new Test.Unit.Runner({ setup: function() { I18n.defaultLocale = "en"; I18n.locale = null; I18n.translations = { en: { hello: "Hello World!", greetings: { stranger: "Hello stranger!", name: "Hello {{name}}!" }, profile: { details: "{{name}} is {{age}}-years old" }, inbox: { one: "You have {{count}} message", other: "You have {{count}} messages", zero: "You have no messages" }, unread: { one: "You have 1 new message ({{unread}} unread)", other: "You have {{count}} new messages ({{unread}} unread)", zero: "You have no new messages ({{unread}} unread)" }, number: null }, pt: { hello: "Olá Mundo!", date: { formats: { "default": "%d/%m/%Y", "short": "%d de %B", "long": "%d de %B de %Y" }, day_names: ["Domingo", "Segunda", "Terça", "Quarta", "Quinta", "Sexta", "Sábado"], abbr_day_names: ["Dom", "Seg", "Ter", "Qua", "Qui", "Sex", "Sáb"], month_names: [null, "Janeiro", "Fevereiro", "Março", "Abril", "Maio", "Junho", "Julho", "Agosto", "Setembro", "Outubro", "Novembro", "Dezembro"], abbr_month_names: [null, "Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Abr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out", "Nov", "Dez"] }, number: { percentage: { format: { delimiter: "", separator: ",", precision: 2 } } }, time: { formats: { "default": "%A, %d de %B de %Y, %H:%M h", "short": "%d/%m, %H:%M h", "long": "%A, %d de %B de %Y, %H:%M h" }, am: "AM", pm: "PM" } } } }, teardown: function() { }, // Defaults testDefaults: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("en", I18n.defaultLocale); assertEqual(null, I18n.locale); assertEqual("en", I18n.currentLocale()); }}, // Custom locale testCustomLocale: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; assertEqual("pt", I18n.currentLocale()); }}, // Aliases methods testAliasesMethods: function() { with(this) { assertEqual(I18n.translate, I18n.t); assertEqual(I18n.localize, I18n.l); assertEqual(I18n.pluralize, I18n.p); }}, // Translation for single scope testTranslationForSingleScope: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("Hello World!", I18n.translate("hello")); }}, // Translation as object testTranslationAsObject: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("object", typeof I18n.translate("greetings")); }}, // Translation with invalid scope shall not block testTranslationWithInvalidScope: function() { with(this) { assertEqual('[missing "en.invalid.scope.shall.not.block" translation]', I18n.translate("invalid.scope.shall.not.block")); }}, // Translation for single scope on a custom locale testTranslationForSingleScopeOnACustomLocale: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; assertEqual("Olá Mundo!", I18n.translate("hello")); }}, // Translation for multiple scopes testTranslationForMultipleScopes: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("Hello stranger!", I18n.translate("greetings.stranger")); }}, // Single interpolation testSingleInterpolation: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate("", {name: "John Doe"}); assertEqual("Hello John Doe!", actual); }}, // Multiple interpolations testMultipleInterpolations: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate("profile.details", {name: "John Doe", age: 27}); assertEqual("John Doe is 27-years old", actual); }}, // Translation with count option testTranslationWithCountOption: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("You have 1 message", I18n.translate("inbox", {count: 1})); assertEqual("You have 5 messages", I18n.translate("inbox", {count: 5})); assertEqual("You have no messages", I18n.translate("inbox", {count: 0})); }}, // Translation with count option and multiple placeholders testTranslationWithCountOptionAndMultiplePlaceholders: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate("unread", {unread: 5, count: 1}); assertEqual("You have 1 new message (5 unread)", actual); actual = I18n.translate("unread", {unread: 2, count: 10}); assertEqual("You have 10 new messages (2 unread)", actual); actual = I18n.translate("unread", {unread: 5, count: 0}); assertEqual("You have no new messages (5 unread)", actual); }}, // Missing translation with count option testMissingTranslationWithCountOption: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate("invalid", {count: 1}); assertEqual('[missing "en.invalid" translation]', actual); = null; actual = I18n.translate("inbox", {count: 1}); assertEqual('[missing "" translation]', actual); }}, // Pluralization testPluralization: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("You have 1 message", I18n.pluralize(1, "inbox")); assertEqual("You have 5 messages", I18n.pluralize(5, "inbox")); assertEqual("You have no messages", I18n.pluralize(0, "inbox")); }}, // Pluralize should return "other" scope testPlurationShouldReturnOtherScope: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations["en"]["inbox"]["zero"] = null; assertEqual("You have 0 messages", I18n.pluralize(0, "inbox")); }}, // Pluralize should return "zero" scope testPlurationShouldReturnZeroScope: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations["en"]["inbox"]["zero"] = "No messages (zero)"; I18n.translations["en"]["inbox"]["none"] = "No messages (none)"; assertEqual("No messages (zero)", I18n.pluralize(0, "inbox")); }}, // Pluralize should return "none" scope testPlurationShouldReturnNoneScope: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations["en"]["inbox"]["zero"] = null; I18n.translations["en"]["inbox"]["none"] = "No messages (none)"; assertEqual("No messages (none)", I18n.pluralize(0, "inbox")); }}, // Pluralize with negative values testPluralizeWithNegativeValues: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("You have -1 message", I18n.pluralize(-1, "inbox")); assertEqual("You have -5 messages", I18n.pluralize(-5, "inbox")); }}, // Pluralize with multiple placeholders testPluralizeWithMultiplePlaceholders: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.pluralize(1, "unread", {unread: 5}); assertEqual("You have 1 new message (5 unread)", actual); actual = I18n.pluralize(10, "unread", {unread: 2}); assertEqual("You have 10 new messages (2 unread)", actual); actual = I18n.pluralize(0, "unread", {unread: 5}); assertEqual("You have no new messages (5 unread)", actual); }}, // Numbers with default settings testNumbersWithDefaultSettings: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("1.000", I18n.toNumber(1)); assertEqual("12.000", I18n.toNumber(12)); assertEqual("123.000", I18n.toNumber(123)); assertEqual("1,234.000", I18n.toNumber(1234)); assertEqual("123,456.000", I18n.toNumber(123456)); assertEqual("1,234,567.000", I18n.toNumber(1234567)); assertEqual("12,345,678.000", I18n.toNumber(12345678)); }}, // Numbers with partial translation and default options testNumbersWithPartialTranslationAndDefaultOptions: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations.en.number = { format: { precision: 2 } } assertEqual("1,234.00", I18n.toNumber(1234)); }}, // Numbers with full translation and default options testNumbersWithFullTranslationAndDefaultOptions: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations.en.number = { format: { delimiter: ".", separator: ",", precision: 2 } } assertEqual("1.234,00", I18n.toNumber(1234)); }}, // Numbers with some custom options that should be merged with default options testNumbersWithSomeCustomOptionsThatShouldBeMergedWithDefaultOptions: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("1,234", I18n.toNumber(1234, {precision: 0})); assertEqual("1,234-000", I18n.toNumber(1234, {separator: "-"})); assertEqual("1-234.000", I18n.toNumber(1234, {delimiter: "-"})); }}, // Numbers considering options testNumbersConsideringOptions: function() { with(this) { options = { precision: 2, separator: ",", delimiter: "." }; assertEqual("1,00", I18n.toNumber(1, options)); assertEqual("12,00", I18n.toNumber(12, options)); assertEqual("123,00", I18n.toNumber(123, options)); assertEqual("1.234,00", I18n.toNumber(1234, options)); assertEqual("123.456,00", I18n.toNumber(123456, options)); assertEqual("1.234.567,00", I18n.toNumber(1234567, options)); assertEqual("12.345.678,00", I18n.toNumber(12345678, options)); }}, // Numbers with different precisions testNumbersWithDifferentPrecisions: function() { with(this) { options = {separator: ".", delimiter: ","}; options["precision"] = 2; assertEqual("1.98", I18n.toNumber(1.98, options)); options["precision"] = 3; assertEqual("1.980", I18n.toNumber(1.98, options)); options["precision"] = 2; assertEqual("1.99", I18n.toNumber(1.987, options)); options["precision"] = 1; assertEqual("2.0", I18n.toNumber(1.98, options)); options["precision"] = 0; assertEqual("2", I18n.toNumber(1.98, options)); }}, // Currency with default settings testCurrencyWithDefaultSettings: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("$100.99", I18n.toCurrency(100.99)); assertEqual("$1,000.99", I18n.toCurrency(1000.99)); }}, // Current with custom settings testCurrencyWithCustomSettings: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations.en.number = { currency: { format: { format: "%n %u", unit: "USD", delimiter: ".", separator: ",", precision: 2 } } }; assertEqual("12,00 USD", I18n.toCurrency(12)); assertEqual("123,00 USD", I18n.toCurrency(123)); assertEqual("1.234,56 USD", I18n.toCurrency(1234.56)); }}, // Currency with custom settings and partial overriding testCurrencyWithCustomSettingsAndPartialOverriding: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations.en.number = { currency: { format: { format: "%n %u", unit: "USD", delimiter: ".", separator: ",", precision: 2 } } }; assertEqual("12 USD", I18n.toCurrency(12, {precision: 0})); assertEqual("123,00 bucks", I18n.toCurrency(123, {unit: "bucks"})); }}, // Currency with some custom options that should be merged with default options testCurrencyWithSomeCustomOptionsThatShouldBeMergedWithDefaultOptions: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("$1,234", I18n.toCurrency(1234, {precision: 0})); assertEqual("º1,234.00", I18n.toCurrency(1234, {unit: "º"})); assertEqual("$1,234-00", I18n.toCurrency(1234, {separator: "-"})); assertEqual("$1-234.00", I18n.toCurrency(1234, {delimiter: "-"})); assertEqual("$ 1,234.00", I18n.toCurrency(1234, {format: "%u %n"})); }}, // Localize numbers testLocalizeNumbers: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("1,234,567.000", I18n.localize("number", 1234567)); }}, // Localize currency testLocalizeCurrency: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("$1,234,567.00", I18n.localize("currency", 1234567)); }}, // Parse date testParseDate: function() { with(this) { expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24").toString()); expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 15, 0); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24 00:15:00").toString()); expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 0, 15); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24 00:00:15").toString()); expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 15, 33, 44); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24 15:33:44").toString()); expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate(expected.getTime()).toString()); expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate("01/24/2009").toString()); expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 14, 33, 55); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate(expected).toString()); expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 15, 33, 44); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24T15:33:44").toString()); expected = new Date(Date.UTC(2009, 0, 24, 15, 33, 44)); assertEqual(expected.toString(), I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24T15:33:44Z").toString()); }}, // Date formatting testDateFormatting: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; // 2009-04-26 19:35:44 (Sunday) var date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 19, 35, 44); // short week day assertEqual("Dom", I18n.strftime(date, "%a")); // full week day assertEqual("Domingo", I18n.strftime(date, "%A")); // short month assertEqual("Abr", I18n.strftime(date, "%b")); // full month assertEqual("Abril", I18n.strftime(date, "%B")); // day assertEqual("26", I18n.strftime(date, "%d")); // 24-hour assertEqual("19", I18n.strftime(date, "%H")); // 12-hour assertEqual("07", I18n.strftime(date, "%I")); // month assertEqual("04", I18n.strftime(date, "%m")); // minutes assertEqual("35", I18n.strftime(date, "%M")); // meridian assertEqual("PM", I18n.strftime(date, "%p")); // seconds assertEqual("44", I18n.strftime(date, "%S")); // week day assertEqual("0", I18n.strftime(date, "%w")); // short year assertEqual("09", I18n.strftime(date, "%y")); // full year assertEqual("2009", I18n.strftime(date, "%Y")); }}, // Date formatting without padding testDateFormattingWithoutPadding: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; // 2009-04-26 19:35:44 (Sunday) var date = new Date(2009, 3, 9, 7, 8, 9); // 24-hour without padding assertEqual("7", I18n.strftime(date, "%-H")); // 12-hour without padding assertEqual("7", I18n.strftime(date, "%-I")); // minutes without padding assertEqual("8", I18n.strftime(date, "%-M")); // seconds without padding assertEqual("9", I18n.strftime(date, "%-S")); // short year without padding assertEqual("9", I18n.strftime(date, "%-y")); // month without padding assertEqual("4", I18n.strftime(date, "%-m")); // day without padding assertEqual("9", I18n.strftime(date, "%-d")); }}, // Date formatting with padding testDateFormattingWithPadding: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; // 2009-04-26 19:35:44 (Sunday) var date = new Date(2009, 3, 9, 7, 8, 9); // 24-hour assertEqual("07", I18n.strftime(date, "%H")); // 12-hour assertEqual("07", I18n.strftime(date, "%I")); // minutes assertEqual("08", I18n.strftime(date, "%M")); // seconds assertEqual("09", I18n.strftime(date, "%S")); // short year assertEqual("09", I18n.strftime(date, "%y")); // month assertEqual("04", I18n.strftime(date, "%m")); // day assertEqual("09", I18n.strftime(date, "%d")); }}, // Date formatting with negative Timezone testDateFormattingWithNegativeTimezone: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; var date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 19, 35, 44); date.getTimezoneOffset = function() { return 345; }; assertMatch(/^(\+|-)[\d]{4}$/, I18n.strftime(date, "%z")); assertEqual("-0545", I18n.strftime(date, "%z")); }}, // Date formatting with positive Timezone testDateFormattingWithPositiveTimezone: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; var date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 19, 35, 44); date.getTimezoneOffset = function() { return -345; }; assertMatch(/^(\+|-)[\d]{4}$/, I18n.strftime(date, "%z")); assertEqual("+0545", I18n.strftime(date, "%z")); }}, // Localize date strings testLocalizeDateStrings: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; assertEqual("29/11/2009", I18n.localize("date.formats.default", "2009-11-29")); assertEqual("07 de Janeiro", I18n.localize("date.formats.short", "2009-01-07")); assertEqual("07 de Janeiro de 2009", I18n.localize("date.formats.long", "2009-01-07")); }}, // Localize time strings testLocalizeTimeStrings: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; assertEqual("Domingo, 29 de Novembro de 2009, 15:07 h", I18n.localize("time.formats.default", "2009-11-29 15:07:59")); assertEqual("07/01, 09:12 h", I18n.localize("time.formats.short", "2009-01-07 09:12:35")); assertEqual("Domingo, 29 de Novembro de 2009, 15:07 h", I18n.localize("time.formats.long", "2009-11-29 15:07:59")); }}, // Localize percentage testLocalizePercentage: function() { with(this) { I18n.locale = "pt"; assertEqual("123,45%", I18n.localize("percentage", 123.45)); }}, // Default value for simple translation testDefaultValueForSimpleTranslation: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate("warning", {defaultValue: "Warning!"}); assertEqual("Warning!", actual); }}, // Default value with interpolation testDefaultValueWithInterpolation: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate("alert", {defaultValue: "Attention! {{message}}", message: "You're out of quota!"}); assertEqual("Attention! You're out of quota!", actual); }}, // Default value should not be used when scope exist testDefaultValueShouldNotBeUsedWhenScopeExist: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate("hello", {defaultValue: "What's up?"}); assertEqual("Hello World!", actual); }}, // Default value for pluralize testDefaultValueForPluralize: function() { with(this) { options = {defaultValue: { none: "No things here!", one: "There is {{count}} thing here!", other: "There are {{count}} things here!" }}; assertEqual("No things here!", I18n.pluralize(0, "things", options)); assertEqual("There is 1 thing here!", I18n.pluralize(1, "things", options)); assertEqual("There are 5 things here!", I18n.pluralize(5, "things", options)); }}, // Default value for pluralize should not be used when scope exist testDefaultValueForPluralizeShouldNotBeUsedWhenScopeExist: function() { with(this) { options = {defaultValue: { none: "No things here!", one: "There is {{count}} thing here!", other: "There are {{count}} things here!" }}; assertEqual("You have no messages", I18n.pluralize(0, "inbox", options)); assertEqual("You have 1 message", I18n.pluralize(1, "inbox", options)); assertEqual("You have 5 messages", I18n.pluralize(5, "inbox", options)); }}, // Prepare options testPrepareOptions: function() { with(this) { options = I18n.prepareOptions( {name: "Mary Doe"}, {name: "John Doe", role: "user"} ); assertEqual("Mary Doe", options["name"]); assertEqual("user", options["role"]); }}, // Prepare options with multiple options testPrepareOptionsWithMultipleOptions: function() { with(this) { options = I18n.prepareOptions( {name: "Mary Doe"}, {name: "John Doe", role: "user"}, {age: 33}, {email: "", url: ""}, {role: "admin", email: ""} ); assertEqual("Mary Doe", options["name"]); assertEqual("user", options["role"]); assertEqual(33, options["age"]); assertEqual("", options["email"]); assertEqual("", options["url"]); }}, // Prepare options should return an empty hash when values are null testPrepareOptionsShouldReturnAnEmptyHashWhenValuesAreNull: function() { with(this) { assertNotNullOrUndefined(I18n.prepareOptions(null, null)); }}, // Percentage with defaults testPercentageWithDefaults: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("1234.000%", I18n.toPercentage(1234)); }}, // Percentage with custom options testPercentageWithCustomOptions: function() { with(this) { assertEqual("1_234%", I18n.toPercentage(1234, {delimiter: "_", precision: 0})); }}, // Percentage with translation testPercentageWithTranslation: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations.en.number = { percentage: { format: { precision: 2, delimiter: ".", separator: "," } } } assertEqual("1.234,00%", I18n.toPercentage(1234)); }}, // Percentage with translation and custom options testPercentageWithTranslationAndCustomOptions: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations.en.number = { percentage: { format: { precision: 2, delimiter: ".", separator: "," } } } assertEqual("1-234+0000%", I18n.toPercentage(1234, {precision: 4, delimiter: "-", separator: "+"})); }}, // Scope option as string testScopeOptionAsString: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate("stranger", {scope: "greetings"}); assertEqual("Hello stranger!", actual); }}, // Scope as array testScopeAsArray: function() { with(this) { actual = I18n.translate(["greetings", "stranger"]); assertEqual("Hello stranger!", actual); }}, // New placeholder syntax testNewPlaceholderSyntax: function() { with(this) { I18n.translations["en"]["new_syntax"] = "Hi %{name}!"; actual = I18n.translate("new_syntax", {name: "John"}); assertEqual("Hi John!", actual); }} });