# Ensure an attribute is generally formatted as a hostname/domain. # What's validated and not: # max length of entire hostname is 255 # max length of each label within the hostname is 63 # characters allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen # underscore is also allowed with allow_underscore: true # the final label must be a-z,A-Z or an IDN # labels may not begin with a hyphen # labels may not end with a hyphen or underscore # labels may be entirely numeric # note: this is more common that you think (reverse dns, etc) # If the addressable gem is present, will automatically turn unicode domains # into their punycode (xn--) equivalent. Otherwise, unicode characters will # cause the validation to fail. # # eg: validates :domain, hostname: true # validates :domain, hostname: {allow_wildcard: true} # allows '*.example.com' # validates :domain, hostname: {allow_underscore: true} # allows '_abc.example.com' # validates :domain, hostname: {allow_slash: true} # allows '4.0/' # rfc2317 # validates :domain, hostname: {segments: 3..100} # allows 'a.example.com', but not 'example.com' # validates :domain, hostname: {allow_ip: true} # or 4 or 6 for ipv4 or ipv6 only # allows '' or 'a.example.com' # validates :subdomain, hostname: {skip_tld: true} # allows 'subdomain1'; implies segments: 1..100 unless otherwise specified require 'resolv' module ActiveModel::Validations class HostnameValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator LABEL_REGEXP = %r{\A([a-zA-Z0-9_]([a-zA-Z0-9_/-]+)?)?[a-zA-Z0-9]\z} FINAL_LABEL_REGEXP = %r{\A(xn--[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,}|[a-zA-Z]{2,})\z} RESERVED_OPTIONS = %i(allow_ip allow_slash allow_underscore allow_wildcard) def validate_each(record, attribute, value) value = value.to_s case options[:allow_ip] when 4, '4' return if value =~ Resolv::IPv4::Regex when 6, '6' return if value =~ Resolv::IPv6::Regex when true return if value =~ Resolv::IPv4::Regex || value =~ Resolv::IPv6::Regex end segments = options[:segments] || (options[:skip_tld] ? 1..100 : 2..100) segments = segments..segments if segments.is_a?(Integer) if defined?(Addressable::IDNA) value &&= Addressable::IDNA.to_ascii(value) end labels = value.split('.', -1) is_valid = true is_valid &&= value.length <= 255 is_valid &&= value !~ /\.\./ is_valid &&= value !~ /_/ unless options[:allow_underscore] is_valid &&= value !~ %r{/} unless options[:allow_slash] is_valid &&= labels.size.in? segments labels.each_with_index do |label, idx| is_valid &&= label.length <= 63 if !options[:skip_tld] && idx+1==labels.size is_valid &&= label =~ FINAL_LABEL_REGEXP elsif options[:allow_wildcard]==:multi && idx==0 is_valid &&= %w(** *).include?(label) || label =~ LABEL_REGEXP elsif options[:allow_wildcard] && idx==0 is_valid &&= label=='*' || label =~ LABEL_REGEXP else is_valid &&= label =~ LABEL_REGEXP end end unless is_valid record.errors.add(attribute, :invalid_hostname, **options.except(*RESERVED_OPTIONS).merge!(value: value)) end end end end