/* * File: ms_thread.c * Author: Mingqiang Zhuang * * Created on February 10, 2009 * * (c) Copyright 2009, Schooner Information Technology, Inc. * http://www.schoonerinfotech.com/ * */ #include "config.h" #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include <sys/time.h> # include <time.h> #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include <sys/time.h> # else # include <time.h> # endif #endif #include "ms_thread.h" #include "ms_setting.h" #include "ms_atomic.h" /* global variable */ pthread_key_t ms_thread_key; /* array of thread context structure, each thread has a thread context structure */ static ms_thread_ctx_t *ms_thread_ctx; /* functions */ static void ms_set_current_time(void); static void ms_check_sock_timeout(void); static void ms_clock_handler(const int fd, const short which, void *arg); static uint32_t ms_set_thread_cpu_affinity(uint32_t cpu); static int ms_setup_thread(ms_thread_ctx_t *thread_ctx); static void *ms_worker_libevent(void *arg); static void ms_create_worker(void *(*func)(void *), void *arg); /** * time-sensitive callers can call it by hand with this, * outside the normal ever-1-second timer */ static void ms_set_current_time() { struct timeval timer; ms_thread_t *ms_thread= pthread_getspecific(ms_thread_key); gettimeofday(&timer, NULL); ms_thread->curr_time= (rel_time_t)timer.tv_sec; } /* ms_set_current_time */ /** * used to check whether UDP of command are waiting timeout * by the ever-1-second timer */ static void ms_check_sock_timeout(void) { ms_thread_t *ms_thread= pthread_getspecific(ms_thread_key); ms_conn_t *c= NULL; int time_diff= 0; for (uint32_t i= 0; i < ms_thread->thread_ctx->nconns; i++) { c= &ms_thread->conn[i]; if (c->udp) { time_diff= (int)(ms_thread->curr_time - (rel_time_t)c->start_time.tv_sec); /* wait time out */ if (time_diff > SOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT) { /* calculate dropped packets count */ if (c->recvpkt > 0) { atomic_add_size(&ms_stats.pkt_drop, c->packets - c->recvpkt); } atomic_add_size(&ms_stats.udp_timeout, 1); ms_reset_conn(c, true); } } } } /* ms_check_sock_timeout */ /* if disconnect, the ever-1-second timer will call this function to reconnect */ static void ms_reconn_thread_socks(void) { ms_thread_t *ms_thread= pthread_getspecific(ms_thread_key); for (uint32_t i= 0; i < ms_thread->thread_ctx->nconns; i++) { ms_reconn_socks(&ms_thread->conn[i]); } } /* ms_reconn_thread_socks */ /** * the handler of the ever-1-second timer * * @param fd, the descriptors of the socket * @param which, event flags * @param arg, argument */ static void ms_clock_handler(const int fd, const short which, void *arg) { ms_thread_t *ms_thread= pthread_getspecific(ms_thread_key); struct timeval t= { .tv_sec= 1, .tv_usec= 0 }; UNUSED_ARGUMENT(fd); UNUSED_ARGUMENT(which); UNUSED_ARGUMENT(arg); ms_set_current_time(); if (ms_thread->initialized) { /* only delete the event if it's actually there. */ evtimer_del(&ms_thread->clock_event); ms_check_sock_timeout(); } else { ms_thread->initialized= true; } ms_reconn_thread_socks(); evtimer_set(&ms_thread->clock_event, ms_clock_handler, 0); event_base_set(ms_thread->base, &ms_thread->clock_event); evtimer_add(&ms_thread->clock_event, &t); } /* ms_clock_handler */ /** * used to bind thread to CPU if the system supports * * @param cpu, cpu index * * @return if success, return EXIT_SUCCESS, else return -1 */ static uint32_t ms_set_thread_cpu_affinity(uint32_t cpu) { uint32_t ret= 0; #ifdef HAVE_CPU_SET_T cpu_set_t cpu_set; CPU_ZERO(&cpu_set); CPU_SET(cpu, &cpu_set); if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpu_set) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Could not set CPU Affinity, continuing...\n"); ret= 1; } #else UNUSED_ARGUMENT(cpu); #endif return ret; } /* ms_set_thread_cpu_affinity */ /** * Set up a thread's information. * * @param thread_ctx, pointer of the thread context structure * * @return if success, return EXIT_SUCCESS, else return -1 */ static int ms_setup_thread(ms_thread_ctx_t *thread_ctx) { ms_thread_t *ms_thread= (ms_thread_t *)calloc(sizeof(*ms_thread), 1); pthread_setspecific(ms_thread_key, (void *)ms_thread); ms_thread->thread_ctx= thread_ctx; ms_thread->nactive_conn= thread_ctx->nconns; ms_thread->initialized= false; static volatile uint32_t cnt= 0; gettimeofday(&ms_thread->startup_time, NULL); ms_thread->base= event_init(); if (ms_thread->base == NULL) { if (atomic_add_32_nv(&cnt, 1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate event base.\n"); } return -1; } ms_thread->conn= (ms_conn_t *)malloc((size_t)thread_ctx->nconns * sizeof(ms_conn_t)); if (ms_thread->conn == NULL) { if (atomic_add_32_nv(&cnt, 1) == 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't allocate concurrency structure for thread descriptors."); } return -1; } memset(ms_thread->conn, 0, (size_t)thread_ctx->nconns * sizeof(ms_conn_t)); for (uint32_t i= 0; i < thread_ctx->nconns; i++) { ms_thread->conn[i].conn_idx= i; if (ms_setup_conn(&ms_thread->conn[i]) != 0) { /* only output this error once */ if (atomic_add_32_nv(&cnt, 1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Initializing connection failed.\n"); } return -1; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* ms_setup_thread */ /** * Worker thread: main event loop * * @param arg, the pointer of argument * * @return void* */ static void *ms_worker_libevent(void *arg) { ms_thread_t *ms_thread= NULL; ms_thread_ctx_t *thread_ctx= (ms_thread_ctx_t *)arg; /** * If system has more than one cpu and supports set cpu * affinity, try to bind each thread to a cpu core; */ if (ms_setting.ncpu > 1) { ms_set_thread_cpu_affinity(thread_ctx->thd_idx % ms_setting.ncpu); } if (ms_setup_thread(thread_ctx) != 0) { exit(1); } /* each thread with a timer */ ms_clock_handler(0, 0, 0); pthread_mutex_lock(&ms_global.init_lock.lock); ms_global.init_lock.count++; pthread_cond_signal(&ms_global.init_lock.cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ms_global.init_lock.lock); ms_thread= pthread_getspecific(ms_thread_key); event_base_loop(ms_thread->base, 0); return NULL; } /* ms_worker_libevent */ /** * Creates a worker thread. * * @param func, the callback function * @param arg, the argument to pass to the callback function */ static void ms_create_worker(void *(*func)(void *), void *arg) { pthread_t thread; pthread_attr_t attr; int ret; pthread_attr_init(&attr); if ((ret= pthread_create(&thread, &attr, func, arg)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create thread: %s.\n", strerror(ret)); exit(1); } } /* ms_create_worker */ /* initialize threads */ void ms_thread_init() { ms_thread_ctx= (ms_thread_ctx_t *)malloc( sizeof(ms_thread_ctx_t) * (size_t)ms_setting.nthreads); if (ms_thread_ctx == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate thread descriptors."); exit(1); } for (uint32_t i= 0; i < ms_setting.nthreads; i++) { ms_thread_ctx[i].thd_idx= i; ms_thread_ctx[i].nconns= ms_setting.nconns / ms_setting.nthreads; /** * If only one server, all the connections in all threads * connects the same server. For support multi-servers, simple * distribute thread to server. */ ms_thread_ctx[i].srv_idx= i % ms_setting.srv_cnt; ms_thread_ctx[i].tps_perconn= ms_setting.expected_tps / (int)ms_setting.nconns; ms_thread_ctx[i].exec_num_perconn= ms_setting.exec_num / ms_setting.nconns; } if (pthread_key_create(&ms_thread_key, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create pthread keys. Major malfunction!\n"); exit(1); } /* Create threads after we've done all the epoll setup. */ for (uint32_t i= 0; i < ms_setting.nthreads; i++) { ms_create_worker(ms_worker_libevent, (void *)&ms_thread_ctx[i]); } } /* ms_thread_init */ /* cleanup some resource of threads when all the threads exit */ void ms_thread_cleanup() { if (ms_thread_ctx != NULL) { free(ms_thread_ctx); } pthread_key_delete(ms_thread_key); } /* ms_thread_cleanup */