## 2.0.3 - Added `async` option to `reindex` [experimental] - Added `misspellings?` method to results ## 2.0.2 - Added `retain` option to `reindex` - Added support for attributes in highlight tags - Fixed potentially silent errors in reindex job - Improved syntax for `boost_by_distance` ## 2.0.1 - Added `search_hit` and `search_highlights` methods to models - Improved reindex performance ## 2.0.0 - Added support for `reindex` on associations Breaking changes - Removed support for Elasticsearch 1 as it reaches [end of life](https://www.elastic.co/support/eol) - Removed facets, legacy options, and legacy methods - Invalid options now throw an `ArgumentError` - Renamed `select_v2` to `select` (legacy `select` no longer available) - The `_all` field is disabled if `searchable` option is used (for performance) - The `partial_reindex(:method_name)` method has been replaced with `reindex(:method_name)` - The `unsearchable` and `only_analyzed` options have been removed in favor of `searchable` and `filterable` - `load: false` no longer returns an array in Elasticsearch 2 ## 1.5.1 - Added `client_options` - Added `refresh` option to `reindex` method - Improved syntax for partial reindex ## 1.5.0 - Added support for geo shape indexing and queries - Added `_and`, `_or`, `_not` to `where` option ## 1.4.2 - Added support for directional synonyms - Easier AWS setup - Fixed `total_docs` method for ES 5+ - Fixed exception on update errors ## 1.4.1 - Added `partial_reindex` method - Added `debug` option to `search` method - Added `profile` option ## 1.4.0 - Official support for Elasticsearch 5 - Boost exact matches for partial matching - Added `searchkick_debug` method - Added `geo_polygon` filter ## 1.3.6 - Fixed `Job adapter not found` error ## 1.3.5 - Added support for Elasticsearch 5.0 beta - Added `request_params` option - Added `filterable` option ## 1.3.4 - Added `resume` option to reindex - Added search timeout to payload ## 1.3.3 - Fix for namespaced models (broken in 1.3.2) ## 1.3.2 - Added `body_options` option - Added `date_histogram` aggregation - Added `indices_boost` option - Added support for multiple conversions ## 1.3.1 - Fixed error with Ruby 2.0 - Fixed error with indexing large fields ## 1.3.0 - Added support for Elasticsearch 5.0 alpha - Added support for phrase matches - Added support for procs for `index_prefix` option ## 1.2.1 - Added `multi_search` method - Added support for routing for Elasticsearch 2 - Added support for `search_document_id` and `search_document_type` in models - Fixed error with instrumentation for searching multiple models - Fixed instrumentation for bulk updates ## 1.2.0 - Fixed deprecation warnings with `alias_method_chain` - Added `analyzed_only` option for large text fields - Added `encoder` option to highlight - Fixed issue in `similar` method with `per_page` option - Added basic support for multiple models ## 1.1.2 - Added bulk updates with `callbacks` method - Added `bulk_delete` method - Added `search_timeout` option - Fixed bug with new location format for `boost_by_distance` ## 1.1.1 - Added support for `{lat: lat, lon: lon}` as preferred format for locations ## 1.1.0 - Added `below` option to misspellings to improve performance - Fixed synonyms for `word_*` partial matches - Added `searchable` option - Added `similarity` option - Added `match` option - Added `word` option - Added highlighted fields to `load: false` ## 1.0.3 - Added support for Elasticsearch 2.1 ## 1.0.2 - Throw `Searchkick::ImportError` for errors when importing records - Errors now inherit from `Searchkick::Error` - Added `order` option to aggregations - Added `mapping` method ## 1.0.1 - Added aggregations method to get raw response - Use `execute: false` for lazy loading - Return nil when no aggs - Added emoji search ## 1.0.0 - Added support for Elasticsearch 2.0 - Added support for aggregations - Added ability to use misspellings for partial matches - Added `fragment_size` option for highlight - Added `took` method to results Breaking changes - Raise `Searchkick::DangerousOperation` error when calling reindex with scope - Enabled misspellings by default for partial matches - Enabled transpositions by default for misspellings ## 0.9.1 - `and` now matches `&` - Added `transpositions` option to misspellings - Added `boost_mode` and `log` options to `boost_by` - Added `prefix_length` option to `misspellings` - Added ability to set env ## 0.9.0 - Much better performance for where queries if no facets - Added basic support for regex - Added support for routing - Made `Searchkick.disable_callbacks` thread-safe ## 0.8.7 - Fixed Mongoid import ## 0.8.6 - Added support for NoBrainer - Added `stem_conversions: false` option - Added support for multiple `boost_where` values on the same field - Added support for array of values for `boost_where` - Fixed suggestions with partial match boost - Fixed redefining existing instance methods in models ## 0.8.5 - Added support for Elasticsearch 1.4 - Added `unsearchable` option - Added `select: true` option - Added `body` option ## 0.8.4 - Added `boost_by_distance` - More flexible highlight options - Better `env` logic ## 0.8.3 - Added support for ActiveJob - Added `timeout` setting - Fixed import with no records ## 0.8.2 - Added `async` to `callbacks` option - Added `wordnet` option - Added `edit_distance` option to eventually replace `distance` option - Catch misspelling of `misspellings` option - Improved logging ## 0.8.1 - Added `search_method_name` option - Fixed `order` for array of hashes - Added support for Mongoid 2 ## 0.8.0 - Added support for Elasticsearch 1.2 ## 0.7.9 - Added `tokens` method - Added `json` option - Added exact matches - Added `prev_page` for Kaminari pagination - Added `import` option to reindex ## 0.7.8 - Added `boost_by` and `boost_where` options - Added ability to boost fields - `name^10` - Added `select` option for `load: false` ## 0.7.7 - Added support for automatic failover - Fixed `operator` option (and default) for partial matches ## 0.7.6 - Added `stats` option to facets - Added `padding` option ## 0.7.5 - Do not throw errors when index becomes out of sync with database - Added custom exception types - Fixed `offset` and `offset_value` ## 0.7.4 - Fixed reindex with inheritance ## 0.7.3 - Fixed multi-index searches - Fixed suggestions for partial matches - Added `offset` and `length` for improved pagination ## 0.7.2 - Added smart facets - Added more fields to `load: false` result - Fixed logging for multi-index searches - Added `first_page?` and `last_page?` for improved Kaminari support ## 0.7.1 - Fixed huge issue w/ zero-downtime reindexing on 0.90 ## 0.7.0 - Added support for Elasticsearch 1.1 - Dropped support for Elasticsearch below 0.90.4 (unfortunate side effect of above) ## 0.6.3 - Removed patron since no support for Windows - Added error if `searchkick` is called multiple times ## 0.6.2 - Added logging - Fixed index_name option - Added ability to use proc as the index name ## 0.6.1 - Fixed huge issue w/ zero-downtime reindexing on 0.90 and elasticsearch-ruby 1.0 - Restore load: false behavior - Restore total_entries method ## 0.6.0 - Moved to elasticsearch-ruby - Added support for modifying the query and viewing the response - Added support for page_entries_info method ## 0.5.3 - Fixed bug w/ word_* queries ## 0.5.2 - Use after_commit hook for ActiveRecord to prevent data inconsistencies ## 0.5.1 - Replaced stop words with common terms query - Added language option - Fixed bug with empty array in where clause - Fixed bug with MongoDB integer _id - Fixed reindex bug when callbacks disabled ## 0.5.0 - Better control over partial matches - Added merge_mappings option - Added batch_size option - Fixed bug with nil where clauses ## 0.4.2 - Added `should_index?` method to control which records are indexed - Added ability to temporarily disable callbacks - Added custom mappings ## 0.4.1 - Fixed issue w/ inheritance mapping ## 0.4.0 - Added support for Mongoid 4 - Added support for multiple locations ## 0.3.5 - Added facet ranges - Added all operator ## 0.3.4 - Added highlighting - Added :distance option to misspellings - Fixed issue w/ BigDecimal serialization ## 0.3.3 - Better error messages - Added where: {field: nil} queries ## 0.3.2 - Added support for single table inheritance - Removed Tire::Model::Search ## 0.3.1 - Added index_prefix option - Fixed ES issue with incorrect facet counts - Added option to turn off special characters ## 0.3.0 - Fixed reversed coordinates - Added bounded by a box queries - Expanded `or` queries ## 0.2.8 - Added option to disable callbacks - Fixed bug with facets with Elasticsearch 0.90.5 ## 0.2.7 - Added limit to facet - Improved similar items ## 0.2.6 - Added option to disable misspellings ## 0.2.5 - Added geospartial searches - Create alias before importing document if no alias exists - Fixed exception when :per_page option is a string - Check `RAILS_ENV` if `RACK_ENV` is not set ## 0.2.4 - Use `to_hash` instead of `as_json` for default `search_data` method - Works for Mongoid 1.3 - Use one shard in test environment for consistent scores ## 0.2.3 - Setup Travis - Clean old indices before reindex - Search for `*` returns all results - Fixed pagination - Added `similar` method ## 0.2.2 - Clean old indices after reindex - More expansions for fuzzy queries ## 0.2.1 - Added Rails logger - Only fetch ids when `load: true` ## 0.2.0 - Added autocomplete - Added “Did you mean” suggestions - Added personalized searches ## 0.1.4 - Bug fix ## 0.1.3 - Changed edit distance to one for misspellings - Raise errors when indexing fails - Fixed pagination - Fixed :include option ## 0.1.2 - Launch