stripeSubscriptionHandler = (key, form) -> StripeCheckout.configure key: key closed: -> EffectiveForm.reset(form) unless form.hasClass('stripe-success') token: (token, args) -> if token.error message = "An error ocurred when contacting Stripe. Your card has not been charged. Your plan has not changed. Please refresh the page and try again. #{token.error.message}" form.removeClass('stripe-success') form.find('.invalid-feedback').html(message).show() alert(message) else form.find("input[name$='[stripe_token]']").val('' + token['id']) form.addClass('stripe-success').submit() # Submits the form. As this is a remote form, submits via JS # This updates the form whenever a quantity change is made $(document).on 'change keyup', '.effective-orders-subscripter-plan-quantity', (event) -> $obj = $(event.currentTarget) $plan = $obj.closest('.effective-orders-stripe-plan') return unless $plan.length == 1 # Assign the quantity to each quantity field $plan.closest('form') .find(".effective-orders-stripe-plan:not([data-plan-id='#{$'id')}'])") .find("input[name$='[quantity]']").val($obj.val()) quantity = $obj.val() || 0 $plan.closest('form').find(".effective-orders-stripe-plan").each -> # Assign all totals plan = $(this) amount = parseInt('amount')) interval ='interval') total = (quantity * amount) total = '$' + (total / 100.0).toFixed(2) plan.find('#effective_subscripter_total_amount').text(total) # Assign savings if present savings = parseInt('savings')) if savings > 0 total_savings = '$' + ((quantity * savings) / 100.0).toFixed(2) plan.find('.subscripter-total-savings').find('span').text(total_savings) # Hijack submit and get a stripe token $(document).on 'click', ".effective-orders-stripe-token-required[type='submit'],[data-choose-stripe-plan-id]", (event) -> $obj = $(event.currentTarget) $form = $obj.closest('form') # Get stripe data payload stripe = $'stripe') return unless stripe? plans = $'plans') return unless plans? # If we're doing choose button mode if $'choose-stripe-plan-id') $form.find("input[name$='[stripe_plan_id]']").val($'choose-stripe-plan-id')) return true unless $obj.hasClass('effective-orders-stripe-token-required') # Make sure there is a plan selected selected_plan_id = $form.find("input[name$='[stripe_plan_id]']:checked").val() || $form.find("input[name$='[stripe_plan_id]']").val() || '' return unless selected_plan_id.length > 0 # Match plan plan = plans.find (plan, _) => == selected_plan_id return unless plan? # Okay, we're good to call stripe event.preventDefault() EffectiveForm.submitting($form) # Disable and spin while we popup stripe stripeSubscriptionHandler(stripe.key, $form).open image: stripe.image name: email: description: panelLabel: 'Update Plan'