// Jester version 1.5 // Released October 25th, 2007 // Compatible, tested with Prototype // Copyright 2007, thoughtbot, inc. // Released under the MIT License. Jester = {} Jester.Resource = function(){}; // Doing it this way forces the validation of the syntax but gives flexibility enough to rename the new class. Jester.Constructor = function(model){ return (function CONSTRUCTOR() { this.klass = CONSTRUCTOR; this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.after_initialization.apply(this, arguments); }).toString().replace(/CONSTRUCTOR/g, model); } // universal Jester callback holder for remote JSON loading var jesterCallback = null; Object.extend(Jester.Resource, { model: function(model, options) { var new_model = null; new_model = eval(model + " = " + Jester.Constructor(model)); new_model.prototype = new Jester.Resource(); Object.extend(new_model, Jester.Resource); // We delay instantiating XML.ObjTree() so that it can be listed at the end of this file instead of the beginning if (!Jester.Tree) { Jester.Tree = new XML.ObjTree(); Jester.Tree.attr_prefix = "@"; } if (!options) options = {}; var default_options = { format: "xml", singular: model.underscore(), name: model } options = Object.extend(default_options, options); options.format = options.format.toLowerCase(); options.plural = options.singular.pluralize(options.plural); options.singular_xml = options.singular.replace(/_/g, "-"); options.plural_xml = options.plural.replace(/_/g, "-"); options.remote = false; // Establish prefix var default_prefix = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : ""); if (options.prefix && options.prefix.match(/^https?:/)) options.remote = true; if (!options.prefix) options.prefix = default_prefix; if (!options.prefix.match(/^(https?|file):/)) options.prefix = default_prefix + (options.prefix.match(/^\//) ? "" : "/") + options.prefix; options.prefix = options.prefix.replace(/\b\/+$/,""); // Establish custom URLs options.urls = Object.extend(this._default_urls(options), options.urls); // Assign options to model new_model.name = model; new_model.options = options; for(var opt in options) new_model["_" + opt] = options[opt]; // Establish custom URL helpers for (var url in options.urls) eval('new_model._' + url + '_url = function(params) {return this._url_for("' + url + '", params);}'); if (options.checkNew) this.buildAttributes(new_model, options); if (window) window[model] = new_model; return new_model; }, buildAttributes: function(model, options) { model = model || this; var async = options.asynchronous; if (async == null) async = true; var buildWork = bind(model, function(doc) { if (this._format == "json") this._attributes = this._attributesFromJSON(doc); else this._attributes = this._attributesFromTree(doc[this._singular_xml]); }); model.requestAndParse(options.format, buildWork, model._new_url(), {asynchronous: async}); }, loadRemoteJSON : function(url, callback, user_callback) { // tack on user_callback if there is one, and only if it's really a function if (typeof(user_callback) == "function") jesterCallback = function(doc) {user_callback(callback(doc));} else jesterCallback = callback; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; if (url.indexOf("?") == -1) url += "?"; else url += "&"; url += "callback=jesterCallback"; script.src = url; document.firstChild.appendChild(script); }, requestAndParse : function(format, callback, url, options, user_callback, remote) { if (remote && format == "json" && user_callback) return this.loadRemoteJSON(url, callback, user_callback) parse_and_callback = null; if (format.toLowerCase() == "json") { parse_and_callback = function(transport) { if (transport.status == 500) return callback(null); eval("var attributes = " + transport.responseText); // hashes need this kind of eval return callback(attributes); } } else { parse_and_callback = function(transport) { if (transport.status == 500) return callback(null); return callback(Jester.Tree.parseXML(transport.responseText)); } } // most parse requests are going to be a GET if (!(options.postBody || options.parameters || options.postbody || options.method == "post")) { options.method = "get"; } return this.request(parse_and_callback, url, options, user_callback); }, // Helper to aid in handling either async or synchronous requests request : function(callback, url, options, user_callback) { if (user_callback) { options.asynchronous = true; // if an options hash was given instead of a callback if (typeof(user_callback) == "object") { for (var x in user_callback) options[x] = user_callback[x]; user_callback = options.onComplete; } } else user_callback = function(arg){return arg;} if (options.asynchronous) { options.onComplete = function(transport, json) {user_callback(callback(transport), json);} return new Ajax.Request(url, options).transport; } else { options.asynchronous = false; // Make sure it's set, to avoid being overridden. return callback(new Ajax.Request(url, options).transport); } }, find : function(id, params, callback) { // allow a params hash to be omitted and a callback function given directly if (!callback && typeof(params) == "function") { callback = params; params = null; } var findAllWork = bind(this, function(doc) { if (!doc) return null; var collection = this._loadCollection(doc); if (!collection) return null; // This is better than requiring the controller to support a "limit" parameter if (id == "first") return collection[0]; return collection; }); var findOneWork = bind(this, function(doc) { if (!doc) return null; var base = this._loadSingle(doc); // if there were no properties, it was probably not actually loaded if (!base || base._properties.length == 0) return null; // even if the ID didn't come back, we obviously knew the ID to search with, so set it if (!base._properties.include("id")) base._setAttribute("id", parseInt(id)) return base; }); if (id == "first" || id == "all") { var url = this._list_url(params); return this.requestAndParse(this._format, findAllWork, url, {}, callback, this._remote); } else { if (isNaN(parseInt(id))) return null; if (!params) params = {}; params.id = id; var url = this._show_url(params); return this.requestAndParse(this._format, findOneWork, url, {}, callback, this._remote); } }, build : function(attributes) { return new this(attributes); }, create : function(attributes, callback) { var base = new this(attributes); createWork = bind(this, function(saved) { return callback(base); }); if (callback) { return base.save(createWork); } else { base.save(); return base; } }, // Destroys a REST object. Can be used as follows: // object.destroy() - when called on an instance of a model, destroys that instance // Model.destroy(1) - destroys the Model object with ID 1 // Model.destroy({parent: 3, id: 1}) - destroys the Model object with Parent ID 3 and ID 1 // // Any of these forms can also be passed a callback function as an additional parameter and it works as you expect. destroy : function(params, callback) { if (typeof(params) == "function") { callback = params; params = null; } if (typeof(params) == "number") { params = {id: params}; } params.id = params.id || this.id; if (!params.id) return false; var destroyWork = bind(this, function(transport) { if (transport.status == 200) { if (!params.id || this.id == params.id) this.id = null; return this; } else return false; }); return this.request(destroyWork, this._destroy_url(params), {method: "delete"}, callback); }, _interpolate: function(string, params) { if (!params) return string; var result = string; params.each(function(pair) { var re = new RegExp(":" + pair.key, "g"); if (result.match(re)) { result = result.replace(re, pair.value); params.unset(pair.key); } }); return result; }, _url_for : function(action, params) { if (!this._urls[action]) return ""; // if an integer is sent, it's assumed just the ID is a parameter if (typeof(params) == "number") params = {id: params} if (params) params = $H(params); var url = this._interpolate(this._prefix + this._urls[action], params) return url + (params && params.any() ? "?" + params.toQueryString() : ""); }, _default_urls : function(options) { urls = { 'show' : "/" + options.plural + "/:id." + options.format, 'list' : "/" + options.plural + "." + options.format, 'new' : "/" + options.plural + "/new." + options.format } urls.create = urls.list; urls.destroy = urls.update = urls.show; return urls; }, // Converts a JSON hash returns from ActiveRecord::Base#to_json into a hash of attribute values // Does not handle associations, as AR's #to_json doesn't either // Also, JSON doesn't include room to store types, so little auto-transforming is done here (just on 'id') _attributesFromJSON : function(json) { if (!json || json.constructor != Object) return false; if (json.attributes) json = json.attributes; var attributes = {}; var i = 0; for (var attr in json) { var value = json[attr]; if (attr == "id") value = parseInt(value); else if (attr.match(/(created_at|created_on|updated_at|updated_on)/)) { var date = Date.parse(value); if (date && !isNaN(date)) value = date; } attributes[attr] = value; i += 1; } if (i == 0) return false; // empty hashes should just return false return attributes; }, // Converts the XML tree returned from a single object into a hash of attribute values _attributesFromTree : function(elements) { var attributes = {} for (var attr in elements) { // pull out the value var value = elements[attr]; if (elements[attr] && elements[attr]["@type"]) { if (elements[attr]["#text"]) value = elements[attr]["#text"]; else value = undefined; } // handle empty value (pass it through) if (!value) {} // handle scalars else if (typeof(value) == "string") { // perform any useful type transformations if (elements[attr]["@type"] == "integer") { var num = parseInt(value); if (!isNaN(num)) value = num; } else if (elements[attr]["@type"] == "boolean") value = (value == "true"); else if (elements[attr]["@type"] == "datetime") { var date = Date.parse(value); if (!isNaN(date)) value = date; } } // handle arrays (associations) else { var relation = value; // rename for clarity in the context of an association // first, detect if it's has_one/belongs_to, or has_many var i = 0; var singular = null; var has_many = false; for (var val in relation) { if (i == 0) singular = val; i += 1; } // has_many if (relation[singular] && typeof(relation[singular]) == "object" && i == 1) { var value = []; var plural = attr; var name = singular.camelize().capitalize(); // force array if (!(elements[plural][singular].length > 0)) elements[plural][singular] = [elements[plural][singular]]; elements[plural][singular].each( bind(this, function(single) { // if the association hasn't been modeled, do a default modeling here // hosted object's prefix and format are inherited, singular and plural are set // from the XML if (eval("typeof(" + name + ")") == "undefined") { Jester.Resource.model(name, {prefix: this._prefix, singular: singular, plural: plural, format: this._format}); } var base = eval(name + ".build(this._attributesFromTree(single))"); value.push(base); })); } // has_one or belongs_to else { singular = attr; var name = singular.capitalize(); // if the association hasn't been modeled, do a default modeling here // hosted object's prefix and format are inherited, singular is set from the XML if (eval("typeof(" + name + ")") == "undefined") { Jester.Resource.model(name, {prefix: this._prefix, singular: singular, format: this._format}); } value = eval(name + ".build(this._attributesFromTree(value))"); } } // transform attribute name if needed attribute = attr.replace(/-/g, "_"); attributes[attribute] = value; } return attributes; }, _loadSingle : function(doc) { var attributes; if (this._format == "json") attributes = this._attributesFromJSON(doc); else attributes = this._attributesFromTree(doc[this._singular_xml]); return this.build(attributes); }, _loadCollection : function(doc) { var collection; if (this._format == "json") { collection = doc.map( bind(this, function(item) { return this.build(this._attributesFromJSON(item)); })); } else { // if only one result, wrap it in an array if (!Jester.Resource.elementHasMany(doc[this._plural_xml])) doc[this._plural_xml][this._singular_xml] = [doc[this._plural_xml][this._singular_xml]]; collection = doc[this._plural_xml][this._singular_xml].map( bind(this, function(elem) { return this.build(this._attributesFromTree(elem)); })); } return collection; } }); Object.extend(Jester.Resource.prototype, { initialize : function(attributes) { // Initialize no attributes, no associations this._properties = []; this._associations = []; this.setAttributes(this.klass._attributes || {}); this.setAttributes(attributes); // Initialize with no errors this.errors = []; // Establish custom URL helpers for (var url in this.klass._urls) eval('this._' + url + '_url = function(params) {return this._url_for("' + url + '", params);}'); }, after_initialization: function(){}, new_record : function() {return !(this.id);}, valid : function() {return ! this.errors.any();}, reload : function(callback) { var reloadWork = bind(this, function(copy) { this._resetAttributes(copy.attributes(true)); if (callback) return callback(this); else return this; }); if (this.id) { if (callback) return this.klass.find(this.id, {}, reloadWork); else return reloadWork(this.klass.find(this.id)); } else return this; }, // Destroys a REST object. Can be used as follows: // object.destroy() - when called on an instance of a model, destroys that instance // Model.destroy(1) - destroys the Model object with ID 1 // Model.destroy({parent: 3, id: 1}) - destroys the Model object with Parent ID 3 and ID 1 // // Any of these forms can also be passed a callback function as an additional parameter and it works as you expect. destroy : function(params, callback) { if (params === undefined) { params = {}; } if (typeof(params) == "function") { callback = params; params = {}; } if (typeof(params) == "number") { params = {id: params}; } if (!params.id) { params.id = this.id; } if (!params.id) return false; // collect params from instance if we're being called as an instance method if (this._properties !== undefined) { (this._properties).each( bind(this, function(value, i) { if (params[value] === undefined) { params[value] = this[value]; } })); } var destroyWork = bind(this, function(transport) { if (transport.status == 200) { if (!params.id || this.id == params.id) this.id = null; return this; } else return false; }); return this.klass.request(destroyWork, this._destroy_url(params), {method: "delete"}, callback); }, save : function(callback) { var saveWork = bind(this, function(transport) { var saved = false; if (transport.responseText && (transport.responseText.strip() != "")) { var errors = this._errorsFrom(transport.responseText); if (errors) this._setErrors(errors); else { var attributes; if (this.klass._format == "json") { attributes = this._attributesFromJSON(transport.responseText); } else { var doc = Jester.Tree.parseXML(transport.responseText); if (doc[this.klass._singular_xml]) attributes = this._attributesFromTree(doc[this.klass._singular_xml]); } if (attributes) this._resetAttributes(attributes); } } // Get ID from the location header if it's there if (this.new_record() && transport.status == 201) { loc = transport.getResponseHeader("location"); if (loc) { id = parseInt(loc.match(/\/([^\/]*?)(\.\w+)?$/)[1]); if (!isNaN(id)) this._setProperty("id", id) } } return (transport.status >= 200 && transport.status < 300 && this.errors.length == 0); }); // reset errors this._setErrors([]); var url = null; var method = null; // collect params var params = {}; var urlParams = {}; (this._properties).each( bind(this, function(value, i) { params[this.klass._singular + "[" + value + "]"] = this[value]; urlParams[value] = this[value]; })); // distinguish between create and update if (this.new_record()) { url = this._create_url(urlParams); method = "post"; } else { url = this._update_url(urlParams); method = "put"; } // send the request return this.klass.request(saveWork, url, {parameters: params, method: method}, callback); }, setAttributes : function(attributes) { $H(attributes).each(bind(this, function(attr){ this._setAttribute(attr.key, attr.value) })); return attributes; }, updateAttributes : function(attributes, callback) { this.setAttributes(attributes); return this.save(callback); }, // mimics ActiveRecord's behavior of omitting associations, but keeping foreign keys attributes : function(include_associations) { var attributes = {} for (var i=0; i35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('5(p(o)==\'w\')o=v(){};o.r=v(){m 9};o.r.1i="0.1b";o.r.u.14=\'\\n\';o.r.u.Y=\'-\';o.r.u.1c=\'1a/L\';o.r.u.N=v(a){6 b;5(W.U){6 c=K U();6 d=c.1r(a,"1p/L");5(!d)m;b=d.A}q 5(W.10){c=K 10(\'1k.1h\');c.1g=z;c.1e(a);b=c.A}5(!b)m;m 9.E(b)};o.r.u.1d=v(c,d,e){6 f={};y(6 g 19 d){f[g]=d[g]}5(!f.M){5(p(f.18)=="w"&&p(f.17)=="w"&&p(f.16)=="w"){f.M="15"}q{f.M="13"}}5(e){f.X=V;6 h=9;6 i=e;6 j=f.T;f.T=v(a){6 b;5(a&&a.x&&a.x.A){b=h.E(a.x.A)}q 5(a&&a.J){b=h.N(a.J)}i(b,a);5(j)j(a)}}q{f.X=z}6 k;5(p(S)!="w"&&S.I){f.1q=c;6 l=K S.I(f);5(l)k=l.12}q 5(p(Q)!="w"&&Q.I){6 l=K Q.I(c,f);5(l)k=l.12}5(e)m k;5(k&&k.x&&k.x.A){m 9.E(k.x.A)}q 5(k&&k.J){m 9.N(k.J)}};o.r.u.E=v(a){5(!a)m;9.H={};5(9.P){y(6 i=0;i<9.P.t;i++){9.H[9.P[i]]=1}}6 b=9.O(a);5(9.H[a.F]){b=[b]}5(a.B!=11){6 c={};c[a.F]=b;b=c}m b};o.r.u.O=v(a){5(a.B==7){m}5(a.B==3||a.B==4){6 b=a.G.1j(/[^\\1f-\\1l]/);5(b==1m)m z;m a.G}6 c;6 d={};5(a.D&&a.D.t){c={};y(6 i=0;i35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('N.q.F||(N.q.F=t(a){o u.1d().F(a)});O.q.F||(O.q.F=t(a){o\'0\'.1H(a-u.K)+u});O.q.1H||(O.q.1H=t(a){v s=\'\',i=0;2k(i++3&&d.1f(-(18.1y(d.K,2)))<21?"V":["V","17","16","1a","V"][18.1y(N(d)%10,4)]});k.q.1w||(k.q.1w=t(){v f=(D k(u.1h(),0,1)).1e();o 18.2t((u.1n()+(f>3?f-4:f+3))/7)});k.q.1M=t(){o u.1d().1v(/^.*? ([A-Z]{3}) [0-9]{4}.*$/,"$1").1v(/^.*?\\(([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+\\)$/,"$1$2$3")};k.q.2p=t(){o(u.1u()>0?"-":"+")+O(18.2l(u.1u()/19)).F(2)+O(u.1u()%19,2,"0").F(2)};k.q.1n||(k.q.1n=t(){o((k.2o(u.1h(),u.1c(),u.1b()+1,0,0,0)-k.2o(u.1h(),0,1,0,0,0))/k.P)});k.q.2m||(k.q.2m=t(){v a=u.1D();a.15(a.1c()+1);a.L(0);o a.1b()});k.2j||(k.2j=t(a,b){a=(a+12)%12;C(k.1K(b)&&a==1)o 29;o k.3g.3f[a]});k.1K||(k.1K=t(a){o(((a%4)==0)&&((a%23)!=0)||((a%3e)==0))});k.q.1B||(k.q.1B=t(c){C(!u.3c())o\'&3b;\';v d=u;C(k.1A[c.2g()])c=k.1A[c.2g()];o c.1v(/\\%([3a])/g,t(a,b){39(b){E\'a\':o k.1l(d.1e()).1f(0,3);E\'A\':o k.1l(d.1e());E\'b\':o k.13(d.1c()).1f(0,3);E\'B\':o k.13(d.1c());E\'c\':o d.1d();E\'d\':o d.1b().F(2);E\'H\':o d.1G().F(2);E\'I\':o((h=d.1G()%12)?h:12).F(2);E\'j\':o d.1n().F(3);E\'m\':o(d.1c()+1).F(2);E\'M\':o d.36().F(2);E\'p\':o d.1G()<12?\'33\':\'32\';E\'S\':o d.2Z().F(2);E\'U\':o d.1w().F(2);E\'W\':R Q("%W 2V 2T 2S 25");E\'w\':o d.1e();E\'x\':o d.1r("%m/%d/%Y");E\'X\':o d.1r("%I:%M%p");E\'y\':o d.1h().1d().1f(2);E\'Y\':o d.1h();E\'T\':o d.2p();E\'Z\':o d.1M()}})});k.q.1r||(k.q.1r=k.q.1B);k.22=k.1J;k.1J=t(a){C(1i a!=\'1p\')o a;C(a.K==0||(/^\\s+$/).1E(a))o;2N(v i=0;i11)R D Q("1s 1C 2b 2q 1W 1V 2d 1 2c 12:"+d);o k.1m[d]}v m=k.1m.1S(t(a,b){C(D 1O("^"+c,"i").1E(a)){d=b;o 1R}o 2f});C(m.K==0)R D Q("1s 1C 1p");C(m.K>1)R D Q("1Q 1C");o k.1m[d]});k.1l||(k.1l=t(c){v d=-1;C(1i c==\'27\'){d=c-1;C(d<0||d>6)R D Q("1s 1z 2b 2q 1W 1V 2d 1 2c 7");o k.1o[d]}v m=k.1o.1S(t(a,b){C(D 1O("^"+c,"i").1E(a)){d=b;o 1R}o 2f});C(m.K==0)R D Q("1s 1z 1p");C(m.K>1)R D Q("1Q 1z");o k.1o[d]});k.1g||(k.1g=[{J:/(\\d{1,2})\\/(\\d{1,2})\\/(\\d{2,4})/,G:t(a){v d=D k();d.1L(a[3]);d.L(14(a[2],10));d.15(14(a[1],10)-1);o d}},{J:/(\\d{4})(?:-?(\\d{2})(?:-?(\\d{2})(?:[T ](\\d{2})(?::?(\\d{2})(?::?(\\d{2})(?:\\.(\\d+))?)?)?(?:Z|(?:([-+])(\\d{2})(?::?(\\d{2}))?)?)?)?)?)?/,G:t(a){v b=0;v d=D k(a[1],0,1);C(a[2])d.15(a[2]-1);C(a[3])d.L(a[3]);C(a[4])d.1Y(a[4]);C(a[5])d.1X(a[5]);C(a[6])d.1U(a[6]);C(a[7])d.1T(N("0."+a[7])*1t);C(a[9]){b=(N(a[9])*19)+N(a[10]);b*=((a[8]==\'-\')?1:-1)}b-=d.1u();1P=(N(d)+(b*19*1t));d.1F(N(1P));o d}},{J:/^2E/i,G:t(){o D k()}},{J:/^2D/i,G:t(){v d=D k();d.L(d.1b()+1);o d}},{J:/^2C/i,G:t(){v d=D k();d.L(d.1b()-1);o d}},{J:/^(\\d{1,2})(17|16|1a|V)?$/i,G:t(a){v d=D k();d.L(14(a[1],10));o d}},{J:/^(\\d{1,2})(?:17|16|1a|V)? 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