require 'awestruct/util/inflector' require 'awestruct/util/default_inflections' require 'awestruct/config' require 'awestruct/compass/default_configuration' require 'awestruct/site' require 'awestruct/pipeline' require 'awestruct/page' require 'awestruct/page_loader' require 'awestruct/extensions/pipeline' require 'fileutils' require 'set' require 'compass' class OpenStruct def inspect "OpenStruct{...}" end end module Awestruct class Engine attr_reader :site attr_reader :pipeline attr_reader :config def self.instance @instance end def self.instance=(engine) @instance = engine end def initialize( Engine.instance = self @site = self, config) @pipeline = @site_page_loader = @site ) @layout_page_loader = @site, :layouts ) @config = config end def config site.config end def run(profile, base_url, default_base_url, force=false) $LOG.debug 'adjust_load_path' if $LOG.debug? adjust_load_path $LOG.debug 'load_default_site_yaml' if $LOG.debug? load_default_site_yaml( profile ) $LOG.debug 'load_user_site_yaml -- profile' if $LOG.debug? load_user_site_yaml( profile ) $LOG.debug 'set_base_url' if $LOG.debug? set_base_url( base_url, default_base_url ) $LOG.debug 'load_yamls' if $LOG.debug? load_yamls $LOG.debug 'load_pipeline' if $LOG.debug? load_pipeline $LOG.debug 'load_pages' if $LOG.debug? load_pages $LOG.debug 'execute_pipeline' if $LOG.debug? execute_pipeline $LOG.debug 'configure_compass' if $LOG.debug? configure_compass $LOG.debug 'set_urls' if $LOG.debug? set_urls( site.pages ) $LOG.debug 'build_page_index' if $LOG.debug? build_page_index $LOG.debug 'generate_output' if $LOG.debug? generate_output end def build_page_index site.pages_by_relative_source_path = {} site.pages.each do |p| if ( p.relative_source_path ) site.pages_by_relative_source_path[ p.relative_source_path ] = p end end site.layouts.each do |p| if ( p.relative_source_path ) site.pages_by_relative_source_path[ p.relative_source_path ] = p end end end def set_base_url(base_url, default_base_url) if ( base_url ) site.base_url = base_url end if ( site.base_url.nil? ) site.base_url = default_base_url end if ( site.base_url ) if ( site.base_url =~ /^(.*)\/$/ ) site.base_url = $1 end end end def load_default_site_yaml(profile = nil) default_site_yaml_path = File.join( File.dirname( __FILE__ ), 'config', 'default-site.yml' ) load_site_yaml( default_site_yaml_path, profile ) end def load_user_site_yaml(profile = nil) site_yaml_path = File.join( site.config.config_dir, 'site.yml' ) load_site_yaml( site_yaml_path, profile ) end def load_yamls Dir[ File.join( site.config.config_dir, '*.yml' ) ].each do |yaml_path| load_yaml( yaml_path ) unless ( File.basename( yaml_path ) == 'site.yml' ) end end def load_site_yaml(yaml_path, profile = nil) if ( File.exist?( yaml_path ) ) data = YAML.load( yaml_path, :encoding => 'bom|utf-8' ) ) if ( profile ) # JP: Interpolation now turned off by default, turn it per page if needed site.interpolate = false profile_data = {} data.each do |k,v| if ( ( k == 'profiles' ) && ( ! profile.nil? ) ) profile_data = ( v[profile] || {} ) else site.send( "#{k}=", merge_data( site.send( "#{k}" ), v ) ) end end if data site.profile = profile profile_data.each do |k,v| site.send( "#{k}=", merge_data( site.send( "#{k}" ), v ) ) end else data.each do |k,v| site.send( "#{k}=", v ) end if data end end end def load_yaml(yaml_path) data = YAML.load( yaml_path ) ) name = File.basename( yaml_path, '.yml' ) site.send( "#{name}=", massage_yaml( data ) ) end def merge_data(existing, new) if existing.kind_of? Hash result = existing.inject({}) do |merged, (k,v)| if new.has_key? k if v.kind_of? Hash merged[k] = merge_data(v, new.delete(k)) else merged[k] = new.delete(k) end else merged[k] = v end merged end result.merge new else new end end def massage_yaml(obj) result = obj case ( obj ) when Hash result = {} obj.each do |k,v| result[k] = massage_yaml(v) end result = result ).cascade_for_nils! when Array result = [] obj.each do |v| result << massage_yaml(v) end end result end def adjust_load_path ext_dir = File.join( site.config.extension_dir ) if ( $LOAD_PATH.index( ext_dir ).nil? ) $LOAD_PATH << ext_dir end end def set_urls(pages) pages.each do |page| $LOG.debug "relative_source_path #{page.relative_source_path}" if $LOG.debug? page_path = page.output_path if ( page_path =~ /^\// ) page.url = page_path else page.url = "/#{page_path}" end if ( page.url =~ /^(.*\/)index.html$/ ) page.url = $1 end end end def load_pipeline ext_dir = File.join( site.config.extension_dir ) pipeline_file = File.join( ext_dir, 'pipeline.rb' ) if ( File.exists?( pipeline_file ) ) p = eval( pipeline_file ), nil, pipeline_file, 1) p.extensions.each do |e| pipeline.extension( e ) end p.helpers.each do |h| pipeline.helper( h ) end p.transformers.each do |t| pipeline.transformer( t ) end end end def execute_pipeline FileUtils.mkdir_p( site.config.output_dir ) FileUtils.mkdir_p( site.config.tmp_dir ) pipeline.execute( site ) end def configure_compass site.images_dir = File.join( site.config.dir, 'images' ) site.fonts_dir = File.join( site.config.dir, 'fonts' ) site.stylesheets_dir = File.join( site.config.dir, 'stylesheets' ) site.javascripts_dir = File.join( site.config.dir, 'javascripts' ) default_config = compass_config_file = File.join(site.config.config_dir, 'compass.rb') if (File.exists? compass_config_file) default_config.inherit_from! ::Compass::Configuration::FileData.new_from_file(compass_config_file) end ::Compass.add_configuration default_config # TODO: Should we add an on_stylesheet_error block? end def load_pages $LOG.debug "layout_page_loader.load_all :post" if $LOG.debug? @layout_page_loader.load_all( :post ) $LOG.debug "site_page_loader.load_all :inline" if $LOG.debug? @site_page_loader.load_all( :inline ) end def generate_output FileUtils.mkdir_p( site.config.output_dir ) @site.pages.each do |page| generated_path = File.join( site.config.output_dir, page.output_path ) if ( page.stale_output?( generated_path ) ) generate_page( page, generated_path ) else generate_page( page, generated_path, false ) end end end def generate_page(page, generated_path, produce_output=true) if ( produce_output ) $ "Generating: #{generated_path}" if $ && !config.quiet FileUtils.mkdir_p( File.dirname( generated_path ) ) c = page.rendered_content c = site.engine.pipeline.apply_transformers( site, page, c ) generated_path, 'wb' ) do |file| file << c end elsif ( site.config.track_dependencies ) if page.dependencies.load! $LOG.debug "Cached: #{generated_path}" if $LOG.debug? else $LOG.debug "Analyzing: #{generated_path}" if $LOG.debug? page.rendered_content end end end # path - relative to output dir def page_by_output_path(path) if (path.include? '_layout') site.layouts.find { |p| p.source_path.to_s == path } elsif (path.include? '_partial') site.partials.find { |p| p.source_path.to_s == path } else site.pages.find { |p| p.source_path.to_s == path } end end def generate_page_and_dependencies(page) if page.nil? return end if !page.output_path.nil? && !page.is_partial? && !page.__is_layout generate_page_internal(page) end pages = [ page ] pages.each do |p| if $LOG.debug? $LOG.debug "--------------------" $LOG.debug "Page: #{p.output_path} #{p.relative_source_path} #{p.__is_layout ? 'Layout':''}" $LOG.debug "Detected change in content (#{p.dependencies.content_hash})" if p.dependencies.has_changed_content $LOG.debug "!! Detected change in front matter. To fully reflect the change you'll need to restart Awestruct (#{p.dependencies.key_hash})" if p.dependencies.has_changed_keys $LOG.debug "No changes detected" unless p.dependencies.has_changed_content or p.dependencies.has_changed_keys $LOG.debug "Dependencies Matrix: (non unique source path)" $LOG.debug "\t Outgoing dependencies:" $LOG.debug "\t\t Content -> #{p.dependencies.dependencies.size}" $LOG.debug "\t\t Key -> #{p.dependencies.key_dependencies.size}" $LOG.debug "\t Incoming dependencies:" $LOG.debug "\t\t Content <- #{p.dependencies.dependents.size}" $LOG.debug "\t\t Key <- #{p.dependencies.key_dependents.size}" $LOG.debug "--------------------" end end regen_pages = if page.dependencies.has_changed_content || page.__is_layout || page.is_partial? regen_pages += page.dependencies.dependents end regen_pages = regen_pages.sort do |x, y| xf = "#{@site.dir}#{x.relative_source_path}" yf = "#{@site.dir}#{y.relative_source_path}" xt = 0 yt = 0 xt = File.mtime(xf).to_i if File.exist? xf yt = File.mtime(yf).to_i if File.exist? yf yt <=> xt end $LOG.debug "Starting regeneration of content dependent pages:" if regen_pages.size > 0 && $LOG.debug? old_site_pages = site.pages site.pages = regen_pages @pipeline = load_yamls load_pipeline execute_pipeline @site.pages = old_site_pages regen_pages.each do |p| puts "Regenerating page #{p.output_path}" generate_page_internal(p) pages << p end pages end def generate_page_internal(p) unless ( p.output_path.nil? || p.__is_layout ) generated_path = File.join( site.config.output_dir, p.output_path ) generate_page( p, generated_path ) end end #### ## compat with awestruct 0.2.x #### def load_page(path, options={}) page = @site_page_loader.load_page( path ) if ( options[:relative_path] ) fixed_relative_path = ( options[:relative_path].nil? ? nil : File.join( '', options[:relative_path] ) ) page.relative_path = fixed_relative_path end page end def load_site_page(relative_path) load_page( File.join( site.config.dir, relative_path ) ) end def find_and_load_site_page(simple_path) path_glob = File.join( site.config.input_dir, simple_path + '.*' ) candidates = Dir[ path_glob ] return nil if candidates.empty? throw "too many choices for #{simple_path}" ) if candidates.size != 1 dir_pathname = site.config.dir ) path_name = candidates[0] ) relative_path = path_name.relative_path_from( dir_pathname ).to_s load_page( candidates[0] ) end def create_context(page, content='') page.create_context( content ) end end end