } @end lilypond(arg) @cindex placing parentheses, around text Draw parentheses around @var{arg}. This is useful for parenthesizing a column containing several lines of text. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \parenthesize \column { foo bar } \override #'(angularity . 2) \parenthesize \column { bah baz } } @end lilypond(label gauge default) @cindex referencing page number, in text Reference to a page number. @var{label} is the label set on the referenced page (using @code{\label} or @code{\tocItem}), @var{gauge} a markup used to estimate the maximum width of the page number, and @var{default} the value to display when @var{label} is not found. (If the current book or bookpart is set to use roman numerals for page numbers, the reference will be formatted accordingly -- in which case the @var{gauge}'s width may require additional tweaking.)(factor-pair arg) @cindex scaling markup @cindex mirroring markup Scale @var{arg}. @var{factor-pair} is a pair of numbers representing the scaling-factor in the X and Y axes. Negative values may be used to produce mirror images. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \line { \scale #'(2 . 1) stretched \scale #'(1 . -1) mirrored } } @end lilypond(count axis space pattern) Prints @var{count} times a @var{pattern} markup. Patterns are spaced apart by @var{space} (defined as for @code{\hspace} or @code{\vspace}, respectively). Patterns are distributed on @var{axis}. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \column { "Horizontally repeated :" \pattern #7 #X #2 \flat \null "Vertically repeated :" \pattern #3 #Y #0.5 \flat } @end lilypond(space dir pattern left right) Put @var{left} and @var{right} in a horizontal line of width @code{line-width} with a line of markups @var{pattern} in between. Patterns are spaced apart by @var{space}. Patterns are aligned to the @var{dir} markup. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,line-width=14\cm] \markup \column { "right-aligned :" \fill-with-pattern #1 #RIGHT . first right \fill-with-pattern #1 #RIGHT . second right \null "center-aligned :" \fill-with-pattern #1.5 #CENTER - left right \null "left-aligned :" \override #'(line-width . 50) \fill-with-pattern #2 #LEFT : left first \override #'(line-width . 50) \fill-with-pattern #2 #LEFT : left second } @end lilypond(replacements arg) Used to automatically replace a string by another in the markup @var{arg}. Each pair of the alist @var{replacements} specifies what should be replaced. The @code{key} is the string to be replaced by the @code{value} markup. Note the quasiquoting syntax with a backquote in the second example. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \replace #'(("2nd" . "Second")) "2nd time" \markup \replace #`(("2nd" . ,#{ \markup \concat { 2 \super nd } #})) \center-column { \line { Play only } \line { the 2nd time } } @end lilypond(condition? argument) Test @var{condition}, and only insert @var{argument} if it is true. The condition is provided as a procedure taking an output definition and a property alist chain. The procedure is applied, and its result determines whether to print the markup. This command is most useful inside @code{odd@/Header@/Markup} or similar. Here is an example printing page numbers in bold: @example \paper @{ oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line @{ "" \if #print-page-number \bold \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string @} evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line @{ \if #print-page-number \bold \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string "" @} @} @end example(condition? argument) Similar to @code{\if}, printing the argument if the condition is false. The following example shows how to print the copyright notice on all pages but the last instead of just the first page. @example \paper @{ oddFooterMarkup = \markup @{ \unless #on-last-page-of-part \fill-line @{ \fromproperty #'header:copyright @} @} @} \header @{ copyright = "© LilyPond Authors. License: GFDL." tagline = "© LilyPond Authors. Documentation placed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3." @} @end example(args) @cindex justifying lines of text Like @code{\justify}, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. Use @code{\override-lines #'(line-width . @var{X})} to set the line width; @var{X}@tie{}is the number of staff spaces.(args) Like @code{\wordwrap}, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. Use @code{\override-lines #'(line-width . @var{X})} to set the line width, where @var{X} is the number of staff spaces.(args) Like @code{\column}, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. @code{baseline-skip} determines the space between each markup in @var{args}.(new-prop args) Like @code{\override}, for markup lists.(column-align lst) @cindex creating a table Returns a table. @var{column-align} specifies how each column is aligned, possible values are -1, 0, 1. The number of elements in @var{column-align} determines how many columns will be printed. The entries to print are given by @var{lst}, a markup-list. If needed, the last row is filled up with @code{point-stencil}s. Overriding @code{padding} may be used to increase columns horizontal distance. Overriding @code{baseline-skip} to increase rows vertical distance. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] % A markup command to print a fixed-width number. \markup fwnum = \markup \override #'(font-features . ("ss01" "-kern")) \number \etc \markuplist { \override #'(padding . 2) \table #'(0 1 0 -1) { \underline { center-aligned right-aligned center-aligned left-aligned } one \fwnum 1 thousandth \fwnum 0.001 eleven \fwnum 11 hundredth \fwnum 0.01 twenty \fwnum 20 tenth \fwnum 0.1 thousand \fwnum 1000 one \fwnum 1.0 } } @end lilypond (strg) Takes the string @var{strg} and splits it at the character provided by the property @code{split-char}, defaulting to @code{#\newline}. Surrounding whitespace is removed from every resulting string. The returned list of markups is ready to be formatted by other markup or markup list commands like @code{\column}, @code{\line}, etc. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup { \column \string-lines "foo, foo, bar, bar, buzz, buzz!" } @end lilypond(compose args) This applies the function @var{compose} to every markup in @var{args} (including elements of markup list command calls) in order to produce a new markup list. Since the return value from a markup list command call is not a markup list but rather a list of stencils, this requires passing those stencils off as the results of individual markup calls. That way, the results should work out as long as no markups rely on side effects..guile.procprops.rodata.data.rtl-text.guile.frame-maps.dynamic.strtab.symtab.guile.arities.strtab.guile.arities.guile.docstrs.strtab.guile.docstrs.debug_info.debug_abbrev.debug_str.debug_loc.debug_line.shstrtab