Feature: Config Electric Eye In order to record cameras I want to easily setup cameras and other variables So we can just start and stop the recordings Scenario: Add camera When I successfully run `electric_eye -a Reception rtsp://user:passwd@` Then the exit status should be 0 And we should have a directory called "~/.electric_eye" And we should have a file called "~/.electric_eye/config.yml" And within the file "~/.electric_eye/config.yml" we should have the camera "Reception" And the stdout should contain "Camera added" Scenario: Remove camera Given I have a camera called "Reception" When I successfully run `electric_eye -r Reception` Then the exit status should be 0 And within the file "~/.electric_eye/config.yml" we should no cameras And the stdout should contain "Camera removed" Scenario: List cameras Given I have a camera called "Reception" When I successfully run `electric_eye -l` Then the exit status should be 0 And within the file "~/.electric_eye/config.yml" we should have the camera "Reception" And the stdout should contain "Cameras" And the stdout should contain "Reception" Scenario: Set duration When I successfully run `electric_eye -d 10` Then the exit status should be 0 And within the file "~/.electric_eye/config.yml" we should have the duration "10" And the stdout should contain "Duration set to 10 seconds" Scenario: Set path When I successfully run `electric_eye -p '/data/recordings'` Then the exit status should be 0 And within the file "~/.electric_eye/config.yml" we should have the path "/data/recordings" And the stdout should contain "Path set to /data/recordings"