# 0.1.1 * Support `slim` 4.0 and up, too. # 0.1.0 * Drop all rails hacks , add 'cells-rails' for all the rails witchcraft. * Introduce ViewModelSlim # 0.0.6 * Rails 5.1 compatibility * `cells` is now explicitly required as a dependency # 0.0.5 * Restrict to Cells < 5.0.0. # 0.0.4 * Make Rails optional. This allows using cells-slim in other frameworks like [Sinatra](https://github.com/apotonick/gemgem-sinatra). 0.0.3 * Fix #concat. * Change #tag_options so it escapes strings. * Remove #tag_option. # 0.0.2 * Updates for Cells 4: Fixes output_buffer.