Feature: Sequel database connections are fault tolerant Scenario: Given a database table called "dim_product" with the following fields: | field_name | field_type | | item | TEXT | | title | TEXT | And a "products.csv" data file containing: """ id,name,category JNI-123,Just a product name,Main category > Subcategory > Sub-subcategory > Ultra-subcategory CDI-234,Another product name,Smart Insight > Cool stuff | 3dim > 2dim > 1dim """ And the following definition: """ require 'sequel' def terminate_connections connection = Sequel.connect "postgres://database_administrator:emarsys@#{ENV['GREENPLUM_HOST'] || ''}:5432/cranium", loggers: Cranium.configuration.loggers connection.run("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE procpid <> pg_backend_pid() AND datname = 'cranium'") end source :products do encoding "UTF-8" delimiter ',' field :id, String field :name, String end source :transformed_products do field :id, String field :name, String end transform :products => :transformed_products do |record| output record end terminate_connections import :transformed_products do into :dim_product put :id => :item put :name => :title end """ When I execute the definition Then the process should exit successfully And the "dim_product" table should contain: | item | title | | JNI-123 | Just a product name | | CDI-234 | Another product name |