:toc: macro :toclevels: 5 :figure-caption!: = Refinements These refinements augment and enhance Ruby primitives so you can avoid link:https://alchemists.io/articles/ruby_antipatterns/#_monkey_patches[monkey patches]. They also allow you to develop clean and concise implementations while using less code. By refining your code, you can acquire the functionality you wish the core primitives had! toc::[] == Features Enhances the following objects: * Array * BigDecimal * Data * DateTime * Hash * IO * LogDevice * Logger * Pathname * String * StringIO * Structs == Requirements . https://www.ruby-lang.org[Ruby]. . A solid understanding of link:https://alchemists.io/articles/ruby_refinements[refinements]. == Setup To install _with_ security, run: [source,bash] ---- # 💡 Skip this line if you already have the public certificate installed. gem cert --add <(curl --compressed --location https://alchemists.io/gems.pem) gem install refinements --trust-policy HighSecurity ---- To install _without_ security, run: [source,bash] ---- gem install refinements ---- You can also add the gem directly to your project: [source,bash] ---- bundle add refinements ---- Once the gem is installed, you only need to require it: [source,ruby] ---- require "refinements" ---- == Usage === Requires If no refinements are desired, then add the following to your `Gemfile` instead: [source,ruby] ---- gem "refinements", require: false ---- ...then require the specific refinement, as needed. Example: [source,ruby] ---- require "refinements/arrays" require "refinements/big_decimals" require "refinements/data" require "refinements/date_times" require "refinements/hashes" require "refinements/ios" require "refinements/pathnames" require "refinements/strings" require "refinements/string_ios" require "refinements/structs" require "refinements/symbols" require "refinements/log_devices" require "refinements/loggers" ---- === Using Much like including/extending a module, you’ll need to modify your object(s) to use the refinement(s): [source,ruby] ---- class Example using Refinements::Arrays using Refinements::BigDecimals using Refinements::Data using Refinements::DateTimes using Refinements::Hashes using Refinements::IOs using Refinements::Pathnames using Refinements::Strings using Refinements::StringIOs using Refinements::Structs using Refinements::Symbols using Refinements::LogDevices using Refinements::Loggers end ---- === Examples The following sections demonstrate how each refinement enriches your objects with new capabilities. ==== Array ===== #combinatorial? Answers if an array is equal to another array when the elements are equal but in any order and/or subset. [source,ruby] ---- example = %w[a b c] example.combinatorial? %w[a b c] # true example.combinatorial? %w[c a b] # true example.combinatorial? %w[c] # true example.combinatorial? %w[c b] # true example.combinatorial? %w[x] # false example.combinatorial? %w[z b c] # false example.combinatorial? %w[a b c d] # false example.combinatorial? [] # false ---- ===== #compress Removes `nil` and empty objects without mutating itself. Answers itself if there is nothing to remove. [source,ruby] ---- object = Object.new example = [1, "blueberry", nil, "", [], {}, object] [].compress # [] [1, 2].compress # [1, 2] example.compress # [1, "blueberry", object] example # [1, "blueberry", nil, "", [], {}, object] ---- ===== #compress! Removes `nil` and empty values while mutating itself. Answers `nil` if there is nothing to remove. [source,ruby] ---- object = Object.new example = [1, "blueberry", nil, "", [], {}, object] [].compress! # nil [1, 2].compress! # nil example.compress! # [1, "blueberry", object] example # [1, "blueberry", object] ---- ===== #excluding Removes given array or elements without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].excluding [4, 5] # [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].excluding 4, 5 # [1, 2, 3] ---- ===== #filter_find Answers the first element which evaluates to true from a filtered collection. [source,ruby] ---- handlers = [ ->(object) { object if object == :b }, proc { false }, ->(object) { object if object == :a } ] handlers.filter_find # Enumerator::Lazy handlers.filter_find { |handler| handler.call :a } # :a handlers.filter_find { |handler| handler.call :x } # nil ---- ===== #including Adds given array or elements without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- [1, 2, 3].including [4, 5] # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [1, 2, 3].including 4, 5 # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ---- ===== #intersperse Inserts additional elements or an array between all members of given array. [source,ruby] ---- [1, 2, 3].intersperse :a # [1, :a, 2, :a, 3] [1, 2, 3].intersperse :a, :b # [1, :a, :b, 2, :a, :b, 3] [1, 2, 3].intersperse %i[a b c] # [1, :a, :b, :c, 2, :a, :b, :c, 3] ---- ===== #many? Answers true if an array has more than one element. Can take a block which evaluates as truthy or falsey. [source,ruby] ---- [1, 2].many? # true [1, 2, 3].many?(&:odd?) # true [1].many? # false [].many? # false ---- ===== #maximum Answers the maximum extracted value from a collection of objects. [source,ruby] ---- Point = Struct.new :x, :y points = [Point[x: 1, y: 2], Point[x: 0, y: 1], Point[x: 2, y: 3]] points.maximum(:x) # 2 points.maximum(:y) # 3 ---- ===== #mean Answers mean/average all elements within an array. [source,ruby] ---- [].mean # 0 [5].mean # 5 [1, 2, 3].mean # 2 [1.25, 1.5, 1.75].mean # 1.5 ---- ===== #minimum Answers the minimum extracted value from a collection of objects. [source,ruby] ---- Point = Struct.new :x, :y points = [Point[x: 1, y: 2], Point[x: 0, y: 1], Point[x: 2, y: 3]] points.minimum(:x) # 0 points.minimum(:y) # 1 ---- ===== #pad Answers new array padded with given value up to a maximum size. Useful in situations where an array needs to be a specific size with padded values. [source,ruby] ---- [1].pad 0 # [1] [1].pad 0, max: 3 # [1, 0, 0] [1, 2].pad 3, max: 3 # [1, 2, 3] ---- ===== #pick Answers value of first element that matches given key. [source,ruby] ---- array = [{name: "a", label: "A"}, {name: "b", label: "B"}, {name: "c", label: "C"}] array.pick :name # "a" array.pick :name, :label # ["a", "A"] array.pick # nil [].pick(:other) # nil ---- ===== #pluck Answers values of all elements that match given keys. [source,ruby] ---- array = [{name: "a", label: "A"}, {name: "b", label: "B"}, {name: "c", label: "C"}] array.pluck :name # ["a", "b", "c"] array.pluck :name, :label # [["a", "A"], ["b", "B"], ["c", "C"]] array.pluck # [] [].pluck :other # [] ---- ===== #replace_at Answers mutated array where an element -- at a specific index -- is replaced by single or multiple elements. [source,ruby] ---- %i[a b c].replace_at(0, :x) # [:x, :b, :c] %i[a b c].replace_at(1, :x) # [:a, :x, :c] %i[a b c].replace_at(1, :x, :y) # [:a, :x, :y, :c] %i[a b c].replace_at(-1, :x) # [:a, :b, :x] ---- ===== #ring Answers a circular array which can enumerate before, current, after elements. [source,ruby] ---- example = [1, 2, 3] example.ring # "#" example.ring { |(before, current, after)| puts "#{before} #{current} #{after}" } # [3 1 2] # [1 2 3] # [2 3 1] ---- ===== #supplant Answers mutated array where first target element found is replaced by single or multiple elements. [source,ruby] ---- %i[a b a].supplant :a, :z # [:z, :b, :a] %i[a b a].supplant :a, :z, :y # [:z, :y, :b, :a] %i[a b a].supplant :a, %i[z y] # [[:z, :y], :b, :a] ---- ===== #supplant_if Answers mutated array where all target elements are replaced by single or multiple elements. ⚠️ Be aware that this can be an expensive operation on large arrays. [source,ruby] ---- %i[a b a].supplant_if :a, :z # [:z, :b, :z] %i[a b a].supplant_if :a, :z, :y # [:z, :y, :b, :z, :y] %i[a b a].supplant_if :a, %i[z y] # [[:z, :y], :b, [:z, :y]] ---- ===== #to_sentence Answers a sentence using `"and"` as the default conjunction and `", "` as the default delimiter. Useful when building documentation, answering human readable error messages, etc. [source,ruby] ---- [].to_sentence # "" ["demo"].to_sentence # "demo" ["a", :b].to_sentence # "a and b" [1, "a", :b, 2.0, /\w+/].to_sentence # "1, a, b, 2.0, and (?-mix:\\w+)" %w[one two three].to_sentence # "one, two, and three" %w[eins zwei drei].to_sentence "und", delimiter: " " # "eins zwei und drei" ---- ===== #to_usage Builds upon and enhances `#to_sentence` further by answering a sentence which all elements are inspected -- where each element of the array is called with `#inspect` -- before turned into a sentence using `"and"` as the default conjunction and `", "` as the default delimiter. This is useful when providing detailed error messages _and_ you need to detail the types of element used. [source,ruby] ---- [].to_usage # "" ["demo"].to_usage # "\"demo\"" ["a", :b].to_usage # "\"a\" and :b" [1, "a", :b, 2.0, /\w+/].to_usage # "1, \"a\", :b, 2.0, and /\\w+/" %w[one two three].to_usage # "\"one\", \"two\", and \"three\"" %w[eins zwei drei].to_usage "und", delimiter: " " # "\"eins\" \"zwei\" und \"drei\"" ---- ==== Big Decimal ===== #inspect Allows one to inspect a big decimal with numeric representation. [source,ruby] ---- BigDecimal.new("5.0E-10").inspect # "#" ---- ==== Data ===== #diff Allows you to obtain the differences between two objects. [source,ruby] ---- implementation = Data.define :a, :b, :c one = implementation.new a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 two = implementation.new a: 3, b: 2, c: 1 three = Data.define(:x, :y).new x: 1, y: 2 one.diff one # {} one.diff two # {:a=>[1, 3], :c=>[3, 1]} one.diff three # {:a=>[1, nil], :b=>[2, nil], :c=>[3, nil]} one.diff Object.new # {:a=>[1, nil], :b=>[2, nil], :c=>[3, nil]} ---- Any object that _is not_ the same type will have a `nil` value as shown in the last two examples. ==== DateTime ===== .utc Answers new DateTime object for current UTC date/time. [source,ruby] ---- DateTime.utc # "#" ---- ==== Hash ===== .infinite Answers new hash where missing keys, even deeply nested, answer an empty hash. [source,ruby] ---- example = Hash.infinite example[:a] # {} example[:a][:b][:c] # {} ---- ===== .with_default Answers new hash where every top-level missing key has the same default value. [source,ruby] ---- example = Hash.with_default "" example[:a] # "" example = Hash.with_default [] example[:b] # [] ---- ===== #compress Removes `nil` and empty objects without mutating itself. Answers itself if nothing to remove. [source,ruby] ---- object = Object.new example = {a: 1, b: "blueberry", c: nil, d: "", e: [], f: {}, g: object} {}.compress # {} {a: 1, b: 2}.compress # {a: 1, b: 2} example.compress # {a: 1, b: "blueberry", g: object} example # {a: 1, b: "blueberry", c: nil, d: "", e: [], f: {}, g: object} ---- ===== #compress! Removes `nil` and empty objects while mutating itself. Answers `nil` if nothing to remove. [source,ruby] ---- object = Object.new example = {a: 1, b: "blueberry", c: nil, d: "", e: [], f: {}, g: object} {}.compress! # nil {a: 1, b: 2}.compress! # nil example.compress! # {a: 1, b: "blueberry", g: object} example # {a: 1, b: "blueberry", g: object} ---- ===== #deep_merge Merges deeply nested hashes together without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: "A", b: {one: "One", two: "Two"}} example.deep_merge b: {one: 1} # {a: "A", b: {one: 1, two: "Two"}} example # {a: "A", b: {one: "One", two: "Two"}} ---- ===== #deep_merge! Merges deeply nested hashes together while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: "A", b: {one: "One", two: "Two"}} example.deep_merge! b: {one: 1} # {a: "A", b: {one: 1, two: "Two"}} example # {a: "A", b: {one: 1, two: "Two"}} ---- ===== #deep_stringify_keys Answers string keys of a nested hash without mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: {b: 2}} example.deep_stringify_keys # {"a" => {"b" => 1}} example # {a: {b: 2}} ---- ===== #deep_stringify_keys! Answers string keys of nested hash while mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: {b: 2}} example.deep_stringify_keys! # {"a" => {"b" => 1}} example # {"a" => {"b" => 1}} ---- ===== #deep_symbolize_keys Symbolizes keys of nested hash without mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => {"b" => 2}} example.deep_symbolize_keys # {a: {b: 1}} example # {"a" => {"b" => 2}} ---- ===== #deep_symbolize_keys! Symbolizes keys of nested hash while mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => {"b" => 2}} example.deep_symbolize_keys! # {a: {b: 1}} example # {a: {b: 1}} ---- ===== #diff Allows you to obtain the differences between two objects. [source,ruby] ---- one = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} two = {a: 3, b: 2, c: 1} three = {c: 3, b: 2, a: 1} four = Data.define(:x, :y).new x: 1, y: 2 one.diff one # {} one.diff two # {:a=>[1, 3], :c=>[3, 1]} one.diff three # {} one.diff four # {:a=>[1, nil], :b=>[2, nil], :c=>[3, nil]} one.diff Object.new # {:a=>[1, nil], :b=>[2, nil], :c=>[3, nil]} ---- Any object that _is not_ the same type will have a `nil` value as shown in the last two examples. Two hashes with the same keys but defined in different order behave as if they had the same key order. ===== #fetch_value Fetches value for exiting or missing key. Behavior is identical to `#fetch` except when the value of the key is `nil` you'll get the default value instead. This eliminates the need for using an _or_ expression `example.fetch(:desired_key) || "default_value"`. [source,ruby] ---- {a: "demo"}.fetch_value :a, "default" # "demo" {a: "demo"}.fetch_value :a # "demo" {a: nil}.fetch_value :a, "default" # "default" {}.fetch_value(:a) { "default" } # "default" {}.fetch_value :a # KeyError {a: "demo"}.fetch_value # ArgumentError ---- ===== #flatten_keys Flattens nested keys as top-level keys without mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- {a: {b: 1}}.flatten_keys prefix: :demo # {demo_a_b: 1} {a: {b: 1}}.flatten_keys delimiter: :| # {:"a|b" => 1} example = {a: {b: 1}} example.flatten_keys # {a_b: 1} example # {a: {b: 1}} ---- ===== #flatten_keys! Flattens nested keys as top-level keys while mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- {a: {b: 1}}.flatten_keys! prefix: :demo # {demo_a_b: 1} {a: {b: 1}}.flatten_keys! delimiter: :| # {:"a|b" => 1} example = {a: {b: 1}} example.flatten_keys! # {a_b: 1} example # {a_b: 1} ---- ===== #many? Answers true if a hash has more than one element. Can take a block which evaluates as truthy or falsey. [source,ruby] ---- {a: 1, b: 2}.many? # true {a: 1, b: 2, c: 2}.many? { |_key, value| value == 2 } # true {a: 1}.many? # false {}.many? # false ---- ===== #recurse Recursively iterates over the hash and any hash value by applying the given block to it. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => {"b" => 1}} example.recurse(&:symbolize_keys) # {a: {b: 1}} example.recurse(&:invert) # {{"b" => 1} => "a"} ---- ===== #stringify_keys Converts keys to strings without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2} example.stringify_keys # {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} example # {a: 1, b: 2} ---- ===== #stringify_keys! Converts keys to strings while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2} example.stringify_keys! # {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} example # {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} ---- ===== #symbolize_keys Converts keys to symbols without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} example.symbolize_keys # {a: 1, b: 2} example # {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} ---- ===== #symbolize_keys! Converts keys to symbols while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} example.symbolize_keys! # {a: 1, b: 2} example # {a: 1, b: 2} ---- ===== #transform_with Transforms values of keys using specific operations (i.e. any object that responds to `#call`). Does not mutate itself and you can transform multiple values at once: [source,ruby] ---- example = {name: "Jayne Doe", email: ""} example.transform_with name: -> value { value.delete_suffix " Doe" }, email: -> value { value.tr "<>", "" } # {name: "Jayne", email: "jd@example.com"} ---- Invalid keys are ignored: [source,ruby] ---- example.transform_with bogus: -> value { value.tr "<>", "" } # {email: ""} ---- The original object _will not_ be mutated: [source,ruby] ---- example # {name: "Jayne Doe", email: ""} ---- ===== #transform_with! Transforms values of keys using specific operations (i.e. any object that responds to `#call`). Mutates itself and you can transform multiple values at once: [source,ruby] ---- example = {name: "Jayne Doe", email: ""} example.transform_with! name: -> value { value.delete_suffix " Doe" }, email: -> value { value.tr "<>", "" } # {name: "Jayne", email: "jd@example.com"} ---- Invalid keys are ignored: [source,ruby] ---- example.transform_with! bogus: -> value { value.tr "<>", "" } # {email: ""} ---- The original object _will be_ mutated: [source,ruby] ---- example # {name: "Jayne", email: "jd@example.com"} ---- ===== #use Uses the hash's keys as block arguments where the value of the block argument is equal to the value of the key found within the hash. Works best with hashes that use symbols for keys but falls back to string keys when symbol keys can't be found. [source,ruby] ---- example = {unit: "221B", street: "Baker Street", city: "London", country: "UK"} example.use { |unit, street| "#{unit} #{street}" } # "221B Baker Street" ---- ==== IO ===== .void Answers an IO stream which points to `/dev/null` in order to ignore any reads or writes to the stream. When given a block, the stream will automatically close upon block exit. When not given a block, you'll need to close the stream manually. [source,ruby] ---- io = IO.void # "#" io = IO.void { |void| void.write "nevermore" } # "#" ---- ===== #redirect Redirects current stream to other stream when given a block. Without a block, the original stream is answered instead. [source,ruby] ---- io = IO.new IO.sysopen(Pathname("demo.txt").to_s, "w+") other = IO.new IO.sysopen(Pathname("other.txt").to_s, "w+") io.redirect other # "#" io.redirect(other) { |stream| stream.write "demo" } # "#" ---- ===== #reread Answers full stream by rewinding to beginning of stream and reading all content. [source,ruby] ---- io = IO.new IO.sysopen(Pathname("demo.txt").to_s, "w+") io.write "This is a demo." io.reread # "This is a demo." io.reread 4 # "This" buffer = "".dup io.reread(buffer: buffer) # "This is a demo." buffer # "This is a demo." ---- ===== #squelch Temporarily ignores any reads/writes for code executed within a block. Answers itself without any arguments or when given a block. [source,ruby] ---- io = IO.new IO.sysopen(Pathname("test.txt").to_s, "w+") io.squelch # "#" io.squelch { io.write "Test" } # "#" io.reread # "" ---- ==== LogDevice ===== #reread Answers previously written content by rewinding to beginning of device. [source,ruby] ---- # With File. device = Logger::LogDevice.new "test.log" device.write "Test." device.reread # "Test." # With StringIO. device = Logger::LogDevice.new StringIO.new device.write "Test." device.reread # "Test." # With STDOUT. device = Logger::LogDevice.new $stdout device.write "Test." device.reread # "" ---- ==== Logger ===== #reread Answers previously written content by rewinding to beginning of log. [source,ruby] ---- # With File. logger = Logger.new "test.log" logger.write "Test." logger.reread # "Test." # With StringIO. logger = Logger.new StringIO.new logger.write "Test." logger.reread # "Test." # With STDOUT. logger = Logger.new $stdout logger.write "Test." logger.reread # "" ---- ===== #any Allows you to log _any_ message which is identical in behavior and functionality to the `Logger#unknown` method only this requires less typing and better matches the terminology used by the `#unknown` method. ``` ruby logger = Logger.new STDOUT logger.any "Test." # A, [2000-01-10T09:00:00.847428 #44925] ANY -- : Test. logger.any { "Test." } A, [2000-01-10T09:00:00.330719 #44925] ANY -- : Test. ``` ==== Pathname ===== Pathname Enhances the `Kernel` conversion function which casts `nil` into a pathname in order to avoid: `TypeError (no implicit conversion of nil into String)`. The pathname remains invalid but at least you have an instance of `Pathname`, which behaves like a _Null Object_, that can be used to construct a valid path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname(nil) # Pathname("") ---- ===== .home Answers user home directory. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname.home # Pathname "/Users/demo" ---- ===== .make_temp_dir Wraps `Dir.mktmpdir` with the following behavior (see link:https://rubyapi.org/o/Dir.mktmpdir#method-c-mktmpdir[Dir.mktmpdir] for details): * *Without Block* - Answers a newly created Pathname instance which is not automatically cleaned up. * *With Block* Yields a Pathname instance, answers result of given block, and automatically cleans up temporary directory after block exits. The following examples use truncated temporary directories for illustration purposes only. In reality, these paths will be longer depending on which operating system you are using. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname.make_temp_dir # Pathname:/var/folders/T/temp-20200101-16940-r8 Pathname.make_temp_dir prefix: "prefix-" # Pathname:/var/folders/T/prefix-20200101-16940-r8 Pathname.make_temp_dir suffix: "-suffix" # Pathname:/var/folders/T/temp-20200101-16940-r8-suffix Pathname.make_temp_dir prefix: "prefix-", suffix: "-suffix" # Pathname:/var/folders/T/prefix-20200101-16940-r8-suffix Pathname.make_temp_dir root: "/example" # Pathname:/example/temp-20200101-16940-r8 Pathname.make_temp_dir { "I am a block result" } # "I am a block result" Pathname.make_temp_dir { |path| path.join "sub_dir" } # Pathname:/var/folders/T/temp-20200101-16940-r8/sub_dir ---- ===== .require_tree Requires all Ruby files in given root path and corresponding nested tree structure. All files are sorted before being required to ensure consistent behavior. Example: [source,ruby] ---- # Before Dir[File.join(__dir__, "support/shared_contexts/**/*.rb")].sort.each { |path| require path } # After Pathname.require_tree "#{__dir__}/support/shared_contexts" ---- The following are further examples of potential usage: [source,ruby] ---- # Requires all files in root directory and below. Pathname.require_tree __dir__ # Requires all files in `/test/**/*.rb` and below. Pathname.require_tree "/test" # Requires all files in RSpec shared examples directory structure. Pathname.require_tree SPEC_ROOT.join("support/shared_examples") ---- ===== .root Answers operating system root path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname.root # Pathname "/" ---- ===== #change_dir Wraps `Dir.chdir` behavior by changing to directory of current path. See link:https://rubyapi.org/o/Dir.chdir#method-c-chdir[Dir.chdir] for details. [source,ruby] ---- current = Pathname.pwd # "$HOME/demo" (Present Working Directory) custom = current.join("test").make_dir # Pathname "$HOME/demo/test" custom.change_dir # "$HOME/demo/test" (Present Working Directory) current.change_dir # "$HOME/demo" (Present Working Directory) custom.change_dir { "example" } # "example" custom.change_dir { |path| path } # Pathname "$HOME/demo/test" Pathname.pwd # "$HOME/demo" (Present Working Directory) ---- ===== #copy Copies file from current location to new location while answering itself so it can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("input.txt").copy Pathname("output.txt") # Pathname("input.txt") ---- ===== #deep_touch Has all of the same functionality as the `#touch` method while being able to create ancestor directories no matter how deeply nested the file might be. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("a/b/c/d.txt").touch # Pathname("a/b/c/d.txt") Pathname("a/b/c/d.txt").touch Time.now - 1 # Pathname("a/b/c/d.txt") ---- ===== #delete Deletes file or directory and answers itself so it can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- # When path exists. Pathname("/example.txt").touch.delete # Pathname("/example") # When path doesn't exist. Pathname("/example.txt").delete # Errno::ENOENT ---- ===== #delete_prefix Deletes a path prefix and answers new pathname. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("a/path/example-test.rb").delete_prefix("example-") # Pathname("a/path/test.rb") Pathname("example-test.rb").delete_prefix("example-") # Pathname("test.rb") Pathname("example-test.rb").delete_prefix("miss") # Pathname("example-test.rb") ---- ===== #delete_suffix Deletes a path suffix and answers new pathname. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("a/path/test-example.rb").delete_suffix("-example") # Pathname("a/path/test.rb") Pathname("test-example.rb").delete_suffix("-example") # Pathname("test.rb") Pathname("test-example.rb").delete_suffix("miss") # Pathname("test-example.rb") ---- ===== #directories Answers all directories or filtered directories for current path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/example").directories # [Pathname("a"), Pathname("b")] Pathname("/example").directories "a*" # [Pathname("a")] Pathname("/example").directories flag: File::FNM_DOTMATCH # [Pathname(".."), Pathname(".")] ---- ===== #empty Empties a directory of children (i.e. folders, nested folders, or files) or clears an existing file of contents. If a directory or file doesn't exist, it will be created. [source,ruby] ---- directory = Pathname("test").make_path file = directory.join("test.txt").write("example") file.empty.read # "" directory.empty.children # [] ---- ===== #extensions Answers file extensions as an array. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("example.txt.erb").extensions # [".txt", ".erb"] ---- ===== #files Answers all files or filtered files for current path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/example").files # [Pathname("a.txt"), Pathname("a.png")] Pathname("/example").files "*.png" # [Pathname("a.png")] Pathname("/example").files flag: File::FNM_DOTMATCH # [Pathname(".ruby-version")] ---- ===== #gsub Same behavior as `String#gsub` but answers a path with patterns replaced with desired substitutes. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/a/path/some/path").gsub("path", "test") # Pathname("/a/test/some/test") Pathname("/%placeholder%/some/%placeholder%").gsub("%placeholder%", "test") # Pathname("/test/some/test") ---- ===== #make_ancestors Ensures all ancestor directories are created for a path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/one/two").make_ancestors # Pathname("/one/two") Pathname("/one").exist? # true Pathname("/one/two").exist? # false ---- ===== #make_dir Provides alternative `#mkdir` behavior by always answering itself (even when directory exists) and not throwing errors when directory does exist in order to ensure the pathname can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/one").make_dir # Pathname("/one") Pathname("/one").make_dir.make_dir # Pathname("/one") ---- ===== #make_path Provides alternative `#mkpath` behavior by always answering itself (even when full path exists) and not throwing errors when directory does exist in order to ensure the pathname can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/one/two/three").make_path # Pathname("/one/two/three") Pathname("/one/two/three").make_path.make_path # Pathname("/one/two/three") ---- ===== #name Answers file name without extension. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("example.txt").name # Pathname("example") ---- ===== #relative_parent Answers relative path from parent directory. This is a complement to `#relative_path_from`. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/one/two/three").relative_parent("/one") # Pathname "two" ---- ===== #remove_dir Provides alternative `#rmdir` behavior by always answering itself (even when full path exists) and not throwing errors when directory does exist in order to ensure the pathname can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/test").make_dir.remove_dir.exist? # false Pathname("/test").remove_dir # Pathname("/test") Pathname("/test").remove_dir.remove_dir # Pathname("/test") ---- ===== #remove_tree Provides alternative `#rmtree` behavior by always answering itself (even when full path exists) and not throwing errors when directory does exist in order to ensure the pathname can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- parent_path = Pathname "/one" child_path = parent_path.join "two" child_path.make_path parent_path.remove_tree # Pathname "/one" child_path.exist? # false parent_path.exist? # false child_path.make_path child_path.remove_tree # Pathname "/one/two" child_path.exist? # false parent_path.exist? # true ---- ===== #rewrite When given a block, it provides the contents of the recently read file for manipulation and immediate writing back to the same file. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/test.txt").rewrite # Pathname("/test.txt") Pathname("/test.txt").rewrite { |body| body.sub "[token]", "example" } # Pathname("/test.txt") ---- ===== #touch Updates access and modification times for an existing path by defaulting to current time. When path doesn't exist, it will be created as a file. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("example").touch # Pathname("example") Pathname("example").touch Time.now - 1 # Pathname("example") Pathname("example.txt").touch # Pathname("example.txt") Pathname("example.txt").touch Time.now - 1 # Pathname("example.txt") ---- ===== #write Writes to file and answers itself so it can be chained. See `IO.write` for details on additional options. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("example.txt").write "test" # Pathname("example.txt") Pathname("example.txt").write "test", offset: 1 # Pathname("example.txt") Pathname("example.txt").write "test", mode: "a" # Pathname("example.txt") ---- ==== String ===== #blank? Answers `true`/`false` based on whether string is blank, ``, `\n`, `\t`, and/or `\r`. [source,ruby] ---- " \n\t\r".blank? # true ---- ===== #camelcase Answers a camel cased string. [source,ruby] ---- "this_is_an_example".camelcase # "ThisIsAnExample" ---- ===== #down Answers string with only first letter down cased. [source,ruby] ---- "EXAMPLE".down # "eXAMPLE" ---- ===== #first Answers first character of a string or first set of characters if given a number. [source,ruby] ---- "example".first # "e" "example".first 4 # "exam" ---- ===== #indent Answers indentation (string) which is the result of the multiplier times padding. By default, the multiplier is `1` and the padding is `" "` which equates to two spaces. [source,ruby] ---- "example".indent # " example" "example".indent 0 # "example" "example".indent -1 # "example" "example".indent 2 # " example" "example".indent 3, pad: " " # " example" ---- ===== #last Answers last character of a string or last set of characters if given a number. [source,ruby] ---- "instant".last # "t" "instant".last 3 # "ant" ---- ===== #pluralize Answers plural form of self when given a suffix to add. The plural form of the word can be dynamically calculated when given a count and a replacement pattern (i.e. string or regular expression) can be supplied for further specificity. Usage is based on link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_plurals[plurals in English] which may or may not work well in other languages. [source,ruby] ---- "apple".pluralize "s" # apples "apple".pluralize "s", count: 0 # apples "apple".pluralize "s", count: 1 # apple "apple".pluralize "s", count: -1 # apple "apple".pluralize "s", count: 2 # apples "apple".pluralize "s", count: -2 # apples "cactus".pluralize "i", replace: "us" # cacti "cul-de-sac".pluralize "ls", replace: "l" # culs-de-sac ---- ===== #singularize Answers singular form of self when given a suffix to remove (can be a string or a regular expression). The singular form of the word can be dynamically calculated when given a count and a replacement string can be supplied for further specificity. Usage is based on link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_plurals[plurals in English] which may or may not work well in other languages. [source,ruby] ---- "apples".singularize "s" # apple "apples".singularize "s", count: 0 # apples "apples".singularize "s", count: 1 # apple "apples".singularize "s", count: -1 # apple "apples".singularize "s", count: 2 # apples "apples".singularize "s", count: -2 # apples "cacti".singularize "i", replace: "us" # cactus "culs-de-sac".singularize "ls", replace: "l" # cul-de-sac ---- ===== #snakecase Answers a snake cased string. [source,ruby] ---- "ThisIsAnExample".snakecase # "this_is_an_example" ---- ===== #squish Removes leading, in body, and trailing whitespace, including any tabs or newlines, without mutating itself. Processes ASCII and unicode whitespace as well. [source,ruby] ---- "one two three".squish # "one two three" " one two \n \t three ".squish # "one two three" ---- ===== #titleize Answers a title string with proper capitalization of each word. [source,ruby] ---- "ThisIsAnExample".titleize # "This Is An Example" ---- ===== #to_bool Answers string as a boolean. [source,ruby] ---- "true".to_bool # true "yes".to_bool # true "1".to_bool # true "".to_bool # false "example".to_bool # false ---- ===== #up Answers string with only first letter capitalized. [source,ruby] ---- "example".up # "Example" ---- ==== String IO ===== #reread Answers full string by rewinding to beginning of string and reading all content. [source,ruby] ---- io = StringIO.new io.write "This is a test." io.reread # "This is a test." io.reread 4 # "This" buffer = "".dup io.reread(buffer: buffer) # "This is a test." buffer # "This is a test." ---- ==== Struct ===== .with_positions Answers a struct instance with given positional arguments regardless of whether the struct was constructed with positional or keyword arguments. [source,ruby] ---- Example = Struct.new :a, :b, :c Example.with_positions 1, 2, 3 # # Example.with_positions 1 # # Example = Struct.new :a, :b, :c, keyword_init: true Example.with_positions 1, 2, 3 # # Example.with_positions 1 # # ---- ===== #diff Allows you to obtain the differences between two objects. [source,ruby] ---- implementation = Struct.new :a, :b, :c one = implementation.new a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 two = implementation.new a: 3, b: 2, c: 1 three = Struct.new(:x, :y).new x: 1, y: 2 one.diff one # {} one.diff two # {:a=>[1, 3], :c=>[3, 1]} one.diff three # {:a=>[1, nil], :b=>[2, nil], :c=>[3, nil]} one.diff Object.new # {:a=>[1, nil], :b=>[2, nil], :c=>[3, nil]} ---- Any object that _is not_ the same type will have a `nil` value as shown in the last two examples. ===== #merge Merges multiple attributes without mutating itself and supports any object that responds to `#to_h`. Works regardless of whether the struct is constructed with positional or keyword arguments. [source,ruby] ---- example = Struct.new("Example", :a, :b, :c).new 1, 2, 3 other = Struct.new("Other", :a, :b, :c).new 7, 8, 9 example.merge a: 10 # # example.merge a: 10, c: 30 # # example.merge a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 # # example.merge other # # example # # ---- ===== #merge! Merges multiple attributes while mutating itself and supports any object that responds to `#to_h`. Works regardless of whether the struct is constructed with positional or keyword arguments. [source,ruby] ---- example = Struct.new("Example", :a, :b, :c).new 1, 2, 3 other = Struct.new("Other", :a, :b, :c).new 7, 8, 9 example.merge! a: 10 # # example.merge! a: 10, c: 30 # # example.merge! other # # example.merge! a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 # # example # # ---- ===== #revalue Transforms values without mutating itself. An optional hash can be supplied to target specific attributes. In the event that a block isn't supplied, the struct will answer itself since there is nothing to operate on. Behavior is the same regardless of whether the struct is constructed using positional or keyword arguments. Works regardless of whether the struct is constructed with positional or keyword arguments. [source,ruby] ---- example = Struct.new("Example", :a, :b, :c).new 1, 2, 3 example.revalue { |value| value * 2 } # # example.revalue(c: 2) { |previous, current| previous + current } # # example.revalue c: 2 # # example.revalue # # example # # ---- ===== #revalue! Transforms values while mutating itself. An optional hash can be supplied to target specific attributes. In the event that a block isn't supplied, the struct will answer itself since there is nothing to operate on. Behavior is the same regardless of whether the struct is constructed using positional or keyword arguments. Works regardless of whether the struct is constructed with positional or keyword arguments. [source,ruby] ---- one = Struct.new("One", :a, :b, :c).new 1, 2, 3 one.revalue! { |value| value * 2 } # # one # # two = Struct.new("Two", :a, :b, :c).new 1, 2, 3 two.revalue!(c: 2) { |previous, current| previous + current } # # two # # three = Struct.new("Three", :a, :b, :c).new 1, 2, 3 three.revalue! c: 2 # # three.revalue! # # three # # ---- ===== #transmute Transmutes given enumerable by using the foreign key map and merging those key values into the current struct while not mutating itself. Works regardless of whether the struct is constructed with positional or keyword arguments. [source,ruby] ---- a = Struct.new("A", :a, :b, :c).new 1, 2, 3 b = Struct.new("B", :x, :y, :z).new 7, 8, 9 c = {r: 10, s: 20, t: 30} a.transmute b, a: :x, b: :y, c: :z # # a.transmute b, b: :y # # a.transmute c, c: :t # # a # # ---- ===== #transmute! Transmutes given enumerable by using the foreign key map and merging those key values into the current struct while mutating itself. Works regardless of whether the struct is constructed with positional or keyword arguments. [source,ruby] ---- a = Struct.new("A", :a, :b, :c).new 1, 2, 3 b = Struct.new("B", :x, :y, :z).new 7, 8, 9 c = {r: 10, s: 20, t: 30} a.transmute! b, a: :x, b: :y, c: :z # # a.transmute! b, b: :y # # a.transmute! c, c: :t # # a # # ---- ==== Symbol ===== #call Enhances symbol-to-proc by allowing you to send additional arguments and/or a block. This only works with public methods in order to not break encapsulation. [source,ruby] ---- %w[clue crow cow].map(&:tr.call("c", "b")) # ["blue", "brow", "bow"] [%w[a b c], %w[c a b]].map(&:index.call { |element| element == "b" }) # [1, 2] %w[1.outside 2.inside].map(&:sub.call(/\./) { |bullet| bullet + " " }) # ["1. outside", "2. inside"] [1, 2, 3].map(&:to_s.call) # ["1", "2", "3"] ---- ⚠️ Use of `#call` without any arguments or block should be avoided in order to not incur extra processing costs since the original symbol-to-proc call can used instead. == Development To contribute, run: [source,bash] ---- git clone https://github.com/bkuhlmann/refinements cd refinements bin/setup ---- You can also use the IRB console for direct access to all objects: [source,bash] ---- bin/console ---- == Tests To test, run: [source,bash] ---- bin/rake ---- == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/license[License] == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/security[Security] == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/code_of_conduct[Code of Conduct] == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/contributions[Contributions] == link:https://alchemists.io/projects/refinements/versions[Versions] == link:https://alchemists.io/community[Community] == Credits * Built with link:https://alchemists.io/projects/gemsmith[Gemsmith]. * Engineered by link:https://alchemists.io/team/brooke_kuhlmann[Brooke Kuhlmann].