# encoding: utf-8 describe Attestor::Validations::Message do let(:test_class) { Class.new } before { TestModule = Module.new } before { TestModule::TestObject = test_class } after { Object.send :remove_const, :TestModule } let(:scope) { test_class.new } shared_examples "building frozen string" do it { is_expected.to be_kind_of String } it { is_expected.to be_frozen } end # shared examples describe ".new" do context "with a symbolic argument" do subject { described_class.new :invalid, scope, foo: "bar" } it_behaves_like "building frozen string" it "translates the symbol in given scope" do expect(I18n).to receive(:t) do |text, options| expect(text).to eq :invalid expect(options[:scope]) .to eq %w(attestor errors test_module/test_object) expect(options[:default]).to eq "#{ scope } is invalid (invalid)" expect(options[:foo]).to eq "bar" "" end subject end it "returns the translation" do expect(subject).to eq "#{ scope } is invalid (invalid)" end end # context context "with a non-symbolic argument" do subject { described_class.new 1, scope } it_behaves_like "building frozen string" it "creates a stringified argument" do expect(subject).to eq "1" end end # context context "without options" do subject { described_class.new :invalid, scope } it_behaves_like "building frozen string" it "returns the translation" do expect(subject).to eq "#{ scope } is invalid (invalid)" end end # context end # describe .new end # Attestor::Validations::Invalid