require 'rack/utils' class EventCalendarPage < Page include WillPaginate::ViewHelpers attr_accessor :filters, :calendar_parameters, :calendar_filters, :calendar_year, :calendar_month, :calendar_page, :calendar_category, :calendar_slug, :calendar_period description I18n.t 'event_page.description' def cache? true end def find_by_url(url, live = true, clean = false) url = clean_url(url) if clean my_url = self.url_without_parts if url =~ /^#{Regexp.quote(my_url)}(.*)/ read_parameters($1) self else super end end def read_parameters(path) @calendar_parameters = [] unless path.blank? parts = path.split(/\/+/) @calendar_page = parts.pop if parts.last =~ /^\d{1,3}$/ @period = {} parts.each do |part| if part.match(/^\d\d\d\d$/) @calendar_year = part elsif part.match(/^\d+$/) @calendar_day = part elsif (I18n.t 'date.month_names').include?(part.titlecase) @calendar_month = (I18n.t 'date.month_names').index(part.titlecase) elsif Calendar.categories.include?(part) @calendar_category = part elsif Calendar.slugs.include?(part) @calendar_slug = part else @calendar_parameters.push(part) end end if @calendar_year && @calendar_month start = Date.civil(@calendar_year.to_i, @calendar_month.to_i) @calendar_period = CalendarPeriod.between(start, start.to_datetime.end_of_month) elsif calendar_year start = Date.civil(@calendar_year.to_i) @calendar_period = CalendarPeriod.between(start, start.to_datetime.end_of_year) end @calendar_parameters end end def calendar_set if calendar_category and calendar_slug calendars.in_category(calendar_category).with_slugs(calendar_slug) end end def url_parts { :path => url_without_parts, :day => @calendar_day, :month => @calendar_month, :year => @calendar_year, :category => @calendar_category, :slug => @calendar_slug } end def url_with_parts(overrides={}) parts = url_parts.merge(overrides) page = parts.delete(:page) path = parts.delete(:path) parts[:month] = month_names[parts[:month]].downcase unless parts[:month].blank? || parts[:month] =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ clean_url([path, parts.values, page].select{|p| !p.blank?}.join('/')) end alias_method_chain :url, :parts def month_names @month_names ||= (I18n.t 'date.month_names').dup end def day_names unless @day_names @day_names = (I18n.t 'date.day_names').dup @day_names.push(@day_names.shift) # Class::Date and ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Calculations have different ideas of when is the start of the week. we've gone for the rails standard. end @day_names end desc %{ Renders a trail of breadcrumbs to the current page. On an event calendar page this tag is overridden to show the filters applied to calendar data (including category, slug and date rage) as well as the path to this page. *Usage:* <pre><code><r:breadcrumbs [separator="separator_string"] [nolinks="true"] /></code></pre> } tag 'breadcrumbs' do |tag| page = nolinks = (tag.attr['nolinks'] == 'true') if calendar_category crumbs = nolinks ? [page.breadcrumb] : [%{<a href="#{url}">#{tag.render('breadcrumb')}</a>}] if calendar_slug crumbs << (nolinks ? calendar_category : %{<a href="#{url}/#{calendar_category}">#{calendar_category}</a>}) crumbs << calendar_slug else crumbs << calendar_category end else crumbs = [page.breadcrumb] end page.ancestors.each do |ancestor| = ancestor if nolinks crumbs.unshift tag.render('breadcrumb') else crumbs.unshift %{<a href="#{tag.render('url')}">#{tag.render('breadcrumb')}</a>} end end separator = tag.attr['separator'] || ' > ' crumbs.join(separator) end end