shellexpand, a library for shell-like expansion in strings ========================================================== [![Build Status][actions]]( [![][crates]]( [![docs][docs]]( [actions]: [crates]: [docs]: [Documentation]( shellexpand is a single dependency library which allows one to perform shell-like expansions in strings, that is, to expand variables like `$A` or `${B}` into their values inside some context and to expand `~` in the beginning of a string into the home directory (again, inside some context). This crate provides generic functions which accept arbitrary contexts as well as default, system-based functions which perform expansions using the system-wide context (represented by functions from `std::env` module and [dirs]( crate). --- ### Alternatives to this crate: * [`expanduser`]( Tilde substitution only. Supports `~user` which this crate currently does not (although we hope to). * [`envsubst`]( Does not do offer tildeexpansion. Only supports certain concrete types (eg `HashMap` for variable map). * [`expand_str`]( Uses `%..%` syntax. Does not offer tilde expansion. Variable lookups can only be infallible. * [`tilde_expand`]( Only does tilde expansion, on bytes (`[u8]`). ## Usage Just add a dependency in your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] shellexpand = "2.1" ``` See the crate documentation (a link is present in the beginning of this readme) for more information and examples. ## Changelog ### Version 2.1.2 Minor changes: * "Un-forked": now released as `shellexpand` on * List alternatives to this crate. * Switch back to dirs from dirs-next. * Improve linking in docs and fix broken links and badges. * Apply some proposals from `cargo fix`. ### Version 2.1.1 * Fix tilde expanding on Windows with Windows style (backslash) paths. Addresses . * Forked as `shellexpand-fork` on ### Version 2.1.0 * Switched to `dirs-next` instead of the obsolete `dirs` as the underlying dependency used to resolve the home directory * Switched to GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI for building the project. ### Version 2.0.0 * Added support for default values in variable expansion (i.e. `${ANSWER:-42}`) * Breaking changes (minimum Rust version is now 1.30.0): + Using `dyn` for trait objects to fix deprecation warning + Switched to using `source()` instead of `cause()` in the `Error` implementation, and therefore added a `'static` bound for the generic error parameter `E` ### Version 1.1.1 * Bump `dirs` dependency to 2.0. ### Version 1.1.0 * Changed use of deprecated `std::env::home_dir` to the [dirs]( function ### Version 1.0.0 * Fixed typos and minor incompletenesses in the documentation * Changed `home_dir` argument type for tilde expansion functions to `FnOnce` instead `FnMut` * Changed `LookupError::name` field name to `var_name` ### Version 0.1.0 * Initial release ## License This program is licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.