#-- # Cloud Foundry # Copyright (c) [2009-2014] Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. # # This product includes a number of subcomponents with # separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these # subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the # subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. #++ require 'set' require 'time' require 'uaa/util' module CF::UAA class SchemaViolation < RuntimeError; end class AlreadyExists < RuntimeError; end class BadFilter < RuntimeError; end class BadVersion < RuntimeError; end # StubScim is the in-memory database of the stubbed out UAA server. Although called StubScim it manages ALL of the objects of the server; users, groups, clients, zones, providers, etc class StubScim private # attribute types. Anything not listed is case-ignore string HIDDEN_ATTRS = [:rtype, :password, :client_secret].to_set READ_ONLY_ATTRS = [:rtype, :id, :meta, :groups].to_set BOOLEANS = [:active].to_set NUMBERS = [:access_token_validity, :refresh_token_validity].to_set GROUPS = [:groups, :autoapprove, :scope, :authorities].to_set # values must be group ID MEMBERSHIP = [:members, :writers, :readers].to_set # users or groups REFERENCES = GROUPS + MEMBERSHIP # users or groups ENUMS = { authorized_grant_types: ["client_credentials", "implicit", "authorization_code", "password", "refresh_token"].to_set } GENERAL_MULTI = [:emails, :phonenumbers, :ims, :photos, :entitlements, :roles, :x509certificates].to_set GENERAL_SUBATTRS = [:value, :display, :primary, :type].to_set # represents the schema of the scimuser name and meta attributes EXPLICIT_SINGLE = { name: [:formatted, :familyname, :givenname, :middlename, :honorificprefix, :honorificsuffix].to_set, meta: [:created, :lastmodified, :location, :version].to_set } EXPLICIT_MULTI = { addresses: [:formatted, :streetaddress, :locality, :region, :postal_code, :country, :primary, :type].to_set, authorizations: [:client_id, :approved, :denied, :exp].to_set } # resource class definitions: naming and legal attributes NAME_ATTR = { user: :username, client: :client_id, group: :displayname } COMMON_ATTRS = [:rtype, :externalid, :id, :meta].to_set LEGAL_ATTRS = { user: [*COMMON_ATTRS, :displayname, :username, :nickname, :profileurl, :title, :usertype, :preferredlanguage, :locale, :timezone, :active, :password, :emails, :phonenumbers, :ims, :photos, :entitlements, :roles, :x509certificates, :name, :addresses, :authorizations, :groups].to_set, client: [*COMMON_ATTRS, :client_id, :name, :client_secret, :authorities, :authorized_grant_types, :scope, :autoapprove, :access_token_validity, :refresh_token_validity, :redirect_uri, :'signup_redirect_url'].to_set, group: [*COMMON_ATTRS, :displayname, :members, :writers, :readers, :external_groups].to_set } VISIBLE_ATTRS = {user: Set.new(LEGAL_ATTRS[:user] - HIDDEN_ATTRS), client: Set.new(LEGAL_ATTRS[:client] - HIDDEN_ATTRS), group: Set.new(LEGAL_ATTRS[:group] - HIDDEN_ATTRS)} ATTR_NAMES = LEGAL_ATTRS.each_with_object(Set.new) { |(k, v), s| v.each {|a| s << a.to_s } } SUBATTR_NAMES = GENERAL_SUBATTRS.each_with_object(Set.new) { |sa, s| s << sa.to_s } + [*EXPLICIT_SINGLE, *EXPLICIT_MULTI].each_with_object(Set.new) { |(k, v), s| v.each {|sa| s << sa.to_s } } def self.remove_hidden(attrs = nil) attrs - HIDDEN_ATTRS if attrs end def self.searchable_attribute(attr) attr if ATTR_NAMES.include?(attr) && !HIDDEN_ATTRS.include?(attr = attr.to_sym) end def remove_attrs(stuff, attrs = HIDDEN_ATTRS) attrs.each { |a| stuff.delete(a.to_s) } stuff end def valid_id?(id, rtype) id && (t = @things_by_id[id]) && (rtype.nil? || t[:rtype] == rtype) end def ref_by_name(name, rtype) @things_by_name[rtype.to_s + name.downcase] end def ref_by_id(id, rtype = nil) (t = @things_by_id[id]) && (rtype.nil? || t[:rtype] == rtype) ? t : nil end def valid_complex?(value, subattrs, simple_ok = false) return true if simple_ok && value.is_a?(String) return unless value.is_a?(Hash) && (!simple_ok || value.key?("value")) value.each { |k, v| return unless SUBATTR_NAMES.include?(k) && subattrs.include?(k.to_sym) } end def valid_multi?(values, subattrs, simple_ok = false) return unless values.is_a?(Array) values.each { |value| return unless valid_complex?(value, subattrs, simple_ok) } end def valid_ids?(value, rtype = nil) return unless value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |ref| return unless ref.is_a?(String) && valid_id?(ref, rtype) || ref.is_a?(Hash) && valid_id?(ref["value"], rtype) end end def enforce_schema(rtype, stuff) stuff.each do |ks, v| unless ATTR_NAMES.include?(ks.to_s) && LEGAL_ATTRS[rtype].include?(k = ks.to_sym) raise SchemaViolation, "illegal #{ks} on #{rtype}" end if READ_ONLY_ATTRS.include?(k) raise SchemaViolation, "attempt to modify read-only attribute #{k} on #{rtype}" end valid_attr = case k when *BOOLEANS then v == !!v when *NUMBERS then v.is_a?(Integer) when *GENERAL_MULTI then valid_multi?(v, GENERAL_SUBATTRS, true) when *GROUPS then valid_ids?(v, :group) when *MEMBERSHIP then valid_ids?(v) when ENUMS[k] then ENUMS[k].include?(v) # not applicable to client objects (only scimuser objects have complex 'name' or 'meta' attributes) when *EXPLICIT_SINGLE.keys && rtype.equal?(:client) then valid_complex?(v, EXPLICIT_SINGLE[k]) when *EXPLICIT_MULTI.keys then valid_multi?(v, EXPLICIT_MULTI[k]) else k.is_a?(String) || k.is_a?(Symbol) end raise SchemaViolation, "#{v} is an invalid #{k}" unless valid_attr end end def input(stuff) thing = Util.hash_keys(stuff.dup, :sym) REFERENCES.each {|a| next unless thing[a] thing[a] = thing[a].each_with_object(Set.new) { |r, s| s << (r.is_a?(Hash)? r[:value] : r ) } } GENERAL_MULTI.each {|a| next unless thing[a] thing[a] = thing[a].each_with_object({}) { |v, o| v = {value: v} unless v.is_a?(Hash) # enforce values are unique by type and value k = Util.encode_form(t: [v[:type], v: v[:value]]).downcase o[k] = v } } thing end def output(thing, attrs = nil) attrs = thing.keys if attrs.nil? || attrs.empty? attrs.each_with_object({}) {|a, o| next unless thing[a] case a when *MEMBERSHIP o[a] = thing[a].each_with_object([]) { |v, a| a << { value: v, type: ref_by_id(v)[:rtype] } } when *GROUPS then o[a] = thing[a].to_a when *GENERAL_MULTI then o[a] = thing[a].values else o[a] = thing[a] end } end def add_user_groups(gid, members) members.each {|m| (m[:groups] ||= Set.new) << gid if m = ref_by_id(m, :user)} if members end def delete_user_groups(gid, members) members.each {|m| m[:groups].delete(gid) if m = ref_by_id(m, :user) } if members end def delete_references(id) @things_by_id.each { |k, v| REFERENCES.each { |a| v.delete(a) if v[a] && v[a].delete(id) && v[a].empty? } } end public def initialize; @things_by_id, @things_by_name = {}, {} end def name(id, rtype = nil) (t = ref_by_id(id, rtype))? t[NAME_ATTR[t[:rtype]]]: nil end def id(name, rtype) (t = ref_by_name(name, rtype))? t[:id] : nil end def add(rtype, stuff) unless stuff.is_a?(Hash) && (name = stuff[NAME_ATTR[rtype].to_s]) raise SchemaViolation, "new #{rtype} has no name #{NAME_ATTR[rtype]}" end raise AlreadyExists if @things_by_name.key?(name = rtype.to_s + name.downcase) enforce_schema(rtype, stuff) thing = input(stuff).merge!(rtype: rtype, id: (id = SecureRandom.uuid), meta: { created: Time.now.iso8601, last_modified: Time.now.iso8601, version: 1 }) add_user_groups(id, thing[:members]) @things_by_id[id] = @things_by_name[name] = thing id end def update(id, stuff, match_version = nil, match_type = nil) raise NotFound unless thing = ref_by_id(id, match_type) raise BadVersion if match_version && match_version != thing[:meta][:version] enforce_schema(rtype = thing[:rtype], remove_attrs(stuff, READ_ONLY_ATTRS)) new_thing = input(stuff) if newname = new_thing[NAME_ATTR[rtype]] oldname = rtype.to_s + thing[NAME_ATTR[rtype]].downcase unless (newname = rtype.to_s + newname.downcase) == oldname raise AlreadyExists if @things_by_name.key?(newname) @things_by_name.delete(oldname) @things_by_name[newname] = thing end end if new_thing[:members] || thing[:members] old_members = thing[:members] || Set.new new_members = new_thing[:members] || Set.new delete_user_groups(id, old_members - new_members) add_user_groups(id, new_members - old_members) end READ_ONLY_ATTRS.each { |a| new_thing[a] = thing[a] if thing[a] } HIDDEN_ATTRS.each { |a| new_thing[a] = thing[a] if thing[a] } thing.replace new_thing thing[:meta][:version] += 1 thing[:meta][:lastmodified] == Time.now.iso8601 id end def add_member(gid, member) return unless g = ref_by_id(gid, :group) (g[:members] ||= Set.new) << member add_user_groups(gid, Set[member]) end def is_member(gid, member, attr = :members) (g = ref_by_id(gid, :group)) && (a = g[attr]) && a.include?(member) end def set_hidden_attr(id, attr, value) raise NotFound unless thing = ref_by_id(id) raise ArgumentError unless HIDDEN_ATTRS.include?(attr) thing[attr] = value end def delete(id, rtype = nil) return unless thing = ref_by_id(id, rtype) rtype = thing[:rtype] delete_user_groups(id, thing[:members]) @things_by_id.delete(id) thing = @things_by_name.delete(rtype.to_s + thing[NAME_ATTR[rtype]].downcase) delete_references(id) remove_attrs(output(thing)) end def get(id, rtype = nil, *attrs) return unless thing = ref_by_id(id, rtype) output(thing, attrs) end def get_by_name(name, rtype, *attrs) return unless thing = ref_by_name(name, rtype) output(thing, attrs) end def find(rtype, opts = {}) filter, total, start = ScimFilter.new(opts[:filter]), 0, (opts[:start] || 0) count, attrs, acl, acl_id = opts[:count], opts[:attrs], opts[:acl], opts[:acl_id] objs = @things_by_id.each_with_object([]) { |(k, v), o| next unless rtype == v[:rtype] && filter.match?(v) next if acl && acl_id && !is_member(v[:id], acl_id, acl) o << output(v, attrs) if total >= start && (count.nil? || o.length < count) total += 1 } [objs, total] end def add_group_mapping(external_group, group_id, group_name, origin) group = group_id ? ref_by_id(group_id, :group) : ref_by_name(group_name, :group) return unless group (group[:external_groups] ||= Hash.new) group[:external_groups][external_group] = origin group end def delete_group_mapping(group_id, external_group, origin) raise NotFound unless group = ref_by_id(group_id, :group) raise NotFound unless group[:external_groups] && group[:external_groups].include?(external_group) group[:external_groups][external_group].delete(origin) end def get_group_mappings group_mappings = [] @things_by_id.each do |id, thing| if thing[:rtype] == :group thing[:external_groups].each do |key, value| group_mappings << { groupid: thing[:id], displayname: thing[:displayname], externalgroup: key, origin: value } end if thing[:external_groups] end end unless @things_by_id.empty? group_mappings end end class ScimFilter private def eat_json_string raise BadFilter unless @input.skip(/\s*"/) str = "" while true case when @input.scan(/[^\\"]+/); str << @input.matched when @input.scan(%r{\\["\\/]}); str << @input.matched[-1] when @input.scan(/\\[bfnrt]/); str << eval(%Q{"#{@input.matched}"}) when @input.scan(/\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/); str << [Integer("0x#{@input.matched[2..-1]}")].pack("U") else break end end raise BadFilter unless @input.skip(/"\s*/) str end def eat_word(*words) @input.skip(/\s*/) return unless s = @input.scan(/(\S+)\s*/) w = @input[1].downcase return w if words.empty? || words.include?(w) @input.unscan false end def eat_expr if @input.skip(/\s*\(\s*/) phrase = eat_phrase raise BadFilter unless @input.skip(/\s*\)\s*/) return phrase end raise BadFilter unless (attr = eat_word) && (op = eat_word("eq", "co", "sw", "pr", "gt", "ge", "lt", "le")) && (op == "pr" || value = eat_json_string) (attr_sym = StubScim.searchable_attribute(attr)) ? [:item, attr_sym, op, value] : [:undefined, attr, op, value] end # AND level def eat_subphrase phrase = [:and, eat_expr] while eat_word("and"); phrase << eat_expr end phrase.length == 2 ? phrase[1] : phrase end # OR level def eat_phrase phrase = [:or, eat_subphrase] while eat_word("or"); phrase << eat_subphrase end phrase.length == 2 ? phrase[1] : phrase end def eval_expr(entry, attr, op, value) return false unless val = entry[attr] return true if op == "pr" case attr when *StubScim::REFERENCES return nil unless op == "eq" val.each {|v| return true if v.casecmp(value) == 0 } false when *StubScim::GENERAL_MULTI return nil unless op == "eq" val.each {|k, v| return true if v.casecmp(value) == 0 } false else case op when "eq"; val.casecmp(value) == 0 when "sw"; val =~ /^#{Regexp.escape(value)}/i when "co"; val =~ /#{Regexp.escape(value)}/i when "gt"; val.casecmp(value) > 0 when "ge"; val.casecmp(value) >= 0 when "lt"; val.casecmp(value) < 0 when "le"; val.casecmp(value) <= 0 end end end def eval(entry, filtr) undefd = 0 case filtr[0] when :undefined ; nil when :item ; eval_expr(entry, filtr[1], filtr[2], filtr[3]) when :or filtr[1..-1].each { |f| return true if (res = eval(entry, f)) == true undefd += 1 if res.nil? } filtr.length == undefd + 1 ? nil: false when :and filtr[1..-1].each { |f| return false if (res = eval(entry, f)) == false undefd += 1 if res.nil? } filtr.length == undefd + 1 ? nil: true end end public def initialize(filter_string) if filter_string.nil? @filter = true else @input = StringScanner.new(filter_string) @filter = eat_phrase raise BadFilter unless @input.eos? end self rescue BadFilter => b raise BadFilter, "invalid filter expression at offset #{@input.pos}: #{@input.string}" end def match?(entry) @filter == true || eval(entry, @filter) end end end