require "spec_helper" describe Namely::ResourceGateway do def access_token ENV.fetch("TEST_ACCESS_TOKEN") end def subdomain ENV.fetch("TEST_SUBDOMAIN") end def gateway @gateway ||= access_token: access_token, endpoint: "widgets", resource_name: "widgets", subdomain: subdomain, ) end def valid_id "this-is-a-valid-id" end def invalid_id "this-is-not-a-valid-id" end describe "#json_index" do it "returns the parsed JSON representation of #index" do stub_request( :get, "https://#{subdomain}" ).with( query: { access_token: access_token, limit: :all } ).to_return( body: "{\"widgets\": [\"woo!\"]}", status: 200 ) expect(gateway.json_index).to eq ["woo!"] end context "for paged resources" do def gateway @gateway ||= access_token: access_token, endpoint: "widgets", resource_name: "widgets", subdomain: subdomain, paged: true ) end it "emits an enumerator that represents all paged items" do stub_request(:get, "https://#{subdomain}"). with(query: { access_token: access_token }). to_return(body: { widgets: [ id: "123-456" ] }.to_json) stub_request(:get, "https://#{subdomain}"). with(query: { access_token: access_token, after: "123-456" }). to_return(body: { widgets: [ id: "456-789" ] }.to_json) stub_request(:get, "https://#{subdomain}"). with(query: { access_token: access_token, after: "456-789" }). to_return(body: { widgets: [ ] }.to_json) expect(gateway.json_index).to be_kind_of(Enumerator) ids = { |h| h['id'] } expect(ids).to eq(['123-456', '456-789']) end it "retries http failures given the configured codes and number of retries" do Namely.configuration.retries = 3 Namely.configuration.http_codes_to_retry = [504] stub_request(:get, "https://#{subdomain}"). with(query: { access_token: access_token }).to_return(status:504).times(2). then.to_return(body: { widgets: [ id: "123-456" ] }.to_json) stub_request(:get, "https://#{subdomain}"). with(query: { access_token: access_token, after: "123-456" }). to_return(body: { widgets: [ id: "456-789" ] }.to_json) stub_request(:get, "https://#{subdomain}"). with(query: { access_token: access_token, after: "456-789" }). to_return(body: { widgets: [ ] }.to_json) ids = { |h| h['id'] } expect(ids).to eq(['123-456', '456-789']) end it "raises an exception if exceeds configured retry number" do Namely.configuration.retries = 3 Namely.configuration.http_codes_to_retry = [504] stub_request(:get, "https://#{subdomain}"). with(query: { access_token: access_token }).to_return(status: 504) expect { { |h| h['id'] } }. to raise_error(RestClient::GatewayTimeout) end end end describe "#json_show" do it "returns the parsed JSON representation of #show" do stub_request( :get, "https://#{subdomain}{valid_id}" ).with( query: { access_token: access_token } ).to_return( body: "{\"widgets\": [{\"name\": \"wilbur\", \"favorite_color\": \"chartreuse\"}]}", status: 200 ) widget = gateway.json_show(valid_id) expect(widget["name"]).to eq "wilbur" expect(widget["favorite_color"]).to eq "chartreuse" end end describe "#show_head" do it "returns an empty response if it succeeds" do stub_request( :head, "https://#{subdomain}{valid_id}" ).with( query: { access_token: access_token } ).to_return( body: "", status: 200 ) expect(gateway.show_head(valid_id)).to be_empty end it "raises a RestClient::ResourceNotFound error if it fails" do stub_request( :head, "https://#{subdomain}{invalid_id}" ).with( query: { access_token: access_token } ).to_return( status: 404 ) expect { gateway.show_head(invalid_id) }.to raise_error RestClient::ResourceNotFound end end end