class Document < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree path_finder :uid => 'permalink' acts_as_list :scope => :parent # Allow lists to be independant when grouping by type # acts_as_list :scope => 'parent_id = #{parent_id} and type = \'#{type}\'' self.skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes = [] # FIX BUG: has_attached_file :resource, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :url => "/files/document/:id/:style.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/files/document/:id/:style.:extension", :whiny_thumbnails => false # allow non-images to be uploaded # Prevent "not recognized by the 'identify' command" error for non-images before_post_process :resource_image? def resource_image? !(resource_content_type =~ /^image.*/).nil? end # Settings this to true or '1' will remove the resource attr_accessor :delete_resource # Assosiations belongs_to :author, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => 'author_id' belongs_to :meta_definition # Scopes named_scope :recent, lambda { { :conditions => ['created_at > ?', 1.week.ago] } } named_scope :latest, { :order => 'updated_at DESC' } named_scope :published_between, lambda {|start_date, end_date| { :conditions => {:published_at => start_date..end_date } } } named_scope :order_by, lambda { |order| { :order => order } } named_scope :by_label, lambda { |label| { :conditions => { :label => label }, :include => [:meta_definition, :parent, :author] } } named_scope :only, lambda { |limit| { :limit => limit } } named_scope :roots, { :conditions => { :parent_id => nil }, :include => [:meta_definition, :parent] } named_scope :public, { :conditions => { :state => 'published' }} named_scope :offset, lambda { |offset| { :offset => offset } } # Callbacks before_validation_on_create :pull_meta_definition before_validation_on_create :auto_populate before_save :generate_summary, :set_meta_data, :sanatize_body before_save :clear_resource # better name? after_save :touch_parent before_save :copy_permalink_to_path # Validations validates_presence_of :state, :author_id, :type, :label, :meta_definition_id validates_presence_of :published_at, :if => proc { |d| d.published? } validates_uniqueness_of :path # States state_machine :attribute => :state, :initial => :draft do event :publish do transition :draft => :published end event :unpublish do transition :published => :draft end state :private, :system, :pending after_transition :on => :published do |document, transition| document.published_at = unless document.published_at end end # Allow all documents to be processed in tree structure def self.process(&block) Document.all.group_by(&:meta_definition).each do | meta_definition, documents | documents.each { |document| yield(document, meta_definition)} end end # autherisation def allowed?(user, action) meta_definition.allowed?(user, action) end def meta_definition_for(label) meta_definition.children.by_label(label).first end def module_name self.root.permalink.titleize end def permalink create_permalink if read_attribute(:permalink).blank? read_attribute(:permalink) end # Rails support def to_param path end # allow Document['homepage'] def self.[](path) find_by_path(path) end # All children grouped by year and month def archive result = children.public.group_by(&:year).sort { |a,b| b <=> a }.each do | year, posts | result[year] = grouped_posts = posts.group_by(&:month_num) (1..12).each do | month | result[year][month] = grouped_posts[month] || [] end end result end # children for month and year def archive_for(month, year) from_date = Time.parse("#{month}/01/#{year}") # mm/dd/yy to_date = from_date.end_of_month children.public.published_between(from_date, to_date).order_by('published_at DESC') end # Never return nil # FIXME: use database default value def body read_attribute(:body) || '' end # Types of children this document can have def child_labels { |c| c.label } end def can_have_children? !self.meta_definition.children.empty? end def image self.resource end def image_description self.resource_description end def attachment self.resource end # Used for grouping # FIXME: put in module eg. date_groupable :column => 'published_at' def week published_at.strftime('%W') end def day published_at.strftime('%d') end def month published_at.strftime('%B') end def month_num published_at.month end def year published_at.strftime('%Y') end def month_year published_at.strftime('%B %Y') end # Note: The standard ActiveRecord#exists? only fetches the id field so # the add_assosiations (after_find) fails due to use of assosiations def self.exists?(conditions) self.find(:first, :conditions => conditions) end # after_find can only be called like this def after_find add_assosiations map_fields end SortByOptions = { 'Date DESC' => 'published_at DESC', 'Date ASC' => 'published_at ASC', 'Title' => 'title', 'Manually' => 'position ASC' } PerPageOptions = [1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] private # make sure the last element of the path is the same as the permalink def copy_permalink_to_path self.path = (self.path.split('/')[0..-2] + [self.permalink]).join('/') end # This will trigger a touch all they way to root # after_save def touch_parent self.parent.touch if parent end # before_validation_on_create def pull_meta_definition return if root? self.meta_definition = self.parent.meta_definition.children.by_label(label).first raise "No Meta Definition found for label [#{self.label}] in parents children. Choices are [#{ { |md| md.label }.join(', ') }]" if self.meta_definition.nil? # Enforced values self.label = self.meta_definition.label # cache label to reduce sql calls # Defaults values self.type ||= self.meta_definition.default_type || 'Document' self.state ||= self.meta_definition.default_state || 'draft' end # Alias children and parent eg. @post.comments and # Note they are scope to a published state def add_assosiations self.child_labels.each do | label | self.class.send(:define_method, label.pluralize) { self.children.with_state(:published).by_label(label) } end if self.parent self.class.send(:define_method, self.parent.label) { self.parent } end end def map_fields meta_definition.field_map.each do | source , target | self.class.send(:define_method, source) { send(target) } end end # before_validation_on_create def auto_populate create_permalink generate_summary set_meta_data end def generate_summary self.summary = Sanitize.clean(self.body).to(255) if self.summary.blank? end def set_meta_data self.meta_title = if self.meta_title.blank? self.meta_description = if !self.summary.blank? && self.meta_description.blank? end # before_save def sanatize_body if self.meta_definition.body_strip_html? self.body = Sanitize.clean(self.body) end unless self.meta_definition.body_length.blank? self.body = end end # TODO: Refactor in to a module def create_permalink(separator = '_', max_size = 127) pull_meta_definition if self.meta_definition.nil? unless self.meta_definition.randomise_permalink? return '' if title.blank? # words to ignore, usually the same words ignored by search engines ignore_words = ['a', 'an', 'the', '?'] ignore_re = # building ignore regexp ignore_words.each { |word| ignore_re << word + '\b|\b' } ignore_re = '\b' + ignore_re + '\b' new_permalink = self.title.dup.gsub("'", separator) new_permalink.gsub!(ignore_re, '') new_permalink.downcase! new_permalink.strip! new_permalink.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9]+/, separator) new_permalink = new_permalink.gsub!(/^\\#{separator}+|\\#{separator}+$/, '') else new_permalink = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(16) end write_attribute(:permalink, new_permalink) end # before_save # '1' is for compatibility with form inputs def clear_resource if self.delete_resource && (self.delete_resource == '1' || self.delete_resource == true) self.resource = nil end end end