require 'test_helper' module Shipit class DeploysTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit) = 42 @stack = shipit_stacks(:shipit) @user = shipit_users(:walrus) end test "#rollback? returns false" do refute @deploy.rollback? end test "enqueue" do assert_enqueued_with(job: PerformTaskJob, args: [@deploy]) do @deploy.enqueue end end test "enqueue when not persisted" do assert_raise(RuntimeError) { } end test "working_directory" do assert_equal File.join(@deploy.stack.deploys_path,, @deploy.working_directory end test "#since_commit_id returns the database value if present" do @deploy.since_commit_id = 1 assert_equal 1, @deploy.since_commit_id end test "#since_commit_id returns nil if stack_id isn't set" do deploy = assert_nil deploy.since_commit_id end test "#since_commit_id returns a default value if stack_id is set" do stack = shipit_stacks(:shipit) deploy = last = stack.deploys.success.last.until_commit_id assert_equal last, deploy.since_commit_id end test "#commits returns empty array if stack isn't set" do @deploy.expects(:stack).returns(nil) assert_equal [], @deploy.commits end test "additions and deletions are denormalized on before create" do stack = shipit_stacks(:shipit) first = shipit_commits(:first) third = shipit_commits(:third) deploy = stack.deploys.create!( since_commit: first, until_commit: third, ) assert_equal 13, deploy.additions assert_equal 65, deploy.deletions end test "#commits returns the commits in the id range" do stack = shipit_stacks(:shipit) first = shipit_commits(:first) last = shipit_commits(:third) deploy = since_commit: first, until_commit: last, ) commits = deploy.commits assert_not_empty commits assert_equal, assert_not_equal, end test "#commits returns commits from newer to older" do stack = shipit_stacks(:shipit) first = shipit_commits(:first) last = shipit_commits(:fourth) deploy = since_commit: first, until_commit: last, ) assert_equal [4, 3, 2], deploy.commits.pluck(:id) end test "transitioning to success causes an event to be broadcasted" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_pending) expect_event(deploy) deploy.status = 'running' expect_hook(:deploy, deploy.stack, status: 'success', deploy: deploy, stack: deploy.stack) do deploy.complete! end end test "transitioning to success persists `ended_at`" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_nil deploy.ended_at deploy.complete! deploy.reload assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, deploy.ended_at assert_in_delta, deploy.ended_at, 2 end test "transitioning to failed causes an event to be broadcasted" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_pending) expect_event(deploy) deploy.status = 'running' expect_hook(:deploy, deploy.stack, status: 'failed', deploy: deploy, stack: deploy.stack) do deploy.failure! end end test "transitioning to failed persists `ended_at`" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_nil deploy.ended_at deploy.failure! deploy.reload assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, deploy.ended_at assert_in_delta, deploy.ended_at, 2 end test "transitioning to error causes an event to be broadcasted" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_pending) expect_event(deploy) deploy.status = 'running' expect_hook(:deploy, deploy.stack, status: 'error', deploy: deploy, stack: deploy.stack) do deploy.error! end end test "transitioning to error persists `ended_at`" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_nil deploy.ended_at deploy.error! deploy.reload assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, deploy.ended_at assert_in_delta, deploy.ended_at, 2 end test "transitioning to running causes an event to be broadcasted" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_pending) expect_event(deploy) deploy.status = 'pending' expect_hook(:deploy, deploy.stack, status: 'running', deploy: deploy, stack: deploy.stack) do! end end test "transitioning to running persists `started_at`" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_pending) assert_nil deploy.started_at! deploy.reload assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, deploy.started_at assert_in_delta, deploy.started_at, 2 end test "creating a deploy causes an event to be broadcasted" do shipit = shipit_stacks(:shipit) deploy = since_commit: shipit.commits.first, until_commit: shipit.commits.last, ) expect_event(deploy)! end test "transitioning to success triggers next deploy when stack uses CD" do shipit_commits(:fifth).statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'success') deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) deploy.stack.tasks.where.not(id: 'success') deploy.stack.update(continuous_deployment: true) assert_difference "Deploy.count" do assert_enqueued_with(job: ContinuousDeliveryJob, args: [deploy.stack]) do deploy.complete! end end end test "transitioning to success skips CD deploy when stack doesn't use it" do shipit_commits(:fifth).statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'success') deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_no_difference "Deploy.count" do deploy.complete! end end test "transitioning to success skips CD when no successful commits after until_commit" do deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) deploy.stack.update(continuous_deployment: true) assert_no_difference "Deploy.count" do deploy.complete! end end test "transitioning to success schedule an update of the estimated deploy duration" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_enqueued_with(job: UpdateEstimatedDeployDurationJob, args: [@deploy.stack]) do @deploy.complete! end end test "transitions to any state updates last deploy time to stack record" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) @deploy.complete! @stack.reload assert_in_delta @deploy.ended_at, @stack.last_deployed_at, 1 end test "transitioning to success schedule a MergePullRequests job" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_enqueued_with(job: MergePullRequestsJob, args: [@deploy.stack]) do @deploy.complete! end end test "transitioning to success schedule a fetch of the deployed revision" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_enqueued_with(job: FetchDeployedRevisionJob, args: [@deploy.stack]) do @deploy.complete! end end test "transitioning to failure schedule a fetch of the deployed revision" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_enqueued_with(job: FetchDeployedRevisionJob, args: [@deploy.stack]) do @deploy.failure! end end test "transitioning to error schedule a fetch of the deployed revision" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) assert_enqueued_with(job: FetchDeployedRevisionJob, args: [@deploy.stack]) do @deploy.error! end end test "transitioning to aborted schedule a rollback if required" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) = 42 @deploy.abort!(rollback_once_aborted: true) assert_difference -> { @stack.rollbacks.count }, 1 do assert_enqueued_with(job: PerformTaskJob) do @deploy.aborted! end end end test "creating a deploy creates one CommitDeployment per commit" do shipit = shipit_stacks(:shipit) deploy = since_commit: shipit.commits.first, until_commit: shipit.commits.last, ) assert_difference -> { CommitDeployment.count }, deploy.commits.size do! end end test "#build_rollback returns an unsaved record" do assert @deploy.build_rollback.new_record? end test "#build_rollback returns a rollback" do assert @deploy.build_rollback.rollback? end test "#build_rollback set the id of the rollbacked deploy" do rollback = @deploy.build_rollback assert_equal, rollback.parent_id end test "#build_rollback set the last_deployed_commit as the rollback since_commit" do rollback = @deploy.build_rollback assert_equal @stack.last_deployed_commit, rollback.since_commit end test "#trigger_rollback rolls the stack back to this deploy" do assert_equal shipit_commits(:fourth), @stack.last_deployed_commit rollback = @deploy.trigger_rollback! rollback.complete! assert_equal shipit_commits(:second), @stack.last_deployed_commit end test "#trigger_revert rolls the stack back to before this deploy" do assert_equal shipit_commits(:fourth), @stack.last_deployed_commit rollback = @deploy.trigger_revert! rollback.complete! assert_equal shipit_commits(:first), @stack.last_deployed_commit end test "#trigger_rollback creates a new Rollback" do assert_difference -> { Rollback.count }, 1 do @deploy.trigger_rollback(@user) end end test "#trigger_rollback schedule the task" do Hook.expects(:emit).at_least_once assert_enqueued_with(job: PerformTaskJob) do @deploy.trigger_rollback(@user) end end test "#trigger_rollback locks the stack" do refute @stack.locked? @deploy.trigger_rollback(@user) assert @stack.reload.locked? assert_equal @user, @stack.lock_author end test "abort! transition to `aborting`" do @deploy.abort! assert_equal 'aborting', @deploy.status end test "abort! schedule the rollback if `rollback_once_aborted` is true" do @deploy.abort!(rollback_once_aborted: true) assert_predicate @deploy.reload, :rollback_once_aborted? end test "abort! record the abort order if the task is alive" do aborts = [] @deploy.abort! @deploy.should_abort? { |abort_count| aborts << abort_count } assert_equal [1], aborts 3.times { @deploy.abort! } @deploy.should_abort? { |abort_count| aborts << abort_count } assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4], aborts end test "abort! mark the deploy as error if it isn't alive and isn't finished" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit_running) refute_predicate @deploy, :alive? refute_predicate @deploy, :finished? @deploy.abort! assert_predicate @deploy, :error? end test "destroy deletes the related output chunks" do assert_difference -> { @deploy.chunks.count }, -@deploy.chunks.count do @deploy.destroy end end test "#chunk_output joins all chunk test if logs not rolled up" do assert_equal @deploy.chunks.count, @deploy.chunks.count assert_equal @deploy.chunks.pluck(:text).join, @deploy.chunk_output refute @deploy.rolled_up end test "#chunk_output returns logs from records if rolled up" do expected_output = @deploy.chunks.pluck(:text).join @deploy.rollup_chunks assert_no_queries do assert_equal expected_output, @deploy.chunk_output assert @deploy.rolled_up end end test "#accept! bails out if the deploy is successful already" do assert_predicate @deploy, :success? Deploy::CONFIRMATIONS_REQUIRED.times do @deploy.accept! assert_predicate @deploy, :success? end end test "#accept! first transition to flapping then ultimately to success if the deploy was failed" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit2) assert_predicate @deploy, :failed? (Deploy::CONFIRMATIONS_REQUIRED - 1).times do @deploy.accept! assert_predicate @deploy, :flapping? end @deploy.accept! assert_predicate @deploy, :success? end test "#reject! bails out if the deploy is failed already" do @deploy = shipit_deploys(:shipit2) assert_predicate @deploy, :failed? Deploy::CONFIRMATIONS_REQUIRED.times do @deploy.reject! assert_predicate @deploy, :failed? end end test "#reject! first transition to flapping then ultimately to failed if the deploy was successful" do assert_predicate @deploy, :success? (Deploy::CONFIRMATIONS_REQUIRED - 1).times do @deploy.reject! assert_predicate @deploy, :flapping? end @deploy.reject! assert_predicate @deploy, :failed? end test "entering flapping state triggers webhooks" do assert_enqueued_with job: EmitEventJob do @deploy.reject! end assert_predicate @deploy, :flapping? end test "#ping updates the task status key" do refute_predicate @deploy, :alive? assert_predicate @deploy, :alive? end private def expect_event(deploy) Pubsubstub.expects(:publish).at_least_once Pubsubstub.expects(:publish).with do |channel, _payload, _options| channel == "stack.#{}" end end end end