require 'spec_helper' require 'mida/item' require 'mida/vocabulary' describe Mida::Item, 'when initialized with an incomplete itemscope' do before do itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return(nil) itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return({}) @item = end it '#type should return the same type as the itemscope' do @item.type.should == nil end it '#vocabulary should return the correct vocabulary' do @item.vocabulary.should == Mida::GenericVocabulary end it '#id should return the same id as the itemscope' do == nil end it '#properties should return the same properties as the itemscope' do == {} end it '#to_h should return an empty hash' do @item.to_h.should == {} end end describe Mida::Item, 'when initialized with a complete itemscope of an unknown type' do before do itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("book") itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return("urn:isbn:978-1-849510-50-9") itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( {'first_name' => ['Lorry'], 'last_name' => ['Woodman']} ) @item = end it '#type should return the same type as the itemscope' do @item.type.should == "book" end it '#vocabulary should return the correct vocabulary' do @item.vocabulary.should == Mida::GenericVocabulary end it '#id should return the same id as the itemscope' do == "urn:isbn:978-1-849510-50-9" end it '#properties should return the same properties as the itemscope' do == { 'first_name' => ['Lorry'], 'last_name' => ['Woodman'] } end it '#to_h should return the correct type, id and properties' do @item.to_h.should == { type: 'book', id: "urn:isbn:978-1-849510-50-9", properties: { 'first_name' => ['Lorry'], 'last_name' => ['Woodman'] } } end end describe Mida::Item, 'when initialized with an itemscope of a known type' do before do class Person < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{} has_one 'name' has_many 'date' do extract Mida::DataType::ISO8601Date, Mida::DataType::Text end has_many 'url' do extract Mida::DataType::URL end end itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("") itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( { 'name' => ['Lorry Woodman'], 'date' => ['2nd October 2009', '2009-10-02'], 'url' => [''] } ) @item = end it '#vocabulary should return the correct vocabulary' do @item.vocabulary.should == Person end it 'should return has_one properties as a single value' do['name'].should == 'Lorry Woodman' end it 'should return has_many properties as an array' do['url'].length == 1['url'].first.to_s.should == '' end it 'should accept datatypes that are valid' do['date'][0].should == '2nd October 2009' end it 'should accept datatypes that are valid' do['date'][1].should.to_s == Date.iso8601('2009-10-02').rfc822 end it '#properties should return the same properties as the itemscope' do == ['name', 'date', 'url']['date'].length == 2 end it '#to_h should return the correct type and properties' do @item.to_h.should == { type: '', properties: } end end describe Mida::Item, 'when initialized with an itemscope of a known type that does not fully match vocabulary' do before do # Make sure the class is redefined afresh to make sure that # inherited() hook is called Mida::Vocabulary.unregister(Person) Object.send(:remove_const, :Person) class Person < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{} has_one 'name', 'tel' has_many 'url', 'city' has_one 'dob' do extract Mida::DataType::ISO8601Date end end itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("") itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( { 'name' => ['Lorry Woodman'], 'tel' => ['000004847582', '111111857485'], 'url' => [''], 'city' => ['Bristol'], 'dob' => 'When I was born' } ) @item = end it '#vocabulary should return the correct vocabulary' do @item.vocabulary.should == Person end it 'should not keep properties that have too many values' do have_key('tel') end it 'should not keep properties that have the wrong DataType' do have_key('dob') end end describe Mida::Item, 'when initialized with an itemscope containing another correct itemscope' do before do class Tel < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{} has_one 'dial_code', 'number' end class Person < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{} has_one 'name' has_many 'tel' do extract Tel, Mida::DataType::Text end end tel_itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) tel_itemscope.stub!(:kind_of?).any_number_of_times.with(Mida::Itemscope).and_return(true) tel_itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("") tel_itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) tel_itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( { 'dial_code' => ['0248583'], 'number' => ['000004847582'], } ) person_itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) person_itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("") person_itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) person_itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( { 'name' => ['Lorry Woodman'], 'tel' => ['000004847582', tel_itemscope], } ) @item = end it '#vocabulary should return the correct vocabulary' do @item.vocabulary.should == Person end it 'should validate and convert the nested itemscope' do['tel'][1].vocabulary.should == Tel['tel'][1].properties.should == { 'dial_code' => '0248583', 'number' => '000004847582', } end it 'should accept the text tel' do['tel'][0].should == '000004847582' end it "#to_h shouldnt return nested items properly" do @item.to_h.should == { type: '', properties: { 'name' => 'Lorry Woodman', 'tel' => [ '000004847582', { type: '', properties: { 'dial_code' => '0248583', 'number' => '000004847582' } } ] } } end end describe Mida::Item, 'when initialized with an itemscope that has a property type that is a child of the specified type' do before do class Person < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{} has_one 'name' has_many 'tel' end class Student < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{} include_vocabulary Person has_one 'studying' end class Organization < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{} has_one 'name' has_many 'employee' do extract Person end end student_itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) student_itemscope.stub!(:kind_of?).any_number_of_times.with(Mida::Itemscope).and_return(true) student_itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("") student_itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) student_itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( { 'name' => ['Lorry Woodman'], 'tel' => ['000004847582'], 'studying' => ['Classics'] } ) org_itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) org_itemscope.stub!(:kind_of?).any_number_of_times.with(Mida::Itemscope).and_return(true) org_itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("") org_itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) org_itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( { 'name' => ['Acme Inc.'], 'employee' => [student_itemscope] } ) @item = end it 'should recognise an itemtype that is the child of that specified' do['employee'][0].vocabulary.should == Student['employee'][0].type.should == ''['employee'][0].properties.should == { 'name' => 'Lorry Woodman', 'tel' => ['000004847582'], 'studying' => 'Classics' } end end describe Mida::Item, 'when initialized with an itemscope containing another invalid itemscope' do before do # Make sure the class is redefined afresh to make sure that # inherited() hook is called Mida::Vocabulary.unregister(Person) Object.send(:remove_const, :Person) class Person < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{} has_one 'name' has_many 'tel' end tel_itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) tel_itemscope.stub!(:kind_of?).any_number_of_times.with(Mida::Itemscope).and_return(true) tel_itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("") tel_itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) tel_itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( { 'dial_code' => ['0248583'], 'number' => ['000004847582'], } ) person_itemscope = mock(Mida::Itemscope) person_itemscope.stub!(:type).and_return("") person_itemscope.stub!(:id).and_return(nil) person_itemscope.stub!(:properties).and_return( { 'name' => ['Lorry Woodman'], 'tel' => ['000004847582', tel_itemscope], } ) @item = end it 'should only accept values of the correct type' do['tel'].size.should == 1['tel'][0].should == '000004847582' end end